EEmc ADC –> energy maker. More...
Public Member Functions | |
StEEmcA2EMaker (const Char_t *name="mEEanalysis") | |
virtual Int_t | Init () |
Initialize. More... | |
virtual Int_t | Make () |
Read and process one event. More... | |
virtual void | Clear (Option_t *opts="") |
Clear the maker for next event. More... | |
void | threshold (Float_t cut, Int_t layer) |
void | database (const Char_t *) |
Set the name of the EEMC database, init obtains pointer. | |
void | source (const Char_t *, Int_t=0) |
StEEmcTowerVec_t & | towers (Int_t layer=0) |
const StEEmcTowerVec_t & | towers (Int_t layer=0) const |
StEEmcStripVec_t & | strips (Int_t sec, Int_t pln) |
Returns a vector of hit strips, given the sector and plane. | |
const StEEmcStripVec_t & | strips (Int_t sec, Int_t pln) const |
Int_t | numberOfHitTowers (Int_t layer) const |
StEEmcTower & | hittower (Int_t hit, Int_t layer) |
const StEEmcTower & | hittower (Int_t hit, Int_t layer) const |
StEEmcTower & | tower (Int_t index, Int_t layer=0) |
const StEEmcTower & | tower (Int_t index, Int_t layer=0) const |
StEEmcTower & | tower (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector, Int_t etabin, Int_t layer=0) |
const StEEmcTower & | tower (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector, Int_t etabin, Int_t layer=0) const |
StEEmcTower * | tower (TVector3 &r, Int_t layer) |
const StEEmcTower * | tower (TVector3 &r, Int_t layer) const |
Int_t | phibin (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector) const |
Given tower sector, subsector, translate to phibin. | |
Int_t | index (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector, Int_t etabin) const |
Given tower sector, subsector, etabin, translate into index. | |
StEEmcTower & | hightower (Int_t layer=0) |
const StEEmcTower & | hightower (Int_t layer=0) const |
Int_t | numberOfHitStrips (Int_t sector, Int_t plane) const |
StEEmcStrip & | hitstrip (Int_t sec, Int_t pl, Int_t hit) |
const StEEmcStrip & | hitstrip (Int_t sec, Int_t pl, Int_t hit) const |
StEEmcStrip & | strip (Int_t sector, Int_t plane, Int_t strip) |
const StEEmcStrip & | strip (Int_t sector, Int_t plane, Int_t strip) const |
Float_t | energy (Int_t sector, Int_t layer) const |
Float_t | energy (Int_t layer) const |
Return energy summed over full endcap. | |
Int_t | numberOfHits (Int_t sector, Int_t layer) const |
void | scale (Float_t s) |
virtual const char * | GetCVS () const |
StEEmcA2EMaker (const Char_t *name="mEEanalysis") | |
Int_t | Init () |
Int_t | Make () |
void | Clear (Option_t *opts="") |
User defined functions. | |
void | threshold (Float_t cut, Int_t layer) |
void | database (const Char_t *dbname) |
Set the name of the EEMC database, init obtains pointer. | |
void | source (const Char_t *name, Int_t type=0) |
StEEmcTowerVec_t | towers (Int_t layer=0) |
StEEmcStripVec_t | strips (Int_t sec, Int_t pln) |
Returns a vector of hit strips, given the sector and plane. | |
Int_t | numberOfHitTowers (Int_t layer) |
StEEmcTower | hittower (Int_t hit, Int_t layer) |
StEEmcTower | tower (Int_t index, Int_t layer=0) |
StEEmcTower | tower (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector, Int_t etabin, Int_t layer=0) |
StEEmcTower * | tower (TVector3 &r, Int_t layer) |
Int_t | phibin (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector) |
Given tower sector, subsector, translate to phibin. | |
Int_t | index (Int_t sector, Int_t subsector, Int_t etabin) |
Given tower sector, subsector, etabin, translate into index. | |
StEEmcTower | hightower (Int_t layer=0) |
Int_t | numberOfHitStrips (Int_t sector, Int_t plane) |
StEEmcStrip | hitstrip (Int_t sec, Int_t pl, Int_t hit) |
StEEmcStrip | strip (Int_t sector, Int_t plane, Int_t strip) |
Float_t | energy (Int_t sec, Int_t layer) |
Float_t | energy (Int_t layer) |
Return energy summed over full endcap. | |
Int_t | numberOfHits (Int_t sec, Int_t layer) |
void | scale (Float_t s) |
![]() | |
StMaker (const char *name="", const char *dummy=0) | |
Constructor & Destructor. | |
virtual Int_t | IsChain () const |
virtual Int_t | InitRun (Int_t runumber) |
virtual void | StartMaker () |
virtual Int_t | IMake (Int_t number) |
virtual void | EndMaker (Int_t ierr) |
virtual Int_t | Finish () |
virtual Int_t | FinishRun (Int_t oldrunumber) |
virtual void | FatalErr (Int_t Ierr, const char *Com) |
virtual void | PrintInfo () |
virtual void | NotifyMe (const char *, const void *) |
virtual void | AddMaker (StMaker *mk) |
virtual void | MakeDoc (const TString &, const TString &, Bool_t) |
virtual void | AddData (TDataSet *data, const char *dir=".data") |
User methods. | |
