18 enum emcTypes {muEmcTow=0, muEmcPrs, muEmcSmde, muEmcSmdp, muEEmcPrs, muEEmcSmdu, muEEmcSmdv};
21 enum fgtTypes {muFgtStrips=0, muFgtClusters, muFgtStripAssociations, muFgtAdcs };
23 enum fmsTypes {muFmsHit=0, muFmsCluster, muFmsPoint, muFmsInfo};
25 enum rhicfTypes {muRHICfRawHit=0, muRHICfHit, muRHICfPoint};
27 enum fcsTypes {muFcsHit=0, muFcsCluster, muFcsPoint, muFcsInfo};
29 enum fttTypes {muFttRawHit=0, muFttCluster, muFttPoint};
31 enum fwdTrackTypes {muFwdTrack=0};
33 enum fstTypes {muFstRawHit=0, muFstHit};
34 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
35 enum strangeTypes {smuEv=0, smuEvMc, smuV0, smuV0Mc, smuV0Assoc, smuXi, smuXiMc, smuXiAssoc, smuKink, smuKinkMc, smuKinkAssoc, smuCut};
38 enum MCTypes {MCVertex=0, MCTrack};
41 enum muDstTypes {muEvent=0, muPrimaryVertex, muPrimary, muGlobal, muOther, muL3, muRich, muState, muAccept, muReject, muCovGlobTrack, muCovPrimTrack, mupp2pp, muMtd};
44 enum pmdTypes {muPmdHit=0, muCpvHit, muPmdCluster, muCpvCluster};
48 enum tofTypes {muTofHit=0, muTofData, muTofRawData};
51 enum btofTypes {muBTofHit=0, muBTofRawHit, muBTofHeader};
54 enum etofTypes {muETofDigi=0, muETofHit, muETofHeader};
56 enum mtdTypes {muMTDHit=0, muMTDRawHit, muMTDHeader};
58 enum epdTypes {muEpdHit=0};
61 enum eztTypes {muEztHead=0, muEztTrig, muEztETow, muEztESmd,muEztFpd};
65 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
87 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
97 static const char* arrayNames [__NALLARRAYS__ ];
99 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
100 static const char** strangeArrayNames;
102 static const char** mcArrayNames;
103 static const char** emcArrayNames;
104 static const char** pmdArrayNames;
105 static const char** fmsArrayNames;
106 static const char** rhicfArrayNames;
107 static const char** fcsArrayNames;
108 static const char** fttArrayNames;
109 static const char** fstArrayNames;
110 static const char** fwdTrackArrayNames;
111 static const char** tofArrayNames;
112 static const char** btofArrayNames;
113 static const char** etofArrayNames;
114 static const char** epdArrayNames;
115 static const char** mtdArrayNames;
116 static const char** fgtArrayNames;
117 static const char** eztArrayNames;
121 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
122 static const char** strangeArrayTypes;
124 static const char** mcArrayTypes;
125 static const char** emcArrayTypes;
126 static const char** pmdArrayTypes;
127 static const char** fmsArrayTypes;
128 static const char** rhicfArrayTypes;
129 static const char** fcsArrayTypes;
130 static const char** fttArrayTypes;
131 static const char** fstArrayTypes;
132 static const char** fwdTrackArrayTypes;
133 static const char** tofArrayTypes;
134 static const char** btofArrayTypes;
135 static const char** etofArrayTypes;
136 static const char** epdArrayTypes;
137 static const char** mtdArrayTypes;
138 static const char** fgtArrayTypes;
139 static const char** eztArrayTypes;
143 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
144 static int* strangeArraySizes;
146 static int* mcArraySizes;
147 static int* emcArraySizes;
148 static int* pmdArraySizes;
149 static int* fmsArraySizes;
150 static int* rhicfArraySizes;
151 static int* fcsArraySizes;
152 static int* fttArraySizes;
153 static int* fstArraySizes;
154 static int* fwdTrackArraySizes;
155 static int* tofArraySizes;
156 static int* btofArraySizes;
157 static int* etofArraySizes;
158 static int* epdArraySizes;
159 static int* mtdArraySizes;
160 static int* fgtArraySizes;
161 static int* eztArraySizes;
165 #ifndef __NO_STRANGE_MUDST__
166 static int*strangeArrayCounters;
168 static int*mcArrayCounters;
169 static int* emcArrayCounters;
170 static int* pmdArrayCounters;
171 static int* fmsArrayCounters;
172 static int* rhicfArrayCounters;
173 static int* fcsArrayCounters;
174 static int* fttArrayCounters;
175 static int* fstArrayCounters;
176 static int* fwdTrackArrayCounters;
177 static int* tofArrayCounters;
178 static int* btofArrayCounters;
179 static int* etofArrayCounters;
180 static int* epdArrayCounters;
181 static int* mtdArrayCounters;
182 static int* fgtArrayCounters;
183 static int* eztArrayCounters;
names of the TBranches in the TTree/File
static const char * arrayTypes[__NALLARRAYS__]
< names of the classes, the TClonesArrays are arrays of this type
static int arrayCounters[__NALLARRAYS__]
< number of entries in current event, currently not used
static int arraySizes[__NALLARRAYS__]
< maximum sizes of the TClonesArrays