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StMtdSimMaker Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for StMtdSimMaker:
StMaker TDataSet

Public Member Functions

 StMtdSimMaker (const char *name="MtdSim")
 Pad Width: 38mm padwidth + 6mm innerspacing.
void Reset ()
virtual Int_t Init ()
Int_t InitRun (Int_t)
Int_t FinishRun (Int_t)
virtual Int_t Make ()
virtual Int_t Finish ()
Int_t FastCellResponse ()
 This will define the maps to store the StMtdHits and will call the necessary functions to obtain the cell, module and backleg #s to. More...
Int_t CalcCellId (Int_t volume_id, Float_t ylocal, Int_t &ibackleg, Int_t &imodule, Int_t &icell)
 This will calculate the cell ID as well as decode the module # and backleg # to store in an MTD Collection. Done from volume_id produced by GEANT. More...
virtual const char * GetCVS () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from StMaker
 StMaker (const char *name="", const char *dummy=0)
 Constructor & Destructor.
virtual Int_t IsChain () const
virtual void Clear (Option_t *option="")
 User defined functions.
virtual void StartMaker ()
virtual Int_t IMake (Int_t number)
virtual void EndMaker (Int_t ierr)
virtual void FatalErr (Int_t Ierr, const char *Com)
virtual void PrintInfo ()
virtual void NotifyMe (const char *, const void *)
virtual void AddMaker (StMaker *mk)
virtual void MakeDoc (const TString &, const TString &, Bool_t)
virtual void AddData (TDataSet *data, const char *dir=".data")
 User methods.
virtual TDataSetAddObj (TObject *obj, const char *dir, int owner=1)
virtual TDataSetToWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *dat)
virtual TDataSetToWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *dat, void *del)
virtual TDataSetToWhiteBoard (const char *name, TObject *dat, Int_t owner)
virtual TDataSetToWhiteConst (const char *name, TObject *dat)
virtual TDataSetToWhiteConst (const char *name, void *dat)
virtual TDataSetWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *v=0) const
virtual Int_t Skip (Int_t nskip)
virtual void AddConst (TDataSet *data=0)
virtual void AddHist (TH1 *h, const char *dir=0)
virtual void AddGarb (TDataSet *data=0)
virtual void AddRunco (TDataSet *data=0)
virtual void AddRunco (Double_t par, const char *name, const char *comment)
void AddRunCont (TDataSet *data=0)
virtual TList * GetHistList () const
virtual TH1 * GetHist (const char *histName) const
virtual StMakercd ()
virtual StMakerCd ()
virtual Int_t GetNumber () const
 STAR methods.
virtual void SetNumber (Int_t number)
virtual StMakerGetParentChain () const
virtual Int_t GetIventNumber () const
 Returns the current event number.
virtual void SetIventNumber (Int_t iv)
virtual Int_t GetEventNumber () const
virtual Int_t GetRunNumber () const
 Returns the current RunNumber.
virtual const TDatime & GetDateTime () const
virtual const TDatime & GetDBTime () const
virtual void SetDateTime (Int_t idat, Int_t itim)
virtual StEvtHddrGetEvtHddr () const
virtual Int_t GetDate () const
virtual Int_t GetTime () const
virtual const char * GetEventType () const
virtual TDataSetGetData (const char *name, const char *dir=".data") const
virtual TDataSetGetData () const
virtual TDataSetGetConst () const
virtual TDataSetGetDataSet (const char *logInput) const
virtual TDataSetDataSet (const char *logInput) const
virtual TDataSetGetInputDS (const char *logInput) const
virtual TDataSetGetDataBase (const char *logInput, const TDatime *td=0)
virtual TDataSetGetInputDB (const char *logInput)
virtual Int_t GetDebug () const
virtual Int_t Debug () const
virtual Int_t GetMakeReturn () const
virtual TList * Histograms () const
virtual TString GetAlias (const char *log, const char *dir=".aliases") const
virtual TString GetInput (const char *log) const
virtual TString GetOutput (const char *log) const
virtual TList * GetMakeList () const
virtual StMakerGetParentMaker () const
virtual StMakerGetMaker (const char *mkname)
virtual StMakerGetMakerInheritsFrom (const char *mktype) const
virtual Bool_t IsActive ()
virtual StMakerMaker (const char *mkname)
virtual void SetBIT (EMakerStatus k)
 Maker Status Bits.
virtual void ResetBIT (EMakerStatus k)
virtual Bool_t TestBIT (EMakerStatus k)
virtual void SetActive (Bool_t k=kTRUE)
 Setters for flags and switches.
virtual void SetDebug (Int_t l=1)
virtual void SetDEBUG (Int_t l=1)
virtual void SetFlavor (const char *flav, const char *tabname)
virtual void SetMakeReturn (Int_t ret)
virtual void SetAlias (const char *log, const char *act, const char *dir=".aliases")
virtual void AddAlias (const char *log, const char *act, const char *dir=".aliases")
virtual void SetInput (const char *log, const char *act)
virtual void SetOutput (const char *log, const char *act)
virtual void SetOutput (const char *log, TDataSet *ds)
virtual void SetOutput (TDataSet *ds)
virtual void SetOutputAll (TDataSet *ds, Int_t level=1)
virtual void SetMode (Int_t mode=0)
