Public Types | |
get the pres valley position for cut | |
![]() | |
enum | EDataSetPass { kContinue, kPrune, kStop, kUp, kStruct, kAll, kRefs, kMarked } |
enum | ESetBits { kMark = BIT(22), kArray = BIT(20) } |
enum | EBitOpt { kSet = kTRUE, kReset = kFALSE } |
Public Member Functions | |
StFcsDb (const char *name="fcsDb") | |
int | Init () |
int | InitRun (int runNumber) |
void | setDebug (int v=1) |
void | setDbAccess (int v=1) |
debug level | |
void | setRun (int run) |
enable(1) or disable(0) offline DB access | |
void | setRun19 (int v=1) |
set run# | |
void | setLeakyHcal (int v=1) |
set run19 geometry, otherwise final run21 | |
void | setEtGainMode (int v=0) |
set leaky Hcal | |
void | setFcsDetectorPosition (fcsDetectorPosition_st *t) |
set Et Gain Setting 0=Auto from run#, 1=Old, 2=New(23027048) More... | |
void | setFcsEcalGain (fcsEcalGain_st *) |
set fcsDetectorPosition_st* | |
void | setFcsHcalGain (fcsHcalGain_st *) |
set fcsEcalGain_st* | |
void | setFcsPresGain (fcsPresGain_st *) |
set fcsHcalGain_st* | |
void | setFcsEcalGainCorr (fcsEcalGainCorr_st *) |
set fcsPresGain_st* | |
void | setFcsHcalGainCorr (fcsHcalGainCorr_st *) |
set fcsEcalGainCorr_st* | |
void | setFcsPresValley (fcsPresValley_st *) |
set fcsHcalGainCorr_st* | |
void | setFcsEcalGainOnline (fcsEcalGainOnline_st *) |
set fcsPresValley_st* | |
void | setFcsHcalGainOnline (fcsHcalGainOnline_st *) |
set fcsEcalGainOnline_st* | |
void | setFcsPresThreshold (fcsPresThreshold_st *) |
set fcsHcalGainOnline_st* | |
int | maxDetectorId () const |
set fcsPresThreshold_st* More... | |
int | detectorId (int eh, int ns) const |
6 | |
int | ecalHcalPres (int det) const |
Ecal North=0, Ecal South=1, Hcal North=2, Hcal South=3, Pres=4/5. | |
int | northSouth (int det) const |
Ecal=0, Hcal=1, Pres=2. | |
int | nRow (int det) const |
north or south side | |
int | nColumn (int det) const |
number of rows | |
int | maxId (int det) const |
number of column | |
int | getRowNumber (int det, int id) const |
maximum number of id | |
int | getColumnNumber (int det, int id) const |
get the row number for the channel | |
int | getId (int det, int row, int col) const |
get the column number for the channel | |
int | getDepCh (int dep, int ch) const |
get the id from row/col | |
void | getName (int det, int id, char name[]) |
get the DEP/ch id | |
void | getName (int ehp, int ns, int dep, int ch, char name[]) |
Get Name of a channel. | |
StThreeVectorD | getDetectorOffset (int det, double zdepth=-1) const |
Utility functions related to DetectorPosition. More... | |
StThreeVectorD | getNormal (int det) const |
float | getDetectorAngle (int det) const |
This is the vector normal to the detector plane. | |
float | getXWidth (int det) const |
get the angle of the detector | |
float | getYWidth (int det) const |
get the X width of the cell | |
float | getZDepth (int det) const |
get the Y width of the cell | |
float | getShowerMaxZ (int det) const |
void | getLocalXYinCell (StFcsHit *hit, float &x, float &y) const |
getting XY in local cell coordinate More... | |
void | getLocalXYinCell (int det, int id, float &x, float &y) const |
void | getLocalXYinCell (int det, int col, int row, float &x, float &y) const |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZ (int det, float FcsX, float FcsY, float FcsZ=-1.0, float zVertex=0.0) const |
get the STAR frame cooridnates from local XYZ [cm] More... | |
float | getPhi (int det, float FcsX, float FcsY, float FcsZ=-1.0) const |
get the STAR frame phi angle from from local X/Y [cm] | |
float | getEta (int det, float FcsX, float FcsY, float FcsZ=-1.0, float zVertex=0.0) const |
get the STAR frame pseudo rapidity from the vertex from local X/Y [cm] | |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZfromColumnRow (int det, float col, float row, float FcsZ=-1.0) const |
get the STAR frame cooridnates from other way More... | |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZ (int det, int col, int row, float FcsZ=-1.0) const |
get coordinates of center of the cell STAR frame from det/row/column | |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZ (const StFcsHit *hit, float FcsZ=-1.0) const |
get coordinates of center of the cell STAR frame from StFcsHit | |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZ (const StFcsCluster *clu, float FcsZ=-1.0) const |
get coordinates of the cluster STAR frame from StFcsCluster | |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZ (int det, int id, float FcsZ=-1.0) const |
