StRoot  1
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7 #ifndef STAR_StMaker
8 #define STAR_StMaker
10 #include <assert.h>
11 #include "Stypes.h"
12 #include "TDataSet.h"
13 #include "TDataSetIter.h"
14 #include "TObjectSet.h"
15 #include "TClass.h"
16 #include "TMath.h"
17 #include "TString.h"
18 #include "TDatime.h"
19 #include "TH1.h"
20 #include "TFile.h"
21 #include "StEvtHddr.h"
22 #ifndef ROOT_TClonesArray
23 #include "TClonesArray.h"
24 #endif
25 #include "TStopwatch.h"
26 #include "StMessMgr.h"
28 #ifndef __CINT__
30 typedef TDataSet::EDataSetPass EDataSetPass;
31 #endif
32 #endif
34 class TList;
35 class TBrowser;
36 class TChain;
37 class TTree;
38 class TTable;
39 class StMemStat;
40 class StEvtHddr;
41 class TAttr;
43 class StTurnLogger;
45 class StTestMaker;
46 class StChainOpt;
48 struct DbAlias_t {
49  const char *tag;
50  Int_t date;
51  Int_t time;
52  const char *geometry;
53  const char *comment;
54 };
57 class StMaker : public TDataSet{
59 public:
60  typedef enum {kNormal, kDebug} EDebugLevel;
61  enum {kSTAFCV_BAD, kSTAFCV_OK, kSTAFCV_ERR=2, kSTAFCV_FATAL=3} EModule_return_Status;
62  enum EMakerStatus {kInitBeg = 1, kInitEnd = 2,
63  kMakeBeg = 3, kCleaBeg = 4,
64  kFiniBeg = 5, kFiniEnd = 6,
65  kActive = 7};
66 protected:
68  TDataSet *m_DataSet;
69  TDataSet *m_ConstSet;
70  TDataSet *m_GarbSet;
71  TDataSet *m_Inputs;
74  TList *m_Histograms;
75  static StMaker *fgTopChain;
76  static StMaker *fgStChain;
78  static StTestMaker *fgTestMaker; //pointer to test maker called before each one
79  static Int_t fgTallyMaker[kStFatal+1];
81  Int_t m_Mode;
82  Int_t m_Number;
83  Int_t m_LastRun;
84  Int_t m_DebugLevel;
85  Int_t m_MakeReturn;
86  TStopwatch m_Timer;
89  Int_t fStatus;
90  mutable StMessMgr *fLogger; // This object logger instance
91  mutable StTurnLogger *fLoggerHold; // hold the pointer to the previous StMessMgr
92 protected:
93 // inline StMessMgr *GetLogger(){return fLogger;}
94  inline StMessMgr *GetLogger() const {return fLogger;}
95 public:
99  StMaker(const char *name="",const char *dummy=0);
100  virtual ~StMaker();
101  virtual Int_t IsChain() const {return 0;}
105  virtual void Clear(Option_t *option="");
106  virtual Int_t InitRun(Int_t runumber);
107  virtual Int_t Init();
108  virtual void StartMaker();
109  virtual Int_t Make();
110  virtual Int_t IMake(Int_t number){SetNumber(number);return Make();};
111  virtual void EndMaker (Int_t ierr);
112  virtual Int_t Finish();
113  virtual Int_t FinishRun(Int_t oldrunumber);
116  virtual void FatalErr(Int_t Ierr, const char *Com);
117  virtual void PrintInfo();
118  virtual void NotifyMe(const char */* about */,const void */* ptr */){}
119  virtual void AddMaker (StMaker *mk);
120 #if 0
121  virtual void MakeDoc(const TString &stardir="$(STAR)",const TString &outdir="$(STAR)/StRoot/html",Bool_t baseClasses=kTRUE);
122 #else
123  virtual void MakeDoc(const TString &/* stardir ="$(STAR)" */,const TString &/* outdir="$(STAR)/StRoot/html" */,Bool_t /* baseClasses=kTRUE */) {}
124 #endif
125  virtual void AddData (TDataSet *data,const char *dir=".data");
127  virtual TDataSet *AddObj (TObject *obj ,const char *dir, int owner=1);
128  virtual TDataSet *ToWhiteBoard(const char *name, void *dat);
