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StPicoTrack Class Reference

Holds information about track parameters. More...

#include <StPicoTrack.h>

Inheritance diagram for StPicoTrack:

Public Types

enum  { eTopologyMap = 2 }

Public Member Functions

 StPicoTrack ()
 Default constructor.
 StPicoTrack (const StPicoTrack &track)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~StPicoTrack ()
virtual void Print (const Char_t *option="") const
 Print track parameters.
Int_t id () const
 Return unique Id of the track.
Float_t chi2 () const
 Return chi2 of the track.
TVector3 pMom () const
 Return momentum (GeV/c) of the primary track. Return (0,0,0) if not primary track.
TVector3 gMom () const
 Return momentum (GeV/c) of the global tracks at the point of DCA to the primary vertex.
TVector3 origin () const
 Return space coordinate (cm) of DCA to the primary vertex.
Float_t gPt () const
 Return global tranverse momentum (GeV/c)
Float_t gPtot () const
 Return global total momentum (GeV/c)
Float_t pPt () const
 Return transverse momentum (GeV/c) of the primary track.
Float_t pPtot () const
 Return total momentum (GeV/c) of the primary track.
TVector3 gMom (TVector3 pVtx, Float_t B) const
 Global momentum at point of DCA to pVtx, B should be in kilogauss.
StPicoPhysicalHelix helix (Float_t const B) const
 Helix at point of DCA to StPicoEvent::mPrimaryVertex.
Float_t gDCAx (Float_t pVtxX) const
 Return signed distance in x direction (cm) between the value and x position of the DCA point (gDCAx - x)
Float_t gDCAy (Float_t pVtxY) const
 Return signed distance in y direction between the value and y position of the DCA point (gDCAy - y)
Float_t gDCAz (Float_t pVtxZ) const
 Return signed distance in z direction (cm) between the value and z position of the DCA point (gDCAz - z)
Float_t gDCAxy (Float_t pVtxX, Float_t pVtxY) const
 Return distance in xy direction (cm) between the (x,y) point and the DCA point to primary vertex.
Float_t gDCA (Float_t pVtxX, Float_t pVtxY, Float_t pVtxZ) const
 Return distance in xyz direction (cm) between the (x,y,z) point and the DCA point to primary vertex.
TVector3 gDCA (TVector3 pVtx) const
 Return 3-vector (distance) between the DCA point and the point (gDCA - point)
Float_t gDCAs (TVector3 pVtx) const
Short_t charge () const
 Return charge of the track (encoded in nHitsFit as: nHitsFit * charge)
Int_t nHits () const
 Return number of hits.
Int_t nHitsFit () const
 Return number of hits fit.
Int_t nHitsMax () const
 Return number of hits possible.
Int_t nHitsPoss () const
 Return number of hits possible.
Int_t nHitsDedx () const
 Return number of hits used for dE/dx measurement.
UInt_t hftHitsMap () const
 Return a map of hits in HFT.
Float_t dEdx () const
 Return dE/dx (in keV/cm) of the track.
Float_t dEdxError () const
 Return dE/dx error of the track (in GeV/cm)
Float_t dNdx () const
 Return dN/dx of the track.
Float_t dNdxError () const
 Return dN/dx error of the track.
Char_t status () const
 Return if the track was fitted to any vertex (0 - not fitted, 1 - fitted)
Float_t nSigmaPion () const
 Return nSigma(pion)
Float_t nSigmaKaon () const
 Return nSigma(kaon)
Float_t nSigmaProton () const
 Return nSigma(proton)
Float_t nSigmaElectron () const
 Return nSigma(electron)
UInt_t topologyMap (UInt_t idx) const
 Return track topology map (return 0 in case when requested index is >1)
ULong64_t iTpcTopologyMap () const
 Return topology map for iTPC.
Bool_t hasPxl1Hit () const
 Return if the track has an inner PXL hit.
Bool_t hasPxl2Hit () const
 Return if the track has an outer PXL hit.
Bool_t hasIstHit () const
 Return if the track has an IST hit.
Bool_t hasSstHit () const
