Holds collections of GMT data.
Holds collections of GMT data.
Holds collections of GMT points.
GMT data collection for StEvent (based on StFgtCollection)
- Author
- K.S. Engle, Jan. 2013
Richard Witt (witt@.nosp@m.usna.nosp@m..edu), Jan. 2013
Grigory Nigmatkulov (nigma.nosp@m.tkul.nosp@m.ov@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com), Dec. 2020
Collection of GMT points for StEvent. Basically a wrapper for an StSPtrVecGmtPoint (based on StFgtPointCollection)
- Author
- K.S. Engle, Jan. 2013
Richard Witt (witt@.nosp@m.usna.nosp@m..edu), Jan. 2013
Grigory Nigmatkulov (nigma.nosp@m.tkul.nosp@m.ov@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com), Dec. 2020
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