virtual TDataSet * | AddObj (TObject *obj, const char *dir, int owner=1) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *dat) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *dat, void *del) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteBoard (const char *name, TObject *dat, Int_t owner) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteConst (const char *name, TObject *dat) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteConst (const char *name, void *dat) |
virtual TDataSet * | WhiteBoard (const char *name, void *v=0) const |
virtual Int_t | Skip (Int_t nskip) |
virtual void | AddConst (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual void | AddHist (TH1 *h, const char *dir=0) |
virtual void | AddGarb (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual void | AddRunco (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual void | AddRunco (Double_t par, const char *name, const char *comment) |
void | AddRunCont (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual TList * | GetHistList () const |
virtual TH1 * | GetHist (const char *histName) const |
virtual StMaker * | cd () |
virtual StMaker * | Cd () |
virtual Int_t | GetNumber () const |
STAR methods. | |
virtual void | SetNumber (Int_t number) |
virtual StMaker * | GetParentChain () const |
virtual Int_t | GetIventNumber () const |
Returns the current event number. | |
virtual void | SetIventNumber (Int_t iv) |
virtual Int_t | GetEventNumber () const |
virtual Int_t | GetRunNumber () const |
Returns the current RunNumber. | |
virtual const TDatime & | GetDateTime () const |
virtual const TDatime & | GetDBTime () const |
virtual void | SetDateTime (Int_t idat, Int_t itim) |
virtual StEvtHddr * | GetEvtHddr () const |
virtual Int_t | GetDate () const |
virtual Int_t | GetTime () const |
virtual const char * | GetEventType () const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetData (const char *name, const char *dir=".data") const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetData () const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetConst () const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetDataSet (const char *logInput) const |
virtual TDataSet * | DataSet (const char *logInput) const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetInputDS (const char *logInput) const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetDataBase (const char *logInput, const TDatime *td=0) |
virtual TDataSet * | GetInputDB (const char *logInput) |
virtual Int_t | GetDebug () const |
virtual Int_t | Debug () const |
virtual Int_t | GetMakeReturn () const |
virtual TList * | Histograms () const |
virtual TString | GetAlias (const char *log, const char *dir=".aliases") const |
virtual TString | GetInput (const char *log) const |
virtual TString | GetOutput (const char *log) const |
virtual TList * | GetMakeList () const |
virtual StMaker * | GetParentMaker () const |
virtual StMaker * | GetMaker (const char *mkname) |
virtual StMaker * | GetMakerInheritsFrom (const char *mktype) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsActive () |
virtual StMaker * | Maker (const char *mkname) |
virtual void | SetBIT (EMakerStatus k) |
Maker Status Bits. | |
virtual void | ResetBIT (EMakerStatus k) |
virtual Bool_t | TestBIT (EMakerStatus k) |
virtual void | SetActive (Bool_t k=kTRUE) |
Setters for flags and switches. | |
virtual void | SetDebug (Int_t l=1) |
virtual void | SetDEBUG (Int_t l=1) |
virtual void | SetFlavor (const char *flav, const char *tabname) |
virtual void | SetMakeReturn (Int_t ret) |
virtual void | SetAlias (const char *log, const char *act, const char *dir=".aliases") |
virtual void | AddAlias (const char *log, const char *act, const char *dir=".aliases") |
virtual void | SetInput (const char *log, const char *act) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const char *log, const char *act) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const char *log, TDataSet *ds) |
virtual void | SetOutput (TDataSet *ds) |
virtual void | SetOutputAll (TDataSet *ds, Int_t level=1) |
virtual void | SetMode (Int_t mode=0) |
virtual void | SetNotify (const char *about, StMaker *mk) |
virtual Int_t | GetMode () |
virtual Int_t | GetDebug () |
virtual const StChainOpt * | GetChainOpt () const |
virtual TFile * | GetTFile () const |
virtual void | NotifyEm (const char *about, const void *ptr) |
virtual Double_t | RealTime () |
virtual Double_t | CpuTime () |
virtual void | StartTimer (Bool_t reset=kFALSE) |
virtual void | StopTimer () |
virtual void | PrintTimer (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | PrintTotalTime () |
virtual const char * | GetName () const |
special overload | |
TObject * | GetDirObj (const char *dir) const |