 Return if the track has an inner SST hit.
Bool_t isHft () const
 Return if trach has hit in HFT.
Bool_t isHFTTrack () const
 Return if trach has hit in HFT.
Bool_t hasHft4Layers () const
 Return if track has hits in all 4 layers of silicon.
Bool_t isTofTrack () const
 Return if track has TOF hit.
Bool_t isBemcTrack () const
 Return if track has BEMC hit.
Bool_t isMtdTrack () const
 Return if track has MTD hit.
Bool_t isETofTrack () const
 Return if track has ETOF hit.
Bool_t isBemcMatchedTrack () const
 Checks if track matches any BEMC tower.
Bool_t isPrimary () const
 Return if track is primary.
Int_t bemcPidTraitsIndex () const
 Return index to the corresponding BEMC PID trait.
Int_t bTofPidTraitsIndex () const
 Return index to the corresponding BTOF PID trait.
Int_t mtdPidTraitsIndex () const
 Return index to the corresponding MTD PID trait.
Int_t eTofPidTraitsIndex () const
 Return index to the corresponding ETOF PID trait.
Int_t bemcTowerIndex () const
Bool_t isBemcMatchedExact () const
Int_t idTruth () const
 Index of the corresponding MC track.
Int_t qaTruth () const
 Qualtiy of the MC track.
Int_t vertexIndex () const
 Return parent vertex index (-2 if not fitted to any vertex)
void setId (Int_t id)
 Set track ID.
void setChi2 (Float_t chi2)
 Set chi2 of the track.
void setPrimaryMomentum (Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz)
 Set momentum of the primary track.
void setPrimaryMomentum (Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz)
 Set momentum of the primary track.
void setPrimaryMomentum (TVector3 mom)
 Set momentum of the primary track.
void setGlobalMomentum (Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz)
 Set momentum of the global track.
void setGlobalMomentum (Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz)
 Set momentum of the global track.
void setGlobalMomentum (TVector3 mom)
 Set momentum of the global track.
void setOrigin (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
 Set origin of the track (DCA point to the primary vertex)
void setOrigin (Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
 Set origin of the track (DCA point to the primary vertex)
void setOrigin (TVector3 orig)
 Set origin of the track (DCA point to the primary vertex)
void setDedx (Float_t dEdx)
 Set dE/dx of the track.
void setDedxError (Float_t dEdxError)
 Set dE/dx error of the track.
void setDndx (Float_t dNdx)
 Set dN/dx of the track.
void setDndxError (Float_t dNdxError)
 Set dN/dx error of the track.
void setStatus (Char_t k=0)
 Set status of the track (0 - not fitted to any vertex, 1 - fitted to a vertex)
void setNHitsFit (Int_t nhits)
 Set nHitsFit ( charge * nHitsFit )
void setNHitsPossible (Int_t nhits)
 Set nHitsPoss.
void setNHitsMax (Int_t nhits)
 Set nHitsPoss.
void setNHitsDedx (Int_t nhits)
 Set nHitsDedx.
void setNSigmaPion (Float_t ns)
 Set nSigma(pion)
void setNSigmaKaon (Float_t ns)
 Set nSigma(kaon)
void setNSigmaProton (Float_t ns)
 Set nSigma(proton)
void setNSigmaElectron (Float_t ns)
 Set nSigma(electron)
void setTopologyMap (Int_t id, UInt_t word)
 Set topology map (2 words)
void setiTpcTopologyMap (ULong64_t map)
 Set iTPC topology map.
void setBEmcPidTraitsIndex (Int_t index)
 Set index to BEMC PID traits.
void setBTofPidTraitsIndex (Int_t index)
 Set index to BTOF PID traits.
void setMtdPidTraitsIndex (Int_t index)
 Set index to MTD PID traits.
void setETofPidTraitsIndex (Int_t index)
 Set index to ETOF PID traits.
void setBEmcMatchedTowerIndex (Int_t index)
 Set index of the BEMC tower that matches the track.
void setMcTruth (Int_t index, Int_t qa)
 Set index of the corresonding MC track.
void setVertexIndex (Int_t index)
 Set vertex index to which the track was fitted.