get coordinates of center of the cell in STAR frame from det/id | |
StThreeVectorD | getStarXYZ_4x4 (int det, int col, int row) const |
Get the STAR frame cooridnates for 4x4 sum. More... | |
StLorentzVectorD | getLorentzVector (const StThreeVectorD &xyz, float energy, float zVertex=0.0) |
Get get 4 vector assuing m=0 and taking beamline from DB. | |
double | getHcalProjectedToEcalX (int ns, double hcalLocalX, double zvtx=0.0) |
Project Hcal local X to Ecal local X [cm]. More... | |
double | getHcalProjectedToEcalY (int ns, double hcalLocalY, double zvtx=0.0) |
Project Hcal local Y to Ecal local Y [cm]. | |
double | getProjectedDistance (StFcsCluster *ecal, StFcsCluster *hcal, double zvtx=0.0) |
Project Hcal cluster to Ecal plane and get distance from Ecal cluster [cm]. | |
double | getProjectedDistance (StFcsPoint *ecal, StFcsCluster *hcal, double zvtx=0.0) |
Project Hcal cluster to Ecal plane and get distance from Ecal point [cm]. | |
int | getZeroSuppression (int det) const |
fcsGain/GainCorrection related | |
float | getSamplingFraction (int det) const |
get zero suppression threshold | |
float | getGain (int det, int id) const |
get sampling fraction | |
float | getGain (StFcsHit *hit) const |
get the gain for the channel for 16 timebin sum | |
float | getGain8 (int det, int id) const |
get the gain for the channel for 16 timebin sum | |
float | getGain8 (StFcsHit *hit) const |
get the gain for the channel for 8 timebin sum | |
float | getGainCorrection (int det, int id) const |
get the gain for the channel for 8 timebin sum | |
float | getGainCorrection (StFcsHit *hit) const |
get the gain correction for the channel | |
float | getPresValley (int det, int id) const |
get the gain correction for the channel | |
float | getPresValley (StFcsHit *hit) const |
get the pres valley position for cut | |
float | getGainOnline (int det, int id) const |
get the pres valley position for cut | |
float | getGainOnline (StFcsHit *hit) const |
get the gain correction for the channel | |
float | getPresThreshold (int det, int id) const |
get the gain correction for the channel | |
float | getPresThreshold (StFcsHit *hit) const |
get the pres valley position for cut | |
void | forceFixGain () |
Gain mode switch. | |
void | forceFixGainCorrection () |
fixed default gain | |
void | forceUniformGain (float ecal, float hcal=0.0053, float pres=0.01) |
fixed default gaincorr More... | |
void | forceUniformGainCorrection (float ecal, float hcal=1.0, float pres=0.5) |
void | forceUniformGainOnline (float ecal, float hcal=1.0, float pres=0.5) |
void | setReadGainFromText (const char *file="fcsgain.txt") |
reading gain from text files | |
void | setReadGainCorrFromText (const char *file="fcsgaincorr.txt") |
float | getEtGain (int det, int id, float factor=1.0) const |
void | printEtGain () |
ET gain. | |
void | getDepfromId (int detectorId, int id, int &ehp, int &ns, int &crt, int &slt, int &dep, int &ch) const |
print ET gain More... | |
void | getIdfromDep (int ehp, int ns, int dep, int ch, int &detectorId, int &id, int &crt, int &slt) const |
Get DEP map. | |
int | getNDep (int ehp, int ns) const |
Get Det map. | |
void | getSCmap (int det, int id, int &ehp, int &ns, int &scdep, int &branch, int &fee_i2c, int &sipm, int &pp, int &jacket) const |
of DEP | |
void | getIdfromSCmap (int ehp, int ns, int scdep, int branch, int fee_i2c, int sipm, int &det, int &id) const |
Get SC map. | |
void | makeMap () |
Get Id from SC. | |
void | makePPMap () |
Generate maps (this is the origin of the map) | |
int | jacketColor (int ehp, int ns, int dep, int ch) |
Generate Patchpanel map. | |
void | makeMap2019 () |
cable jacket color | |
void | printMap () |
Generate map for run19. | |
void | printHeader (FILE *f, int flag, int csv) |
Print maps. | |
void | printHeader2 (FILE *f) |
Map header. | |
void | printHeader3 (FILE *f) |
Map header. | |
void | printHeader4 (FILE *f, int flag) |
Map header. | |
void | getIdfromEPD (int pp, int tt, int &det, int &id) |
Map header. | |
void | getEPDfromId (int det, int id, int &pp, int &tt) |
Get FCS's EPD map foom EPD mapping. | |
float | pedestal (int ehp, int ns, int dep, int ch) |
Get EPD's EPD map from FCS mapping. More... | |
void | setPedestal (int ehp, int ns, int dep, int ch, float ped) |
get Pedestal | |
void | readPedFromText (const char *file="fcsped.txt") |
setting pedestal | |
unsigned int | backTraceG2tTrack (unsigned int id, g2t_track_st *g2ttrk) |
reading pedestal from text | |