void | SetDirObj (TObject *obj, const char *dir) |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, const char *val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, Int_t val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, UInt_t val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, Double_t val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const StMaker *mk) |
Int_t | RemAttr (const char *key, const char *to=".") |
const TAttr * | GetAttr () const |
Int_t | IAttr (const char *key) const |
UInt_t | UAttr (const char *key) const |
Double_t | DAttr (const char *key) const |
const char * | SAttr (const char *key) const |
void | PrintAttr () const |
![]() | |
TDataSet (const char *name="", TDataSet *parent=0, Bool_t arrayFlag=kFALSE) | |
TDataSet (const TDataSet &src, EDataSetPass iopt=kAll) | |
TDataSet (TNode &src) | |
This copy ctor has been depricated (left for thwe sake of the backweard compatibility) | |
virtual | ~TDataSet () |
std::cout << "Default destructor for " << GetName() << " - " << GetTitle() << std::endl; | |
virtual void | Add (TDataSet *dataset) |
virtual void | AddAt (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0) |
virtual void | AddAtAndExpand (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0) |
virtual void | AddFirst (TDataSet *dataset) |
Add TDataSet object at the beginning of the dataset list of this dataset. | |
virtual void | AddLast (TDataSet *dataset) |
Add TDataSet object at the end of the dataset list of this dataset. | |
TDataSet * | At (Int_t idx) const |
virtual void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
Browse this dataset (called by TBrowser). | |
virtual TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const |
the custom implementation fo the TObject::Clone | |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *opt="") |
virtual TDataSet * | Find (const char *path) const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByName (const char *name, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByPath (const char *path) const |
Aliase for TDataSet::Find(const Char_t *path) method. | |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByTitle (const char *title, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const |
TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *o) const |
virtual TDataSet * | First () const |
Return the first object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty. | |
TObjArray * | GetObjArray () const |
virtual TSeqCollection * | GetCollection () const |
TList * | GetList () const |
virtual Int_t | GetListSize () const |
TObject * | GetMother () const |
virtual TObject * | GetObject () const |
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility) | |
virtual TDataSet * | GetParent () const |
virtual Long_t | HasData () const |
virtual TDataSet * | Instance () const |
virtual TString | Path () const |
return the full path of this data set | |
virtual EDataSetPass | Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *), Int_t depth=0) |
virtual EDataSetPass | Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *, void *), void *user, Int_t depth=0) |
virtual void | PrintContents (Option_t *opt="") const |
virtual Int_t | Purge (Option_t *opt="") |
virtual void | Remove (TDataSet *set) |
Remiove the "set" from this TDataSet. | |
virtual TDataSet * | RemoveAt (Int_t idx) |
virtual void | SetMother (TDataSet *parent=0) |
virtual void | SetObject (TObject *obj) |
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility) | |
virtual void | SetParent (TDataSet *parent=0) |
virtual void | SetWrite () |
virtual void | Shunt (TDataSet *newParent=0) |
virtual void | Sort () |
Sort recursively all members of the TDataSet with TList::Sort method. | |
virtual Bool_t | IsEmpty () const |
return kTRUE if the "internal" collection has no member | |
virtual Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsMarked () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsThisDir (const char *dirname, int len=-1, int ignorecase=0) const |
virtual TDataSet * | Last () const |
Return the last object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty. | |
virtual void | ls (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | ls (Int_t depth) const |
void | Mark () |
void | UnMark () |
void | MarkAll () |
Mark all members of this dataset. | |
void | UnMarkAll () |
UnMark all members of this dataset. | |
void | InvertAllMarks () |
Invert mark bit for all members of this dataset. | |
void | Mark (UInt_t flag, EBitOpt reset=kSet) |
virtual TDataSet * | Next () const |
virtual TDataSet * | Prev () const |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | Update (TDataSet *set, UInt_t opt=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
Bool_t | readData () |
Bool_t | fillFromMuDst (const StMuEmcCollection *emc) |
Bool_t | fillFromSt (const StEmcCollection *emc) |