129  virtual TDataSet *ToWhiteBoard(const char *name, void *dat, void *del);
130  virtual TDataSet *ToWhiteBoard(const char *name, TObject *dat, Int_t owner);
132  virtual TDataSet *ToWhiteConst(const char *name, TObject *dat);
133  virtual TDataSet *ToWhiteConst(const char *name, void *dat);
135 // called WhiteBoard(name,&ptr)
136  virtual TDataSet *WhiteBoard (const char *name, void *v=0) const;
137 //______________________________________________________________________________
138  virtual Int_t Skip(Int_t nskip); //Skip events
140  virtual void AddConst(TDataSet *data=0){AddData(data,".const");}
141  virtual void AddHist(TH1 *h,const char *dir=0);
142  virtual void AddGarb (TDataSet *data=0){AddData(data,".garb");};
143  virtual void AddRunco (TDataSet *data=0){AddData(data,".runco");};
144  virtual void AddRunco (Double_t par,const char *name,const char *comment);
145  void AddRunCont (TDataSet *data=0){AddRunco(data);}; //alias
146  virtual TList *GetHistList() const {return (TList*)GetDirObj(".hist");};
147  virtual TH1 *GetHist(const char *histName) const {TList *l=GetHistList(); return l?(TH1*)l->FindObject(histName):(TH1*)0;};
148  virtual StMaker *cd(){StMaker *ret = fgStChain; fgStChain=this; return ret;};
149  virtual StMaker *Cd(){return cd();};
150  static StMaker *New(const char *classname, const char *name="", void *title=0);
154  virtual Int_t GetNumber() const ;
155  virtual void SetNumber(Int_t number) ;
156  static StMaker *GetTopChain(){return fgTopChain;}
157  static StMaker *GetChain(){return fgStChain;}
158  static StMaker *GetFailedMaker(){return fgFailedMaker;}
159  virtual StMaker *GetParentChain() const;
160  virtual Int_t GetIventNumber() const ;
161  virtual void SetIventNumber(Int_t iv);
162  virtual Int_t GetEventNumber() const ;
163  virtual Int_t GetRunNumber() const ;
164  virtual const TDatime &GetDateTime() const;
165  virtual const TDatime &GetDBTime() const;
166  virtual void SetDateTime(Int_t idat,Int_t itim);//
167  virtual StEvtHddr *GetEvtHddr() const; //
168  virtual Int_t GetDate() const ;
169  virtual Int_t GetTime() const ;
170  virtual const char *GetEventType() const ;
173  // Get methods
174  virtual TDataSet *GetData(const char *name, const char *dir=".data") const;
175  virtual TDataSet *GetData() const {return m_DataSet ;}
176  virtual TDataSet *GetConst() const {return m_ConstSet;}
177  virtual TDataSet *GetDataSet (const char *logInput) const {return FindDataSet(logInput);}
178  virtual TDataSet * DataSet (const char *logInput) const
179  {return GetDataSet(logInput);};
180  virtual TDataSet *GetInputDS (const char *logInput) const
181  {return GetDataSet(logInput);};
183  virtual TDataSet *GetDataBase(const char *logInput,const TDatime *td=0);
184  virtual TDataSet *GetInputDB (const char *logInput)
185  {return GetDataBase(logInput);};
188  virtual Int_t GetDebug() const {return m_DebugLevel;}
189  virtual Int_t Debug() const {return GetDebug();};
190  virtual Int_t GetMakeReturn() const {return m_MakeReturn;}
191  virtual TList *Histograms() const {return GetHistList();}
192  virtual TString GetAlias (const char *log, const char *dir=".aliases") const ;
193  virtual TString GetInput (const char *log) const {return GetAlias(log);};