const g2t_track_st * | getParentG2tTrack (StFcsHit *h, g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, float &fraction, int &ntrk, unsigned int order=0) |
const g2t_track_st * | getParentG2tTrack (StFcsCluster *c, g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, float &fraction, int &ntrk, unsigned int order=0) |
const g2t_track_st * | getPrimaryG2tTrack (StFcsHit *h, g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, float &fraction, int &ntrk, unsigned int order=0) |
const g2t_track_st * | getPrimaryG2tTrack (StFcsCluster *c, g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, float &fraction, int &ntrk, unsigned int order=0) |
StThreeVectorD | projectTrackToEcal (const g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, const g2t_vertex_st *g2tvert=0) const |
project a g2t track to Ecal with a given track and vertex. If no vertex given assume a vertex of (0,0,0) | |
StThreeVectorD | projectTrackToHcal (const g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, const g2t_vertex_st *g2tvert=0) const |
project a g2t track to Hcal with a given track and vertex. If no vertex given assume a vertex of (0,0,0) | |
StThreeVectorD | projectTrackToEcalSMax (const g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, const g2t_vertex_st *g2tvert=0) const |
SMax = Shower Max Z. | |
StThreeVectorD | projectTrackToHcalSMax (const g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, const g2t_vertex_st *g2tvert=0) const |
SMax = Shower Max Z. | |
StThreeVectorD | projectTrack (int det, const g2t_track_st *g2ttrk, const g2t_vertex_st *g2tvert, double showermaxz=-1) const |
Generic g2t track projection function but #det and #showermaxz needs to be specified; if #det or #showermaxz not known use corresponding projectTrackToEcal(), projectTrackToHcal(), projectTrackToEcalSMax, projectTrackToHcalSMax instead. | |
StThreeVectorD | projectLine (int det, StThreeVectorD &linedirection, StThreeVectorD &lineorigin, double showermaxz=-1) const |
Like #projectLine(det, double*, double*, double) except use StThreeVectorD for line direction and origin. | |
StThreeVectorD | projectLine (int det, double *linedirection, double *lineorigin, double showermaxz=-1) const |
XYZ of a projected line to the FCS detector plane. More... | |
![]() | |
TDataSet (const char *name="", TDataSet *parent=0, Bool_t arrayFlag=kFALSE) | |
TDataSet (const TDataSet &src, EDataSetPass iopt=kAll) | |
TDataSet (TNode &src) | |
This copy ctor has been depricated (left for thwe sake of the backweard compatibility) | |
virtual | ~TDataSet () |
std::cout << "Default destructor for " << GetName() << " - " << GetTitle() << std::endl; | |
virtual void | Add (TDataSet *dataset) |
virtual void | AddAt (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0) |
virtual void | AddAtAndExpand (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0) |
virtual void | AddFirst (TDataSet *dataset) |
Add TDataSet object at the beginning of the dataset list of this dataset. | |
virtual void | AddLast (TDataSet *dataset) |
Add TDataSet object at the end of the dataset list of this dataset. | |
TDataSet * | At (Int_t idx) const |
virtual void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
Browse this dataset (called by TBrowser). | |
virtual TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const |
the custom implementation fo the TObject::Clone | |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *opt="") |
virtual TDataSet * | Find (const char *path) const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByName (const char *name, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByPath (const char *path) const |
Aliase for TDataSet::Find(const Char_t *path) method. | |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByTitle (const char *title, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const |
TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *o) const |
virtual TDataSet * | First () const |
Return the first object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty. | |
TObjArray * | GetObjArray () const |
virtual TSeqCollection * | GetCollection () const |
TList * | GetList () const |
virtual Int_t | GetListSize () const |
TObject * | GetMother () const |
virtual TObject * | GetObject () const |
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility) | |
virtual TDataSet * | GetParent () const |
virtual Long_t | HasData () const |
virtual TDataSet * | Instance () const |
virtual TString | Path () const |
return the full path of this data set | |