If StEvent is used, we will fill additional parts of StEEmcElement. More... | |
Float_t | addTowerHit (Int_t sec, Int_t sub, Int_t eta, Float_t adc, Int_t layer) |
Float_t | addSmdHit (Int_t sec, Int_t plane, Int_t str, Float_t adc) |
ClassDef (StEEmcA2EMaker, 1) | |
Makes class available to root. | |
Bool_t | readData () |
Bool_t | readMuDst () |
Bool_t | readStEvent () |
Bool_t | readEzt () |
Bool_t | fillFromMuDst (StMuEmcCollection *emc) |
Bool_t | fillFromSt (StEmcCollection *emc) |
If StEvent is used, we will fill additional parts of StEEmcElement. More... | |
void | addTowerHit (Int_t sec, Int_t sub, Int_t eta, Float_t adc, Int_t layer) |
void | addSmdHit (Int_t sec, Int_t plane, Int_t str, Float_t adc) |
ClassDef (StEEmcA2EMaker, 1) | |
![]() | |
StMessMgr * | GetLogger () const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindDataSet (const char *logInput, const StMaker *uppMk=0, const StMaker *dowMk=0) const |
![]() | |
virtual void | SetMother (TObject *mother) |
TDataSet (const char *name, const char *title) | |
void | AddMain (TDataSet *set) |
add data set to main data set | |
TDataSet * | GetRealParent () |
return real parent | |
void | MakeCollection () |
Create the internal container at once if any. | |
Protected Attributes | |
Float_t | mScale |
Float_t | mSigmaPed [6] |
const StEEmcDb * | mDbMaker |
const EEmcGeomSimple * | mEEgeom |
StEEmcTower | mTowers [kEEmcNumSectors *kEEmcNumSubSectors *kEEmcNumEtas][4] |
Array of 720 x 4 tower objects. More... | |
StEEmcStrip | mStrips [kEEmcNumSectors][kEEmcNumSmdUVs][kEEmcNumStrips] |
Array of 12x2x288 smd strip objects. | |
std::vector< StEEmcTowerVec_t > | mHitTowers |
StEEmcTower * | mHighTower [4] |
std::vector< std::vector < StEEmcStripVec_t > > | mHitStrips |
Float_t | mEnergy [kEEmcNumSectors][6] |
Int_t | mHits [kEEmcNumSectors][6] |
Number of hits in layer. | |
TString | mDbName |
TString | mInputName |
Int_t | mInputType |
StEEmcDb * | mDbMaker |
StMuDstMaker * | mMuDstMaker |
StEventMaker * | mEventMaker |
EEmcGeomSimple * | mEEgeom |
![]() | |
TDataSet * | m_DataSet |
TDataSet * | m_ConstSet |
TDataSet * | m_GarbSet |
TDataSet * | m_Inputs |
TDataSet * | m_Ouputs |
list of logInput:ActualInput | |
TDataSet * | m_Runco |
list of logOuput:ActualOuput | |
TList * | m_Histograms |
Run Control parameters. | |
Int_t | fTallyMaker [kStFatal+1] |
counters | |
Int_t | m_Mode |
counters | |
Int_t | m_Number |
Integer mode of maker. | |
Int_t | m_LastRun |
Serial event number. | |
Int_t | m_DebugLevel |
Last Run number. | |
Int_t | m_MakeReturn |
Debug level. | |
TStopwatch | m_Timer |
Make() return flag. | |
StMemStat * | fMemStatMake |
Timer object. | |
StMemStat * | fMemStatClear |
StMemStat for Make. | |
Int_t | fStatus |
StMemStat for Clear. | |
StMessMgr * | fLogger |
Maker status. | |
StTurnLogger * | fLoggerHold |
![]() | |
TDataSet * | fParent |
TSeqCollection * | fList |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | EDebugLevel { kNormal, kDebug } |
enum | EMakerStatus { kInitBeg = 1, kInitEnd = 2, kMakeBeg = 3, kCleaBeg = 4, kFiniBeg = 5, kFiniEnd = 6, kActive = 7 } |
![]() | |
enum | EDataSetPass { kContinue, kPrune, kStop, kUp, kStruct, kAll, kRefs, kMarked } |
enum | ESetBits { kMark = BIT(22), kArray = BIT(20) } |
enum | EBitOpt { kSet = kTRUE, kReset = kFALSE } |
![]() | |
static StMaker * | New (const char *classname, const char *name="", void *title=0) |
static StMaker * | GetTopChain () |
static StMaker * | GetChain () |
static StMaker * | GetFailedMaker () |
static StMaker * | GetMaker (const TDataSet *ds) |
Static functions. | |
static EDataSetPass | ClearDS (TDataSet *ds, void *user) |
static const char * | RetCodeAsString (Int_t kode) |
static Int_t | AliasDate (const char *alias) |
static Int_t | AliasTime (const char *alias) |
static const char * | AliasGeometry (const char *alias) |
static const DbAlias_t * | GetDbAliases () |
static void | SetTestMaker (StTestMaker *mk) |
static Int_t | Cleanup (TDataSet *&ds) |
static void | lsMakers (const StMaker *top) |
![]() | |
static TDataSet * | GetMainSet () |
return pointer to the main dataset | |
static TDataSet * | instance () |
![]() | |
enum StMaker:: { ... } | EModule_return_Status |
![]() | |
static EDataSetPass | SortIt (TDataSet *ds) |
static EDataSetPass | SortIt (TDataSet *ds, void *user) |
![]() | |
static StMaker * | fgTopChain = 0 |
list of Histograms | |
static StMaker * | fgStChain = 0 |
pointer to top StChain | |
static StMaker * | fgFailedMaker = 0 |
current pointer to StChain | |
static StTestMaker * | fgTestMaker = 0 |
current pointer to failed maker | |
static Int_t | fgTallyMaker [kStFatal+1] = {0,0,0,0,0} |
![]() | |
static TDataSet * | fgMainSet = &mainSet |
EEmc ADC –> energy maker.