194  virtual TString GetOutput(const char *log) const {return GetAlias(log,".aliases");};
195  virtual TList *GetMakeList() const ;
196  virtual StMaker *GetParentMaker () const;
197  virtual StMaker *GetMaker (const char *mkname);
198  virtual StMaker *GetMakerInheritsFrom (const char *mktype) const;
199  virtual Bool_t IsActive() {return TestBIT(kActive);}
200  virtual StMaker *Maker (const char *mkname){return GetMaker (mkname);};
204  virtual void SetBIT(EMakerStatus k) {SETBIT(fStatus,k);}
205  virtual void ResetBIT(EMakerStatus k) {CLRBIT(fStatus,k);}
206  virtual Bool_t TestBIT(EMakerStatus k) {return TESTBIT(fStatus,k);}
208  virtual void SetActive(Bool_t k=kTRUE) {if(k) SetBIT(kActive); else ResetBIT(kActive);}
209  virtual void SetDebug(Int_t l=1); // *MENU*
210  virtual void SetDEBUG(Int_t l=1); // *MENU*
211  virtual void SetFlavor(const char *flav,const char *tabname); //Set DB Flavor
212  virtual void SetMakeReturn(Int_t ret){m_MakeReturn=ret;}
213  virtual void SetAlias(const char *log,const char *act,const char *dir=".aliases");
214  virtual void AddAlias(const char *log,const char *act,const char *dir=".aliases");
215  virtual void SetInput(const char *log,const char *act){SetAlias(log,act);};
216  virtual void SetOutput(const char *log,const char *act){SetAlias(log,act,".aliases");};
217  virtual void SetOutput(const char *log,TDataSet *ds);
218  virtual void SetOutput(TDataSet *ds){SetOutput(0,ds);};
219  virtual void SetOutputAll(TDataSet *ds,Int_t level=1);
220  virtual void SetMode(Int_t mode=0) {m_Mode=mode;} // *MENU*
221  virtual void SetNotify(const char *about,StMaker *mk);
222  virtual Int_t GetMode() { return m_Mode;}
223  virtual Int_t GetDebug(){ return m_DebugLevel;}
224  virtual const StChainOpt *GetChainOpt() const;
225  virtual TFile *GetTFile() const;
227  virtual void NotifyEm(const char *about,const void *ptr);
229  virtual Double_t RealTime(){ return m_Timer.RealTime();}
230  virtual Double_t CpuTime() { return m_Timer.CpuTime();}
231  virtual void StartTimer(Bool_t reset = kFALSE){m_Timer.Start(reset);}
232  virtual void StopTimer(){m_Timer.Stop();}
233  virtual void PrintTimer(Option_t *option="");
234  virtual void PrintTotalTime(){}
236  virtual const char *GetName() const;
239  static StMaker *GetMaker(const TDataSet *ds) ;
240  static EDataSetPass ClearDS (TDataSet* ds,void *user );
241  static const char *RetCodeAsString(Int_t kode);
242  static Int_t AliasDate(const char *alias);
243  static Int_t AliasTime(const char *alias);
244  static const char *AliasGeometry(const char *alias);
245  static const DbAlias_t *GetDbAliases();
246  static void SetTestMaker(StTestMaker *mk) {fgTestMaker=mk;}
248 TObject *GetDirObj(const char *dir) const;
249 void SetDirObj(TObject *obj,const char *dir);
250  virtual const char *GetCVS() const
251  {static const char cvs[]="Tag $Name: $ $Id: StMaker.h,v 1.101 2017/04/26 18:33:12 perev Exp $ built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ; return cvs;}
252 protected:
253  virtual TDataSet *FindDataSet (const char *logInput,
254  const StMaker *uppMk=0,
255  const StMaker *dowMk=0) const ;
257 public:
258 static Int_t Cleanup(TDataSet *&ds);
259 static void lsMakers(const StMaker *top);
261 private:
262  TAttr *m_Attr;
265 public:
266 Int_t SetAttr(const char *key,const char *val,const char *to=".");
267 Int_t SetAttr(const char *key,Int_t val,const char *to=".");
268 Int_t SetAttr(const char *key,UInt_t val,const char *to=".");
269 Int_t SetAttr(const char *key,Double_t val,const char *to=".");
270 Int_t SetAttr(const StMaker *mk);
271 Int_t RemAttr(const char *key, const char *to=".")
272  {return SetAttr(key,".remove",to);}
273 const TAttr *GetAttr() const {return m_Attr;}
274 Int_t IAttr(const char *key) const;
275 UInt_t UAttr(const char *key) const;
276 Double_t DAttr(const char *key) const;
277 const char *SAttr(const char *key) const;
278 void PrintAttr() const;
279  ClassDef(StMaker, 0) // base class to define one step of the recontsruction chain
280 };
283 {
284 public:
285  StMakerIter(const StMaker *mk, Int_t second = 0);
286  ~StMakerIter();
287  StMaker *NextMaker();
288  StMaker *GetMaker () const {return (StMaker *)fMaker;}
289 private:
290  Int_t fState;
291  Int_t fSecond;
292  const StMaker *fMaker;
293  StMakerIter *fMakerIter;
294  const TDataSet *fItWas;
295  TDataSetIter *fIter;
296 };
297 class StTestMaker : public StMaker {
298 public:
301  StTestMaker(const char *name="");
302 virtual ~StTestMaker(){};
303 virtual void SetNext(StMaker *mk);
304 virtual void Print(const char *opt="") const;
305 protected:
307  StMaker *fNext;
308  StMaker *fLast;
310 ClassDef(StTestMaker,0)
311 };
312 #endif
315 // $Id: StMaker.h,v 1.101 2017/04/26 18:33:12 perev Exp $
316 // $Log: StMaker.h,v $
317 // Revision 1.101 2017/04/26 18:33:12 perev
318 // Add GetData() to hide m_DataSet
319 //
320 // Revision 1.100 2014/08/06 11:42:55 jeromel
321 // Suffix on literals need to be space (later gcc compiler makes it an error) - first wave of fixes
322 //
323 // Revision 1.99 2012/06/09 22:46:52 fisyak
324 // Synchronize tag and geometry version for y2006h, thanks to Xianglei, bug #2374
325 //
326 // Revision 1.98 2011/06/20 15:13:51 fisyak
327 // Force to call Finish with SIGTERM signal obtained from condor_vacate_job after time limit reached
328 //
329 // Revision 1.97 2010/01/27 20:37:04 perev
330 // GetValidity removed. It is St_db_Maker::GetValidity() now
331 //
332 // Revision 1.96 2009/11/16 20:16:22 fine
333 // Make the TDatime const interfaces
334 //
335 // Revision 1.95 2009/11/16 19:52:46 fine
336 // Fix the signature of the StMaker::GetDate... methods
337 //
338 // Revision 1.94 2009/11/10 17:41:19 fine
339 // remove the compilation warning on SL5
340 //
341 // Revision 1.93 2009/10/13 18:56:50 perev
342 // WhiteBoard improve
343 //
344 // Revision 1.92 2009/04/28 22:45:43 perev
345 // WhiteBoard cleanup
346 //
347 // Revision 1.91 2009/03/17 20:03:36 perev
348 // Back to StMemSet version
349 //
350 // Revision 1.89 2009/01/26 14:33:30 fisyak
351 // rename TMemStat => StMemStat due clash with ROOT class
352 //
353 // Revision 1.88 2008/12/21 18:59:43 perev
354 // GetDBTim() added
355 //
356 // Revision 1.87 2008/06/03 22:33:15 fisyak
357 // Add geometries for y2005g, y2006g and y2007g; use ROOT convention for variable definitions
358 //
359 // Revision 1.86 2008/03/05 00:01:52 fisyak
360 // Move Skip method in base class
361 //
362 // Revision 1.85 2008/01/20 00:33:56 perev