virtual EDataSetPass | Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *), Int_t depth=0) |
virtual EDataSetPass | Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *, void *), void *user, Int_t depth=0) |
virtual void | PrintContents (Option_t *opt="") const |
virtual Int_t | Purge (Option_t *opt="") |
virtual void | Remove (TDataSet *set) |
Remiove the "set" from this TDataSet. | |
virtual TDataSet * | RemoveAt (Int_t idx) |
virtual void | SetMother (TDataSet *parent=0) |
virtual void | SetObject (TObject *obj) |
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility) | |
virtual void | SetParent (TDataSet *parent=0) |
virtual void | SetWrite () |
virtual void | Shunt (TDataSet *newParent=0) |
virtual void | Sort () |
Sort recursively all members of the TDataSet with TList::Sort method. | |
virtual Bool_t | IsEmpty () const |
return kTRUE if the "internal" collection has no member | |
virtual Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsMarked () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsThisDir (const char *dirname, int len=-1, int ignorecase=0) const |
virtual TDataSet * | Last () const |
Return the last object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty. | |
virtual void | ls (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | ls (Int_t depth) const |
void | Mark () |
void | UnMark () |
void | MarkAll () |
Mark all members of this dataset. | |
void | UnMarkAll () |
UnMark all members of this dataset. | |
void | InvertAllMarks () |
Invert mark bit for all members of this dataset. | |
void | Mark (UInt_t flag, EBitOpt reset=kSet) |
virtual TDataSet * | Next () const |
virtual TDataSet * | Prev () const |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | Update (TDataSet *set, UInt_t opt=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | getFromName (const char name[], int &det, int &id) |
Get Name of a channel. | |
static int | getDetFromName (const std::string &detname) |
Get det/id from name. | |
static unsigned short | getKey (unsigned short detid, unsigned short id) |
Get det from name. | |
static void | getDetIdFromKey (unsigned short key, unsigned short &detid, unsigned short &id) |
static unsigned short | getDetFromKey (unsigned short key) |
static unsigned short | getIdFromKey (unsigned short key) |
![]() | |
static TDataSet * | GetMainSet () |
return pointer to the main dataset | |
static TDataSet * | instance () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
virtual void | SetMother (TObject *mother) |
TDataSet (const char *name, const char *title) | |
void | AddMain (TDataSet *set) |
add data set to main data set | |
TDataSet * | GetRealParent () |
return real parent | |
void | MakeCollection () |
Create the internal container at once if any. | |
![]() | |
static EDataSetPass | SortIt (TDataSet *ds) |
static EDataSetPass | SortIt (TDataSet *ds, void *user) |
![]() | |
TDataSet * | fParent |
TSeqCollection * | fList |
![]() | |
static TDataSet * | fgMainSet = &mainSet |
inline |
inline |
inline |
void StFcsDb::getDepfromId | ( | int | detectorId, |
int | id, | ||
int & | ehp, | ||
int & | ns, | ||
int & | crt, | ||
int & | slt, | ||
int & | dep, | ||
int & | ch | ||
) | const |
print ET gain
Fcs Map
Definition at line 1018 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References detectorId().
Referenced by getGain(), getGainCorrection(), getGainOnline(), getName(), StFcsMIPMaker::Init(), and printMap().
StThreeVectorD StFcsDb::getDetectorOffset | ( | int | det, |
double | zdepth = -1 |
) | const |
Utility functions related to DetectorPosition.
get the offset of the detector.
Get the inside corner of a given detector in global STAR coordinates. The x coordinate refers to the inside edge (closer to beam pipe). The y coordinate refers to the y-center of the detector. z coordinate is the front face of the detector unless zdepth>0.
det | detector id to get for offset |
zdepth | depth in z of the detector to get point for. Negative values return z of front face |
Definition at line 578 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References getDetectorAngle(), getYWidth(), and nRow().
Referenced by getHcalProjectedToEcalX(), getHcalProjectedToEcalY(), getStarXYZ(), and projectLine().
double StFcsDb::getHcalProjectedToEcalX | ( | int | ns, |
double | hcalLocalX, | ||
double | zvtx = 0.0 |
) |
Project Hcal local X to Ecal local X [cm].
Project Hcal local x/y to Ecal local x/y [cm] See
Definition at line 695 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References getDetectorOffset(), and getXWidth().