This maker performs pedestal subtraction and gain corrections to the EEMC data. It currently supports MuDst and StEvent files as input.
Definition at line 19 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
StEEmcA2EMaker::StEEmcA2EMaker | ( | const Char_t * | name = "mEEanalysis" | ) |
Clear all towers and init index
Now set pointers to all neighboring towers
no pointers to self
off edge of endcap
cyclical phi
add pointer to neighboring tower
Set high tower pointer
Clear and init all strips
Nullify pointers to makers
Initialize default thresholds, nsigma above ped
Create storage banks for hit towers and strips. THESE SHOULD NOT BE CLEARED!
Vector of towers, one per layer (0=T,1=P,2=Q,3=R)
Vector of strips, one per plane (0=U, 1=V)
Definition at line 42 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References StEEmcElement::Clear(), StEEmcTower::Clear(), StEEmcTower::etabin(), StEEmcStrip::index(), StEEmcTower::index(), StEEmcTower::layer(), mDbMaker, mEEgeom, mEnergy, mHighTower, mHits, mHitStrips, mHitTowers, mStrips, mTowers, StEEmcTower::neighbor(), StEEmcTower::phibin(), phibin(), StEEmcStrip::plane(), scale(), StEEmcStrip::sector(), strip(), threshold(), and tower().
protected |
Add an smd hit
sec,: | sector [0,12) |
plane,: | plane [0,2) = U,V |
str,: | strip number [0,288) |
adc,: | adc value |
Access the database. Note that the DB counts from 1, not zero.
Check if null
Copy fail and status bits
Raw ADC should always be here
Abort if the db has this marked as bad or questionable
Ignore all ADC below a user-specified threshold
Set raw and ped subtracted ADC
Make sure gain is positive, nonzero
Determine energy
Definition at line 356 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References StEEmcElement::adc(), StEEmcElement::energy(), energy(), StEEmcElement::fail(), mDbMaker, mEnergy, mHits, mHitStrips, mSigmaPed, mStrips, StEEmcElement::raw(), StEEmcElement::stat(), strip(), and threshold().
Referenced by fillFromMuDst(), and fillFromSt().
protected |
Add a tower hit
sec,: | sector [0,12) |
sub,: | subsector [0,5) |
eta,: | etabin [0,12) |
adc,: | adc value |
layer,: | layer [0,4) |
Get the database entry for this detector note, DB expects sectors, eta counted from 1 not 0 for conformity with Star's ... conventions.
Copy fail and status bits
Raw ADC should always be here
Abort if the db has this marked as a bad or questionable channel
Ignore all ADC below a user-specified threshold
Raw and ped subtracted adc
Make sure gain is positive, nonzero
Determine energy
And set detector response
Determine tower center and set E_T
Push back list of all hit towers, preshower, postshower
Definition at line 276 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References StEEmcElement::adc(), StEEmcElement::energy(), energy(), StEEmcTower::et(), StEEmcElement::fail(), index(), mDbMaker, mEEgeom, mEnergy, mHighTower, mHits, mHitTowers, mScale, mSigmaPed, mTowers, StEEmcTower::print(), StEEmcElement::raw(), StEEmcElement::stat(), and threshold().
Referenced by fillFromMuDst(), and fillFromSt().
virtual |
Clear the maker for next event.
Clear hit towers and strips
Clear all towers and strips (for speed, we can clear only those which were "hit"... but KISS for now.)
Clear sector energy sums
Reimplemented from StMaker.
Definition at line 407 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References StMaker::Clear(), mEnergy, mHits, mHitStrips, mHitTowers, mStrips, and mTowers.
inline |
Get the energy (towers) or energy deposit (pre,post,smd) in the specified sector
sector,: | 0..11 the 12 EEMC sectors |
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R, 4=U, 5=V |
Definition at line 109 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mEnergy.
inline |
Get the energy (towers) or energy deposit (pre,post,smd) in the specified sector
sector,: | 0..11 the 12 EEMC sectors |
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R, 4=U, 5=V |
Definition at line 120 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mEnergy.
