12 #include "StPicoMessMgr.h"
13 #include "StPicoMcTrack.h"
19 mId(0), mGePid(0), mCharge(0), mPx(0), mPy(0), mPz(0), mE(0),
20 mIsFromShower(kFALSE), mIdVtxStart(-1), mIdVtxStop(-1), mIdVtxItrmd(-1) {
22 for (Int_t i=ktpc; i<ktot; i++) mHits[i] = 0;
31 for (Int_t i=ktpc; i<ktot; i++) mHits[i] = t.mHits[i];
36 mIsFromShower = t.mIsFromShower;
37 mIdVtxStart = t.mIdVtxStart;
38 mIdVtxStop = t.mIdVtxStop;
39 mIdVtxItrmd = t.mIdVtxItrmd;
58 mId = ( ( id<0 || id>std::numeric_limits<UShort_t>::max() ) ?
59 std::numeric_limits<UShort_t>::max() : (UShort_t)
id );
65 if (gePid == 99) gePid = 11151;
66 if (gePid == 207) gePid = 41;
67 if (gePid == 40001) gePid = 24;
68 if (gePid == 98) gePid = 18;
69 if (gePid == 40002) gePid = 32;
70 if (gePid == 97) gePid = 26;
71 if (gePid == 40003) gePid = 23;
72 if (gePid == 40004) gePid = 31;
73 if (gePid == 40005) gePid = 22;
74 if (gePid == 40006) gePid = 30;
75 if (gePid == 10150) gePid = 150;
76 if (gePid == 10151) gePid = 151;
77 if (gePid == 11151) gePid = 10151;
78 if (gePid == 10018) gePid = 98;
79 if (gePid == 10026) gePid = 97;
80 if (gePid == 10017) gePid = 17;
81 if (gePid == 10039) gePid = 39;
82 if (gePid == 10040) gePid = 40;
83 if (gePid == 98) gePid = 18;
84 if (gePid == 97) gePid = 26;
85 if (gePid < 0 || gePid > 50) {
94 static const Char_t *geNames[52] = {
97 "gamma" ,
"e+" ,
"e-" ,
"nu" ,
"mu+" ,
"mu-" ,
"pi0" ,
"pi+" ,
"pi-" ,
98 "K+" ,
"K-" ,
"N" ,
"P" ,
"Pbar" ,
"K0S" ,
"eta" ,
"Sigma+" ,
99 "S-" ,
"Xi0" ,
"Xi-" ,
"Nbar" ,
"SBar0" ,
"SBar+" ,
100 "XiBar+" ,
"tau-" ,
"D+" ,
"D-" ,
"D0" ,
"Dbar0" ,
"Ds+" ,
"Ds-" ,
101 "LambC+" ,
"W+" ,
"W-" ,
"Z0" ,
"H2" ,
"H3" ,
"He3" ,
112 LOG_INFO <<
"id: " <<
id() <<
" GePid: " <<
geantId() <<
" charge: " <<
114 << Form(
" px/py/pz/E: %4.3f/%4.3f/%4.3f/%4.3f",
energy() )
Default constructor.
Int_t geantId() const
Return particle ID defined by GEANT (accordingly to GPART)
Int_t pdgId() const
Return particle ID defined by PDG.
const Char_t * geName()
Return particle names (GEANT ID according to GPART)
Int_t id() const
Return MC track ID (GEANT track ID)
Int_t idVtxStop() const
ID of stop MC vertex.
void setId(Int_t id)
Set MC track ID (primary key/GEANT track ID)
Int_t correctGePid(Int_t id)
Return corrected GePid (to take embedding into account)
Int_t idVtxItrmd() const
ID of intermediate MC vertex.
Int_t idVtxStart() const
ID of start MC vertex.
Holds information about Monte Carlo track parameters.
virtual void Print(const Char_t *option="") const
Print MC track parameters.
Bool_t isFromShower() const
Check if track is from shower.
Float_t energy() const
Energy of the track.
TVector3 p() const
Return track three-momentum.
Int_t charge() const
Return charge of the particle.
virtual ~StPicoMcTrack()