StRoot  1
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1 // This class has been automatically generated on
3 // Mon Feb 6 14:07:01 2006 by ROOT version 5.09/01
4 // from TTree T/TTree with SVT + SSD hits and tracks
5 // found on file: /star/data07/calib/fisyak/SvtSsdAlignment/
8 #ifndef TT_h
9 #define TT_h
11 #include "TROOT.h"
12 #include "TChain.h"
13 #include "TFile.h"
14 #include "TRef.h"
15 #include "Riostream.h"
16 #include "TBaseK.h"
17 #include "Xdcor.h"
19 class TreeClass: public TBase {
20 private:
22  TreeClass(const TreeClass &f):TBase() {}
24  public :
25  Xdcor X1;
26  TString fOutFileName;
27  Double_t uMin, uMax;
28  Double_t vMin, vMax;
29  Double_t DipCut;
30  Double_t VertexZCut;
31  Double_t rCut;
32  Bool_t AllWafers;
33  Bool_t LaddersInGlobal;
34  Int_t minNoFitPoints;
35  Bool_t UseSsd;
36  Bool_t UseSvt;
38  TreeClass();
39  TreeClass(TFile *f);
40  TreeClass(TTree *tree);
41  virtual ~TreeClass(){}
42  virtual void Loop() {Loop(0);}
43  virtual void Loop(Int_t Nevents);
44  virtual void SetOutFileName(const Char_t *name="Out.root") {fOutFileName = name;}
45  virtual void SetuMinMax(Double_t min, Double_t max) {uMin = min; uMax = max;}
46  virtual void SetvMinMax(Double_t min, Double_t max) {vMin = min; vMax = max;}
47  virtual void SetDipCut(Double_t cut) {DipCut = cut;}
48  virtual void SetVertexZCut(Double_t cut) {VertexZCut = cut;}
49  virtual void SetNoWafers() {AllWafers = kFALSE;}
50  virtual void SetRCut(Double_t r=0.5) {rCut = r;}
51  virtual void SetLaddersInGlobal(Bool_t p=kTRUE) {LaddersInGlobal = p;}
52  virtual void SetMinNoFitPoints(Int_t k = 25) {minNoFitPoints = k;}
53  virtual void SetSsd(Bool_t k = kTRUE) {UseSsd = k;}
54  virtual void SetSvt(Bool_t k = kTRUE) {UseSvt = k;}
55  Double_t GetRCut() {return rCut;}
57  static TreeClass *Create();
59  virtual void MyInit(TTree *my_tree) {
60  uMin = uMax = vMin = vMax = DipCut = VertexZCut = 0;
61  rCut = 0.5;
62  minNoFitPoints = 0;
63  AllWafers = kTRUE;
64  UseSsd = kFALSE;
65  UseSvt = kFALSE;
66  LaddersInGlobal = kFALSE;
67  Init(my_tree);
68  }
69 // ClassDef(TreeClass,1);
70 };
71 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 #endif
Definition: EventT.h:101
Definition: TT.h:19
Definition: Xdcor.h:54