virtual void SetNotify (const char *about, StMaker *mk)
virtual Int_t GetMode ()
virtual Int_t GetDebug ()
virtual const StChainOptGetChainOpt () const
virtual TFile * GetTFile () const
virtual void NotifyEm (const char *about, const void *ptr)
virtual Double_t RealTime ()
virtual Double_t CpuTime ()
virtual void StartTimer (Bool_t reset=kFALSE)
virtual void StopTimer ()
virtual void PrintTimer (Option_t *option="")
virtual void PrintTotalTime ()
virtual const char * GetName () const
 special overload
TObject * GetDirObj (const char *dir) const
void SetDirObj (TObject *obj, const char *dir)
Int_t SetAttr (const char *key, const char *val, const char *to=".")
Int_t SetAttr (const char *key, Int_t val, const char *to=".")
Int_t SetAttr (const char *key, UInt_t val, const char *to=".")
Int_t SetAttr (const char *key, Double_t val, const char *to=".")
Int_t SetAttr (const StMaker *mk)
Int_t RemAttr (const char *key, const char *to=".")
const TAttrGetAttr () const
Int_t IAttr (const char *key) const
UInt_t UAttr (const char *key) const
Double_t DAttr (const char *key) const
const char * SAttr (const char *key) const
void PrintAttr () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TDataSet
 TDataSet (const char *name="", TDataSet *parent=0, Bool_t arrayFlag=kFALSE)
 TDataSet (const TDataSet &src, EDataSetPass iopt=kAll)
 TDataSet (TNode &src)
 This copy ctor has been depricated (left for thwe sake of the backweard compatibility)
virtual ~TDataSet ()
 std::cout << "Default destructor for " << GetName() << " - " << GetTitle() << std::endl;
virtual void Add (TDataSet *dataset)
virtual void AddAt (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0)
virtual void AddAtAndExpand (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0)
virtual void AddFirst (TDataSet *dataset)
 Add TDataSet object at the beginning of the dataset list of this dataset.
virtual void AddLast (TDataSet *dataset)
 Add TDataSet object at the end of the dataset list of this dataset.
TDataSetAt (Int_t idx) const
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
 Browse this dataset (called by TBrowser).
virtual TObject * Clone (const char *newname="") const
 the custom implementation fo the TObject::Clone
virtual void Delete (Option_t *opt="")
virtual TDataSetFind (const char *path) const
virtual TDataSetFindByName (const char *name, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const
virtual TDataSetFindByPath (const char *path) const
 Aliase for TDataSet::Find(const Char_t *path) method.
virtual TDataSetFindByTitle (const char *title, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const
TObject * FindObject (const char *name) const
TObject * FindObject (const TObject *o) const
virtual TDataSetFirst () const
 Return the first object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty.
TObjArray * GetObjArray () const
virtual TSeqCollection * GetCollection () const
TList * GetList () const
virtual Int_t GetListSize () const
TObject * GetMother () const
virtual TObject * GetObject () const
 The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility)
virtual TDataSetGetParent () const
virtual Long_t HasData () const
virtual TDataSetInstance () const
virtual TString Path () const
 return the full path of this data set
virtual EDataSetPass Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *), Int_t depth=0)
virtual EDataSetPass Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *, void *), void *user, Int_t depth=0)
virtual void PrintContents (Option_t *opt="") const
virtual Int_t Purge (Option_t *opt="")
virtual void Remove (TDataSet *set)
 Remiove the "set" from this TDataSet.
virtual TDataSetRemoveAt (Int_t idx)
virtual void SetMother (TDataSet *parent=0)
virtual void SetObject (TObject *obj)
 The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility)
virtual void SetParent (TDataSet *parent=0)
virtual void SetWrite ()
virtual void Shunt (TDataSet *newParent=0)
virtual void Sort ()
 Sort recursively all members of the TDataSet with TList::Sort method.
virtual Bool_t IsEmpty () const
 return kTRUE if the "internal" collection has no member
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
virtual Bool_t IsMarked () const
virtual Bool_t IsThisDir (const char *dirname, int len=-1, int ignorecase=0) const
virtual TDataSetLast () const
 Return the last object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty.
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
virtual void ls (Int_t depth) const
void Mark ()
void UnMark ()
void MarkAll ()
 Mark all members of this dataset.
void UnMarkAll ()
 UnMark all members of this dataset.
void InvertAllMarks ()
 Invert mark bit for all members of this dataset.
void Mark (UInt_t flag, EBitOpt reset=kSet)
virtual TDataSetNext () const
virtual TDataSetPrev () const
virtual void Update ()
virtual void Update (TDataSet *set, UInt_t opt=0)
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const