363 // Copy attributes from maker to maker added
364 //
365 // Revision 1.84 2007/07/12 19:17:20 fisyak
366 // Add fTopChain - a pointer to TopChain (for embedding), add method GetMakerInheritsFrom
367 //
368 // Revision 1.83 2007/04/26 03:59:20 perev
369 // new WhiteBoard methods
370 //
371 // Revision 1.82 2007/04/17 05:07:48 perev
372 // GetTFile()==>StMaker. Jerome request
373 //
374 // Revision 1.81 2007/03/12 17:51:19 perev
375 // new signature of GetDataBase()
376 //
377 // Revision 1.80 2007/01/25 06:28:04 fine
378 // connect Logger and Maker debug levels
379 //
380 // Revision 1.79 2006/12/19 21:59:15 fine
381 // replace the class StMessMgr forward declaration with the real declaration and adjust St_TLA_Maker to show how to use logger
382 //
383 // Revision 1.78 2006/10/04 18:51:26 fisyak
384 // Add new geometry tags: upgr04 and upgr04, remove rference to xdf
385 //
386 // Revision 1.77 2005/12/18 23:17:43 perev
387 // uint attributes fix
388 //
389 // Revision 1.76 2005/12/07 18:54:12 perev
390 // PrintAttr() method added
391 //
392 // Revision 1.75 2005/11/22 21:37:04 fisyak
393 // add more Simu time stamps (reflecting new SVT), and clean up
394 //
395 // Revision 1.74 2005/10/06 18:55:45 fisyak
396 // Add all used simulation time stamps and geometries
397 //
398 // Revision 1.73 2005/08/29 21:42:21 fisyak
399 // switch from fBits to fStatus for StMaker control bits
400 //
401 // Revision 1.72 2005/01/26 23:02:48 perev
402 // private ==> protected
403 //
404 // Revision 1.71 2004/11/13 00:28:57 fine
405 // move the logger instantiation away of the ctor to be able to get the csubclass name
406 //
407 // Revision 1.70 2004/11/04 22:26:38 fine
408 // populate the package with save/restore the logger and edit some messages
409 //
410 // Revision 1.69 2004/11/03 01:30:29 fine
411 // remove the redundant logger macro. They have been moved to the abstarct messager
412 //
413 // Revision 1.68 2004/09/01 22:09:56 perev
414 // new methods SetAttr and IAttr,DAttr,SAttr added
415 //
416 // Revision 1.67 2004/07/23 17:06:18 perev
417 // AliasDate & AliasTime moved fro db maker to StMaker
418 //
419 // Revision 1.66 2004/04/26 00:07:19 perev
420 // RetCodeAsString(kode) added. String form of STAR return codes
421 //
422 // Revision 1.65 2004/04/15 16:05:29 fine
423 // Add extra data-mmeber and method for the coming STAR logger
424 //
425 // Revision 1.64 2004/04/15 00:21:17 perev
426 // SetDateTime(int,int) added
427 //
428 // Revision 1.63 2003/11/13 02:54:34 perev
429 // Safe destructor of TDataSet like object added
430 //
431 // Revision 1.62 2003/07/09 19:54:44 jeromel
432 // Added some Get methods
433 //
434 // Revision 1.61 2003/07/01 16:59:16 perev
435 // error codes for Maker added
436 //
437 // Revision 1.60 2003/05/01 16:41:05 jeromel
438 // Declaration works in new root but not in old. Transition solution added
439 //
440 // Revision 1.59 2003/04/30 20:36:24 perev
441 // Warnings cleanup. Modified lines marked VP
442 //
443 // Revision 1.58 2002/04/14 21:51:12 perev
444 // Obsolete StBroadcast
445 //
446 // Revision 1.57 2002/02/23 00:02:49 perev
447 // NotyfyMe added
448 //
449 // Revision 1.56 2002/02/02 23:31:14 jeromel
450 // doxygenized. Added some text for the Make() method.