Referenced by getProjectedDistance(), and StFcsEcalHcalMipMaker::Make().
void StFcsDb::getLocalXYinCell | ( | StFcsHit * | hit, |
float & | x, | ||
float & | y | ||
) | const |
getting XY in local cell coordinate
Get xy of center of the cell in local cell coordinate.
Definition at line 652 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
Referenced by getStarXYZ().
const g2t_track_st * StFcsDb::getParentG2tTrack | ( | StFcsHit * | h, |
g2t_track_st * | g2ttrk, | ||
float & | fraction, | ||
int & | ntrk, | ||
unsigned int | order = 0 |
) |
Getting pointer to parent & primary g2t_track from StFcsHit & StFcsCluster User need to provide g2t_track_st table from geant.root file order=0 (default) gives the top contributing g2t_track for the hit/cluster. 1,2... for lower contributer It also returns fraction of dE from the g2t_track to the hit/cluster It also returns number of g2t_tracks contributing to the hit/cluster
Definition at line 2191 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
StThreeVectorD StFcsDb::getStarXYZ | ( | int | det, |
float | FcsX, | ||
float | FcsY, | ||
float | FcsZ = -1.0 , |
float | zVertex = 0.0 |
) | const |
get the STAR frame cooridnates from local XYZ [cm]
get coordinates in STAR frame from local XY (in row/column space [cm])
north side
Definition at line 868 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References getDetectorAngle(), getDetectorOffset(), getYWidth(), northSouth(), and nRow().
Referenced by getEta(), getPhi(), getStarXYZ(), getStarXYZ_4x4(), getStarXYZfromColumnRow(), StFcsEventDisplay::Make(), and printEtGain().
StThreeVectorD StFcsDb::getStarXYZ_4x4 | ( | int | det, |
int | col, | ||
int | row | ||
) | const |
Get the STAR frame cooridnates for 4x4 sum.
get coordinates of center of 4x4 sums in STAR frame Ecal 4x4 : col goes 1-9 row goes 1-15 Hcal 4x4 : col goes 1-5 row goes 1-9
Definition at line 678 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References getStarXYZ().
StThreeVectorD StFcsDb::getStarXYZfromColumnRow | ( | int | det, |
float | col, | ||
float | row, | ||
float | FcsZ = -1.0 |
) | const |
get the STAR frame cooridnates from other way
get coordinates in STAR frame from det/row/column grid space [unit is cell size in float]
Definition at line 863 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References getStarXYZ(), getXWidth(), and getYWidth().
Referenced by getStarXYZ(), StFcsMIPMaker::Make(), StFcsTrackMatchMaker::Make(), StFcsPi0ReconstructionMaker::Make(), StFcsPi0FinderForEcal::Make(), and StFcsEventDisplay::Make().
int StFcsDb::maxDetectorId | ( | ) | const |
set fcsPresThreshold_st*
Utility functions related to FCS ChannelGeometry
Definition at line 416 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
float StFcsDb::pedestal | ( | int | ehp, |
int | ns, | ||
int | dep, | ||
int | ch | ||
) |
Get EPD's EPD map from FCS mapping.
Definition at line 2116 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
Referenced by StFcsQaMaker::Make().
StThreeVectorD StFcsDb::projectLine | ( | int | det, |
double * | linedirection, | ||
double * | lineorigin, | ||
double | showermaxz = -1 |
) | const |
XYZ of a projected line to the FCS detector plane.
Get the STAR XYZ that corresponds to the intersection of the FCS plane and a line given by the direction of some azimuthal angle and polar angle. You can also specify the origin of the line in the global STAR XYZ coordinates.
Note: if you choose the wrong detector for a given polar angle you will get the wrong projection so please use projectTrackToEcal(), projectTrackToHcal(), projectTrackToEcalSMax(), or projectTrackToHcalSMax() to take into account which polar angle goes to which detector.
det | detector id to project line to (needed for correct angle). |
linedirection | size 3 array indicating the direction of the line to project onto #det, first element x-direction, second element y-direction, third element z-direction |
lineorigin | size 3 array indication the origin of the line to project onto #det, first element is x-coordinate, second element is y-coordinate, third element is z-coordinate |
zhowermax | depth in z of the detector to project the line to. Any negative value will use #getShowerMaxZ() |
Definition at line 817 of file StFcsDb.cxx.
References getDetectorAngle(), and getDetectorOffset().
void StFcsDb::setFcsDetectorPosition | ( | fcsDetectorPosition_st * | t | ) |
set Et Gain Setting 0=Auto from run#, 1=Old, 2=New(23027048)
Setting DB table
Definition at line 255 of file StFcsDb.cxx.