Protected Types

enum  {
  kNBackleg = 99, kNModule = 99, kNCell = 12, kAMP = 50000,

Protected Member Functions

Int_t bookHistograms ()
Int_t writeHistograms ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StMaker
StMessMgrGetLogger () const
virtual TDataSetFindDataSet (const char *logInput, const StMaker *uppMk=0, const StMaker *dowMk=0) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TDataSet
virtual void SetMother (TObject *mother)
 TDataSet (const char *name, const char *title)
void AddMain (TDataSet *set)
 add data set to main data set
TDataSetGetRealParent ()
 return real parent
void MakeCollection ()
 Create the internal container at once if any.

Protected Attributes

 geant table
int mNMtdHits
g2t_mtd_hit_st * mMtdHitsFromGeant
Bool_t mBookHisto
Bool_t mWriteHisto
Bool_t mWriteStEvent
string mHistFile
 switch to enable Maker to write out simulated hits to StEvent
TH1F * mBetaHist
TH1F * mPathLHist
 speed of particles hitting tof
TH1F * mTofHist
 speed of particles hitting tof
TH1F * mRecMass
 total time of flight of partilce
TH2F * mCellGeant
 reconstructed mass of particle
TH1F * mVpdGeant
 cellId of geant hit
TH2F * mNCellGeant
 Vpd tubeId of geant hit.
TH2F * mNVpdGeant

of cells of geant hit

TH1F * mDeGeant

of vpd tubes of geant hit

TH1F * mTofGeant
 deposited-energy in geant hit
TH2F * mCellSeen
 tof in geant hit
TH1F * mVpdSeen
 cellId after DetectorResponse
TH2F * mNCellSeen
 Vpd tubeId after DetectorResponse.
TH2F * mNVpdSeen

of cells after DetectorResponse

TH1F * mDeSeen

of vpd tubes after DetectorResponse

TH1F * mT0Seen
 deposited-energy after DetectorResponse
TH1F * mTofSeen
TH1F * mTofResSeen
 smeared-tof after DetectorResponse
TH1F * mVpdResSeen
 time resolution after Detector Response
TH2F * mCellReco
 vpd time resolution after DetectorResponse
TH1F * mVpdReco
 cellId after recon
TH2F * mNCellReco
 Vpd tubeId after recon.
TH2F * mNVpdReco

of cells after recon

TH1F * mTDCReco

of vpd tubes after recon

TH1F * mADCReco
 TDC recon.
TH1F * mT0Reco
 ADC recon – empty.
TH1F * mTofResReco
TH1F * mVpdResReco
 time resolution after recon
TH2F * mTACorr
 vpd time resolution after recon
TH1F * mModHist
 T-A Slewing Correlation.
TH2I * QABacklegChannel
 T-A Slewing Correlation.
TH1F * mdE
 MTD hit distribution. More...
TH1F * mdS
TH1F * mNumberOfPhotoelectrons
TH1F * mT
TH1F * mTime
TH1F * mTime1
TH1F * mPMlength
TH1F * mAdc
TH1F * mTdc
- Protected Attributes inherited from StMaker
 list of logInput:ActualInput
 list of logOuput:ActualOuput
TList * m_Histograms
 Run Control parameters.
Int_t fTallyMaker [kStFatal+1]
Int_t m_Mode
Int_t m_Number
 Integer mode of maker.
Int_t m_LastRun
 Serial event number.
Int_t m_DebugLevel
 Last Run number.
Int_t m_MakeReturn
 Debug level.
TStopwatch m_Timer
 Make() return flag.
 Timer object.
 StMemStat for Make.
Int_t fStatus
 StMemStat for Clear.
 Maker status.
- Protected Attributes inherited from TDataSet
TSeqCollection * fList