451 //
452 // Revision 1.55 2001/11/18 00:58:07 perev
453 // Broadcast method added
454 //
455 // Revision 1.54 2001/10/13 20:23:45 perev
456 // SetFlavor working before and after Init()
457 //
458 // Revision 1.53 2001/08/14 16:42:48 perev
459 // InitRun call improved
460 //
461 // Revision 1.52 2001/06/01 02:47:31 perev
462 // Memory consumption measurement added
463 //
464 // Revision 1.51 2001/05/31 02:40:30 perev
465 // const(ing)
466 //
467 // Revision 1.50 2001/05/04 19:15:59 perev
468 // Fatal() -> FatalErr()
469 //
470 // Revision 1.49 2001/04/10 21:38:49 perev
471 // Maki(int) --> IMake(int)
472 //
473 // Revision 1.48 2000/07/04 02:36:01 perev
474 // AddMaker method added & gStChain removed
475 //
476 // Revision 1.47 2000/06/21 21:12:40 perev
477 // StMakerIter class added
478 //
479 // Revision 1.46 2000/05/20 01:11:07 perev
480 // IventNumber and BfcStatus added
481 //
482 // Revision 1.45 2000/04/13 02:53:35 perev
483 // StMaker::GetValidity added
484 //
485 // Revision 1.44 2000/04/03 23:46:49 perev
486 // Increased error check
487 //
488 // Revision 1.43 2000/03/23 00:15:22 fine
489 // Adjusted to libSTAR for ROOT 2.24
490 //
491 // Revision 1.42 2000/01/07 22:31:43 perev
492 // one more argument for SetOutputAll
493 //
494 // Revision 1.41 1999/12/06 01:57:30 fine
495 // Time statistic fixed
496 //
497 // Revision 1.39 1999/12/01 23:51:25 perev
498 // Alias AddRunco - AddRunCont
499 //
500 // Revision 1.38 1999/12/01 22:56:30 perev
501 // .runco directory & AddRunco method introduced
502 //
503 // Revision 1.37 1999/09/23 21:24:58 perev
504 // recovered debug level init(lost)
505 //
506 // Revision 1.36 1999/09/21 15:05:18 perev
507 // InitRun & FinishRun added
508 //
509 // Revision 1.35 1999/09/08 00:13:35 fisyak
510 // Add static *GetChain()
511 //
512 // Revision 1.34 1999/09/03 23:11:48 perev
513 // Add .runcont directory
514 //
515 // Revision 1.33 1999/09/02 22:27:12 fisyak
516 // Add SetDEBUG
517 //
518 // Revision 1.32 1999/08/13 01:12:25 fine
519 // StMaker::GetHist has been introduced
520 //
521 // Revision 1.31 1999/08/06 13:01:38 fisyak
522 // Add Active flag
523 //
524 // Revision 1.30 1999/07/29 01:05:23 fisyak
525 // move bfc to StBFChain
526 //
527 // Revision 1.29 1999/07/13 02:19:34 perev
528 // GetCVS,StEvtHddr,etc...
529 //
530 // Revision 1.28 1999/07/12 17:36:34 perev
531 // Spiros request to add error flags
532 //
533 // Revision 1.27 1999/07/12 02:27:10 perev
534 // GetCVS only
535 //
536 // Revision 1.26 1999/07/11 02:02:05 perev
537 // clash inside GetCVS resolved
538 //
539 // Revision 1.25 1999/07/11 01:59:04 perev
540 // add GetCVSTag again
541 //
542 // Revision 1.24 1999/07/09 22:00:22 perev
543 // GetCVS into StMaker
544 //
545 // Revision 1.23 1999/06/27 23:09:22 fisyak
546 // Add __DATE__ & __TIME__ to tag
547 //
548 // Revision 1.22 1999/05/23 04:05:03 fine
549 // The lost since 1.35 Wed Mar 10 20:23:58 timer functions have been re-introduced
550 //
551 // Revision 1.21 1999/05/10 15:37:52 perev
552 // Save of hisogramm in StMaker::Init
553 //
554 // Revision 1.20 1999/05/06 21:27:11 perev
555 // StMaker remove his from hdirectory
556 //
557 // Revision 1.19 1999/05/06 00:19:05 fine
558 // StMaker::MakeDoc method has been re-introduced for the 3d time
559 //
560 // Revision 1.18 1999/04/30 14:58:41 perev
561 // cd() added to StMaker class
562 //
563 // Revision 1.17 1999/03/20 20:57:35 perev
564 // add StEvtHddr.h and fix Get/SetNumber in maker
565 //
566 // Revision 1.16 1999/03/19 20:30:50 perev
567 // GetCVSTag introduced
568 //
569 // Revision 1.15 1999/03/11 01:23:59 perev
570 // new schema StChain
571 //
572 // Revision 1.10 1998/12/21 19:42:51 fisyak
573 // Move ROOT includes to non system
574 //
575 // Revision 1.9 1998/11/19 01:23:57 fine
576 // StChain::MakeDoc has been introduced, StChain::MakeDoc has been fixed (see macros/bfc_doc.C macro
577 //
578 // Revision 1.8 1998/11/18 22:46:10 fine
579 // The lost MakeDoc method has been re-introduced
580 //
581 // Revision 1.7 1998/10/06 18:00:27 perev
582 // cleanup
583 //
584 // Revision 1.5 1998/08/18 14:05:02 fisyak
585 // Add to bfc dst
586 //
587 // Revision 1.4 1998/07/20 15:08:09 fisyak
588 // Add tcl and tpt
589 //
static StMaker * fgFailedMaker
current pointer to StChain
Definition: StMaker.h:77
Int_t m_Mode
Definition: StMaker.h:81
StMessMgr * fLogger
Maker status.
Definition: StMaker.h:90
Int_t fTallyMaker[kStFatal+1]
Definition: StMaker.h:80
TDataSet * m_Ouputs
list of logInput:ActualInput
Definition: StMaker.h:72
virtual void AddData(TDataSet *data, const char *dir=".data")
User methods.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:332
Int_t fStatus
StMemStat for Clear.
Definition: StMaker.h:89
StTestMaker(const char *name="")
Constructor &amp; Destructor.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:1765
virtual Int_t GetNumber() const
STAR methods.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:256
static StTestMaker * fgTestMaker
current pointer to failed maker
Definition: StMaker.h:78
virtual void Clear(Option_t *option="")
User defined functions.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:634
Int_t m_Number
Integer mode of maker.
Definition: StMaker.h:82
TDataSet * m_Runco
list of logOuput:ActualOuput
Definition: StMaker.h:73
StMemStat * fMemStatMake
Timer object.
Definition: StMaker.h:87
Int_t m_DebugLevel
Last Run number.
Definition: StMaker.h:84
Int_t m_MakeReturn
Debug level.
Definition: StMaker.h:85
Definition: TAttr.h:17
virtual void SetBIT(EMakerStatus k)
Maker Status Bits.
Definition: StMaker.h:204
virtual Int_t Make()
Definition: StMaker.cxx:898
static StMaker * fgTopChain
list of Histograms
Definition: StMaker.h:75
static StMaker * fgStChain
pointer to top StChain
Definition: StMaker.h:76
TStopwatch m_Timer
Make() return flag.
Definition: StMaker.h:86
StMaker(const char *name="", const char *dummy=0)
Constructor &amp; Destructor.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:188
StMemStat * fMemStatClear
StMemStat for Make.
Definition: StMaker.h:88
virtual const char * GetName() const
special overload
Definition: StMaker.cxx:237
virtual Int_t GetRunNumber() const
Returns the current RunNumber.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:1054
static EDataSetPass ClearDS(TDataSet *ds, void *user)
Definition: StMaker.cxx:993
Definition: TTable.h:48
virtual Int_t Finish()
Definition: StMaker.cxx:776
virtual Int_t GetIventNumber() const
Returns the current event number.
Definition: StMaker.cxx:1033
Int_t m_LastRun
Serial event number.
Definition: StMaker.h:83
virtual void SetActive(Bool_t k=kTRUE)
Setters for flags and switches.
Definition: StMaker.h:208
TList * m_Histograms
Run Control parameters.
Definition: StMaker.h:74
virtual void PrintTimer(Option_t *option="")
Definition: StMaker.cxx:1098