Referenced by addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), StEEmcQAMaker::EEmcResponse(), energy(), fillFromSt(), StEEmcPointFitMaker::FitSector(), and StEEmcPointTreeMaker::Make().
protected |
Main "filling" method. StEvent and Ezt will be converted to mudst collection prior to call
Loop over all towers
Loop over all pre/postshower elements
Loop over all smd hits
Definition at line 211 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), and strip().
protected |
Main "filling" method. StEvent and Ezt will be converted to mudst collection prior to call
Loop over all towers
Loop over all pre/postshower elements
Loop over all smd hits
Definition at line 206 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), StMaker::GetName(), and strip().
Referenced by readData(), and readMuDst().
protected |
If StEvent is used, we will fill additional parts of StEEmcElement.
Set StEmcRawHit pointers in StEEmcTower, towers
Remember to watch out for fortran holdovers in the numbering scheme
Loop over all raw hits in this sector
these are returned indexed from 1, offset into local scheme (indexed from 0)
add raw hit to our tower
add this hit to our list of hit towers, calculate energy, etc... Note that addTowerHit must come after any operation on mTowers[0][ii] for changes to tower to be propagated to the array of hit towers.
Set StEmcRawHit pointers in StEEmcTower, pre + post
Remember to watch out for fortran holdovers in the numbering scheme
Loop over all raw hits in this sector
This encoding is a bit obnoxious, but necessary to stuff eemc data into barrel structures.
add this hit to our tower/layer. See comments in tower loop.
Set StEmcRawHit pointers in StEEmcStrip
Loop over U & V planes
Get the eemc smd collections
Remember to watch out for fortran holdovers in the numbering scheme
Loop over all raw hits in this sector
sett comments in tower loop.
Definition at line 463 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), index(), mHitTowers, mStrips, mTowers, and StEEmcElement::stemc().
protected |
If StEvent is used, we will fill additional parts of StEEmcElement.
Set StEmcRawHit pointers in StEEmcTower, towers
Remember to watch out for fortran holdovers in the numbering scheme
Loop over all raw hits in this sector
these are returned indexed from 1, offset into local scheme (indexed from 0)
add raw hit to our tower
add this hit to our list of hit towers, calculate energy, etc... Note that addTowerHit must come after any operation on mTowers[0][ii] for changes to tower to be propagated to the array of hit towers.
Set StEmcRawHit pointers in StEEmcTower, pre + post
Remember to watch out for fortran holdovers in the numbering scheme
Loop over all raw hits in this sector
This encoding is a bit obnoxious, but necessary to stuff eemc data into barrel structures.
add this hit to our tower/layer. See comments in tower loop.
Set StEmcRawHit pointers in StEEmcStrip
Loop over U & V planes
Get the eemc smd collections
Remember to watch out for fortran holdovers in the numbering scheme
Loop over all raw hits in this sector
sett comments in tower loop.
Definition at line 441 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), energy(), index(), mHitTowers, mStrips, mTowers, and StEEmcElement::stemc().
Referenced by readData().
StEEmcTower StEEmcA2EMaker::hightower | ( | Int_t | layer = 0 | ) |
Returns the tower with the largest ADC response
layer,: | TPQR=0123 |
inline |
Returns the tower with the largest ADC response
layer,: | TPQR=0123 |
Definition at line 94 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHighTower.
Referenced by StEEmcQAMaker::CheckTracks(), StEEmcQAMaker::CheckVertex(), StEEmcQAMaker::EEmcResponse(), StEEmcMixMaker::fillPool(), StEEmcIUMixMaker::fillPool(), StEEmcFilterMaker::Make(), StEEmcMixMaker::mixBackground(), and StEEmcIUMixMaker::mixBackground().
inline |
Returns the specified hit strip
sec,: | sector containing the hit |
pl,: | plane containing the hit (0=U, 1=V) |
hit,: | [0, numberOfHitStrips()) |
Definition at line 106 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitStrips.
Referenced by StEEmcQAMaker::EEmcResponse(), StEEmcPointFitMaker::FitSector(), and StEEmcDisplayMaker::Make().
inline |
Return a specified hit tower
hit,: | index of the hit, 0 <= hit < numberOfHitTowers() |
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 63 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitTowers.
inline |
Return a specified hit tower
hit,: | index of the hit, 0 <= hit < numberOfHitTowers() |
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 63 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitTowers.