Static Protected Attributes

static const float kMtdPadWidth = 3.8 + 0.6
 Pad Width: 38mm padwidth + 6mm innerspacing.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from StMaker
static StMakerfgTopChain = 0
 list of Histograms
static StMakerfgStChain = 0
 pointer to top StChain
static StMakerfgFailedMaker = 0
 current pointer to StChain
static StTestMakerfgTestMaker = 0
 current pointer to failed maker
static Int_t fgTallyMaker [kStFatal+1] = {0,0,0,0,0}
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TDataSet
static TDataSetfgMainSet = &mainSet

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from StMaker
enum  EDebugLevel { kNormal, kDebug }
enum  EMakerStatus {
  kInitBeg = 1, kInitEnd = 2, kMakeBeg = 3, kCleaBeg = 4,
  kFiniBeg = 5, kFiniEnd = 6, kActive = 7
- Public Types inherited from TDataSet
enum  EDataSetPass {
  kContinue, kPrune, kStop, kUp,
  kStruct, kAll, kRefs, kMarked
enum  ESetBits { kMark = BIT(22), kArray = BIT(20) }
enum  EBitOpt { kSet = kTRUE, kReset = kFALSE }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from StMaker
static StMakerNew (const char *classname, const char *name="", void *title=0)
static StMakerGetTopChain ()
static StMakerGetChain ()
static StMakerGetFailedMaker ()
static StMakerGetMaker (const TDataSet *ds)
 Static functions.
static EDataSetPass ClearDS (TDataSet *ds, void *user)
static const char * RetCodeAsString (Int_t kode)
static Int_t AliasDate (const char *alias)
static Int_t AliasTime (const char *alias)
static const char * AliasGeometry (const char *alias)
static const DbAlias_tGetDbAliases ()
static void SetTestMaker (StTestMaker *mk)
static Int_t Cleanup (TDataSet *&ds)
static void lsMakers (const StMaker *top)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TDataSet
static TDataSetGetMainSet ()
 return pointer to the main dataset
static TDataSetinstance ()
- Public Attributes inherited from StMaker
enum StMaker:: { ... }  EModule_return_Status
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TDataSet
static EDataSetPass SortIt (TDataSet *ds)
static EDataSetPass SortIt (TDataSet *ds, void *user)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 67 of file StMtdSimMaker.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

12 cells per box

Definition at line 81 of file StMtdSimMaker.h.

Member Function Documentation

Int_t StMtdSimMaker::bookHistograms ( void  )
int StMtdSimMaker::CalcCellId ( Int_t  volume_id,
Float_t  ylocal,
Int_t &  ibackleg,
Int_t &  imodule,
Int_t &  icell 

This will calculate the cell ID as well as decode the module # and backleg # to store in an MTD Collection. Done from volume_id produced by GEANT.

Decode GEANT volume_id

This is the backleg number produced by GEANT, does not match value from geometry

This is the corrected backleg number, will be stored in sthit

module number, i.e. where the module falls in a 5 tray backleg

Construct cell ID from local Y coordinate

Verify ranges

Definition at line 221 of file StMtdSimMaker.cxx.

References kMtdPadWidth.

Referenced by FastCellResponse().

Int_t StMtdSimMaker::FastCellResponse ( )

This will define the maps to store the StMtdHits and will call the necessary functions to obtain the cell, module and backleg #s to.

uses the module and the cell id to find the first channel on RDO

uses the module and the cell id to find the second channel on RDO

Definition at line 247 of file StMtdSimMaker.cxx.

References CalcCellId(), kStOK, mDeGeant, mDeSeen, mEvent, mTofGeant, and QABacklegChannel.

Referenced by Make().

Int_t StMtdSimMaker::Finish ( )

Terminate a run. Place to make operations on histograms, normalization,etc.

Reimplemented from StMaker.

Definition at line 172 of file StMtdSimMaker.cxx.

References kStOK, and mHistFile.

Int_t StMtdSimMaker::InitRun ( Int_t  runnumber)

Channel group mapping for each module. Basic initialization below. Will move to database eventually.

Reimplemented from StMaker.

Definition at line 136 of file StMtdSimMaker.cxx.

References TDataSet::Find(), kStErr, and kStOK.

Int_t StMtdSimMaker::Make ( )

The Make() method is the one responsible for calling the maker's InitRun(). Note that that InitRun() is called for real data and if both of the following are true

  • a header exists
  • the run number changes

This is the ONLY place calling the InitRun() routine.

Check to see that there are GEANT hits

Look for MTD hits

check privilege to skip event

Reimplemented from StMaker.

Definition at line 186 of file StMtdSimMaker.cxx.

References FastCellResponse(), TDataSet::Find(), kStOK, kStWarn, and mEvent.

Member Data Documentation

TH1F* StMtdSimMaker::mdE

MTD hit distribution.

TOFp histograms

Definition at line 134 of file StMtdSimMaker.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: