22 #ifndef StMuProbPidTraits_h
23 #define StMuProbPidTraits_h
27 #define __NPARTICLES__ 9
39 double log2dX()
const {
return mLog2dX;}
54 void setLog2dX(Float_t Log2dX = 1) {mLog2dX = Log2dX;}
60 float mdEdxErrorTruncated;
63 float mdEdxTrackLength;
void setdEdxTrackLength(double dedx)
sets the track length in TPC used for dE/dx calculations
void setdEdxTruncated(double dedx)
sets the truncated dEdx value;
void setdEdxErrorFit(double dedx)
sets the fitted dEdx error value;
double dEdxFit() const
returns the fitted dEdx value
void setdNdxErrorFit(double dedx)
sets the fitted dNdx error value;
double probability(unsigned int i) const
returns the probability of the track being of particle type i
int numberOfParticles() const
returns the number of particles avaiable
double sum() const
returns the sum of all probabilities
void setdEdxErrorTruncated(double dedx)
sets the truncated dEdx error value;
double dNdxErrorFit() const
returns the fitted dNdx resolution value
double ndf() const
returns number of degrees of freedon
void setProbability(unsigned int, double)
set the probability for particle i
void setNdf(unsigned int)
set number of degrees of freedom
float mProbabilities[__NPARTICLES__]
array holding the pid probabilities
double dEdxErrorFit() const
returns the fitted dEdx resolution value
double dEdxTrackLength() const
returns the track length in TPC used for dE/dx calculations
void setdNdxFit(double dedx)
sets the fitted dNdx value;
double dEdxErrorTruncated() const
returns the truncated 70% dEdx resolution value
double dNdxFit() const
returns the fitted dNdx value
double dEdxTruncated() const
returns the truncated 70% dEdx value
void setdEdxFit(double dedx)
sets the fitted dEdx value;