Referenced by StEEmcPi0Analysis::accept(), StEEmcIUPi0Analysis::accept(), StEEmcQAMaker::CheckTriggers(), StEEmcDisplayMaker::Make(), StEEmcPointMaker::shareEnergy(), and StEEmcIUPointMaker::shareEnergy().
virtual |
Get pointer to our database maker
Reimplemented from StMaker.
Definition at line 163 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References mDbMaker.
virtual |
Read and process one event.
Lack of EEMC data, issue a warning
Reimplemented from StMaker.
Definition at line 171 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References kStOK, kStWarn, and readData().
virtual |
The Make() method is the one responsible for calling the maker's InitRun(). Note that that InitRun() is called for real data and if both of the following are true
This is the ONLY place calling the InitRun() routine.
check privilege to skip event
Reimplemented from StMaker.
inline |
Return number of hits (number of elements above threshold) for the specified sector and layer.
sector,: | 0..11 the 12 EEMC sectors |
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R, 4=U, 5=V |
Definition at line 117 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHits.
inline |
Return number of hits (number of elements above threshold) for the specified sector and layer.
sector,: | 0..11 the 12 EEMC sectors |
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R, 4=U, 5=V |
Definition at line 128 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHits.
Referenced by StEEmcQAMaker::EEmcResponse().
inline |
Return number of hit SMD strips for the specified sector, plane
sector,: | 0-11 for 12 EEMC sectors |
plane,: | 0=U, 1=V |
Definition at line 95 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitStrips.
inline |
Return number of hit SMD strips for the specified sector, plane
sector,: | 0-11 for 12 EEMC sectors |
plane,: | 0=U, 1=V |
Definition at line 100 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitStrips.
Referenced by StEEmcQAMaker::EEmcResponse(), StEEmcPointFitMaker::FitSector(), StEEmcDisplayMaker::Make(), and StEEmcPi0Analysis::Make().
inline |
Return number of hit tower elements for specified layer.
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 58 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitTowers.
Referenced by StEEmcPi0Analysis::accept(), StEEmcIUPi0Analysis::accept(), StEEmcQAMaker::CheckTriggers(), StEEmcDisplayMaker::Make(), StEEmcPointMaker::shareEnergy(), and StEEmcIUPointMaker::shareEnergy().
inline |
Return number of hit tower elements for specified layer.
layer,: | 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 58 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitTowers.
protected |
Read data from muDst, StEvent or muEzt branches, depending on input type
protected |
Read data from muDst, StEvent or muEzt branches, depending on input type - Main routine for reading data
Verify that we have a pointer to input data
Definition at line 179 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References fillFromMuDst(), fillFromSt(), and StMuDst::muEmcCollection().
Referenced by Make().
protected |
Get the EMC collection
Definition at line 197 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References fillFromMuDst(), StMuDstMaker::muDst(), and StMuDst::muEmcCollection().
inline |
Set a "scale" parameter for reconstructing MC. Energies will be multiplied by scale.
Definition at line 121 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mScale.
inline |
Set a "scale" parameter for reconstructing MC. Energies will be multiplied by scale.
Definition at line 132 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mScale.
Referenced by StEEmcA2EMaker().
inline |
Set the name and type of the input data maker.
name,: | name of the maker |
type,: | 1=muDst, 2=StEvent, 3=muEzt (unsupported) |
Definition at line 43 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
void StEEmcA2EMaker::source | ( | const Char_t * | name, |
Int_t | type = 0 |
) |
Set the name and type of the input data maker. type=1, read from muDst (only one supported for now) type=2, read from StEvent. type=3, read from muEzt. type=else, serenity now.
inline |
Return a specifed hit SMD strip
sector,: | sector index, [0,11] |
plane,: | plane index, 0=U, 1=V |
index,: | strip index, runs [0,287] |
Definition at line 103 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mStrips, and strip().
Referenced by strip().
inline |
Return a specifed hit SMD strip
sector,: | sector index, [0,12) |
plane,: | plane index, 0=U, 1=V |
strip,: | strip index, runs [0,288) |
Definition at line 113 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mStrips, and strip().
Referenced by addSmdHit(), StEEmcClusterMaker::buildSmdClusters(), StMyClusterMaker::buildSmdClusters(), StEEmc2x2ClusterMaker::buildSmdClusters(), StEEmcIUClusterMaker::buildSmdClusters(), fillFromMuDst(), StEEmcTimingMaker::Make(), StMyPointMaker::split(), StEEmcA2EMaker(), and strip().
void StEEmcA2EMaker::threshold | ( | Float_t | cut, |
Int_t | layer | ||
) |
Set the number of sigma above pedestal required to consider the detector "hit". May be negative value. Layer [0-5]=[TPQRUV].
inline |
Set the number of sigma above pedestal required to consider the detector "hit". May be negative value. Layer [0-5]=[TPQRUV]. Default values are 3.0 for all layers
Definition at line 35 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mSigmaPed.
Referenced by addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), and StEEmcA2EMaker().
inline |
Return a specified tower element
index,: | tower index ranging from 0-719 |
layer,: | layer index, 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 68 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
inline |
Return a specified tower element
index,: | tower index ranging from 0-719 |
layer,: | layer index, 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 69 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References index(), and mTowers.
Referenced by StEEmcPointMaker::buildSmdPoints(), StEEmcIUPointMaker::buildSmdPoints(), StEEmcQAMaker::EEmcResponse(), StEEmcPointFitMaker::FitSector(), StEEmcTimingMaker::Make(), StEEmcPi0Analysis::Make(), StEEmcIUPi0Analysis::Make(), StMyPointMaker::Make(), StEEmcPointMaker::shareEnergySmd(), StEEmcIUPointMaker::shareEnergySmd(), and StEEmcA2EMaker().
inline |
Return a specified tower element
sector,: | tower sector, counting from 0 [0,11] |
subsector,: | tower subsector A-E, counting from 0 [0,4] |
etabin,: | tower etabin, counting from 0 [0,11] |
layer,: | layer index, 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 75 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References index(), and tower().
Referenced by tower().
inline |
Return a specified tower element
sector,: | tower sector, counting from 0 [0,12) |
subsector,: | tower subsector A-E, counting from 0 [0,5) |
etabin,: | tower etabin, counting from 0 [0,12) |
layer,: | layer index, 0=T, 1=P, 2=Q, 3=R |
Definition at line 77 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References index(), and tower().
Referenced by tower().
StEEmcTower* StEEmcA2EMaker::tower | ( | TVector3 & | r, |
Int_t | layer | ||
) |
Return a pointer to the tower element which the specified vector (origin at 0,0,0) points to. A NULL is returned if no valid tower exists at that position.
StEEmcTower * StEEmcA2EMaker::tower | ( | TVector3 & | r, |
Int_t | layer | ||
) |
Return a pointer to the tower element which the specified vector (origin at 0,0,0) points to. A NULL is returned if no valid tower exists at that position.
Definition at line 634 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.cxx.
References EEmcGeomSimple::getTower(), index(), mEEgeom, and mTowers.
inline |
Returns a vector of hit tower, preshower and postshower elements. Check hitTowers[i].layer() to deterimine if it is a tower(0), pre1(1), pre2(2) or postshower(3) element.
Definition at line 49 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitTowers.
Referenced by StEEmcPointTreeMaker::Make(), StEEmcMixTreeMaker::Make(), StEEmcEnergyMaker_t::Make(), and StEEmcPi0Analysis::Make().
inline |
Returns a vector of hit tower, preshower and postshower elements. Check hitTowers[i].layer() to deterimine if it is a tower(0), pre1(1), pre2(2) or postshower(3) element.
Definition at line 51 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
References mHitTowers.
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), Init(), and StEEmcA2EMaker().
protected |
Definition at line 144 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addTowerHit(), StEEmcA2EMaker(), and tower().
protected |
Summed energy (towers) or energy deposit (pre,post,smd) in each sector. 0=T,1=P,2=Q,3=R,4=U,5=V
Definition at line 197 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), Clear(), energy(), and StEEmcA2EMaker().
protected |
Definition at line 186 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addTowerHit(), hightower(), and StEEmcA2EMaker().
protected |
Same concept as with the hit towers, but this time applied to the SMD planes. mHitStrips[sec][plane][n] will, for instance, return the nth hit strip in the specified sector (sec=0..11) for the specified plane.
Definition at line 192 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addSmdHit(), Clear(), hitstrip(), numberOfHitStrips(), StEEmcA2EMaker(), and strips().
protected |
Each element in this vector contains a vector of hit tower elements. The dimension of this vector will be 4, corresponding to:
mHitTowers[0] = vector of hit towers mHitTowers[1] = vector of hit preshower1 elements mhitTowers[2] = vector of hit preshower2 elements mHitTowers[3] = vector of hit postshower elements
Definition at line 184 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addTowerHit(), Clear(), fillFromSt(), hittower(), numberOfHitTowers(), StEEmcA2EMaker(), and towers().
protected |
Definition at line 139 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addTowerHit(), and scale().
protected |
Definition at line 140 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addSmdHit(), addTowerHit(), and threshold().
protected |
Array of 720 x 4 tower objects.
Tower, pre and postshower response.
Definition at line 172 of file StEEmcA2EMaker.h.
Referenced by addTowerHit(), Clear(), fillFromSt(), StEEmcA2EMaker(), and tower().