Protected Attributes

UShort_t mId
 Unique track ID.
UShort_t mChi2
 Chi2 of the track (encoding = chi2*1000)
Float_t mPMomentumX
 Px momentum (GeV/c) of the primary track ( 0 if not primary )
Float_t mPMomentumY
 Py momentum (GeV/c) of the primary track ( 0 if not primary )
Float_t mPMomentumZ
 Pz momentum (GeV/c) of the primary track ( 0 if not primary )
Float_t mGMomentumX
 Px component of the momentum (GeV/c) of the global track at DCA to primary vertex.
Float_t mGMomentumY
 Py component of the momentum (GeV/c) of the global track at DCA to primary vertex.
Float_t mGMomentumZ
 Pz component of the momentum (GeV/c) of the global track at DCA to primary vertex.
Float_t mOriginX
 Track origin x (DCAx to the primary vertex) in cm.
Float_t mOriginY
 Track origin y (DCAy to the primary vertex) in cm.
Float_t mOriginZ
 Track origin z (DCAy to the primary vertex) in cm.
Float16_t mDedx
 dE/dx in KeV/cm (dE/dx * 1e6)
Float16_t mDedxError
 dE/dx error (in GeV/cm)
Float_t mDnDx
 Fitted dN/dx.
Float_t mDnDxError
 Fitted dN/dx error.
Char_t mNHitsFit
 Charge * nHitsFit.
UChar_t mNHitsMax
 Possible number of hits (in TPC)
UChar_t mNHitsDedx
 Number of hits used for dE/dx estimation (in TPC)
Short_t mNSigmaPion
 nSigma(pion) (encoding = nsigma * 1000)
Short_t mNSigmaKaon
 nSigma(kaon) (encoding = nsigma * 1000)
Short_t mNSigmaProton
 nSigma(proton) (encoding = nsigma * 1000)
Short_t mNSigmaElectron
 nSigma(electron) (encoding = nsigma * 1000)
UInt_t mTopologyMap [eTopologyMap]
 Toplogy Map data0 and data1. See StEvent/StTrackTopologyMap.cxx.
Short_t mBEmcPidTraitsIndex
 Index of the BEMC pidTratis in the event.
Short_t mBTofPidTraitsIndex
 Index of the BTOF pidTratis in the event.
Short_t mMtdPidTraitsIndex
 Index of the MTD pidTratis in the event.
Short_t mETofPidTraitsIndex
 Index of the ETOF pidTratis in the event.
Short_t mBEmcMatchedTowerIndex
ULong64_t mTopoMap_iTpc
 Topology map for the iTPC.
Char_t mStatus
UShort_t mIdTruth
 MC track id.
UShort_t mQATruth
 MC track quality (percentage of hits coming from corresponding MC track)
Char_t mVertexIndex
 Parent vertex index. -2 if no vertex.

Detailed Description

Holds information about track parameters.

The class stores information about the tracks reconstructed in TPC

Definition at line 35 of file StPicoTrack.h.

Member Function Documentation

Int_t StPicoTrack::bemcTowerIndex ( ) const

Return index of the BEMC tower index that was matched with the track. The indexing scheme was chosen so that towers with an exact match are stored with the softid (1, 4800), towers with an close match are stored as -softid (-1, -4800), and towers without a match are stored as 0. Therefore, returning abs(mBEmcMatchedTowerIndex) - 1 will return the array index of the proper tower for matched tracks, and return -1 for unmatched tracks Indices start from 0 and go up to 4799 in order have the trivial access to StPicoBTowHit array.

Definition at line 198 of file StPicoTrack.h.

References mBEmcMatchedTowerIndex.

Float_t StPicoTrack::gDCAs ( TVector3  pVtx) const

Return signed DCA of global track to the primary vertex

pVtx Primary vertex position

The values can be estimated only for tracks (with non-zero momentum) that have primary partners. In other case -999 value will be returned.

Definition at line 414 of file StPicoTrack.cxx.

References gDCA(), gMom(), and isPrimary().

Bool_t StPicoTrack::isBemcMatchedExact ( ) const

If true, the track was found in the material between towers, not in a scintillating pad

Definition at line 201 of file StPicoTrack.h.

References mBEmcMatchedTowerIndex.

Member Data Documentation

Short_t StPicoTrack::mBEmcMatchedTowerIndex

Index of the BEMC-matched tower. The indexing scheme was chosen so that towers with an exact match are stored with the softid (1, 4800), towers with an close match are stored as -softid (-1, -4800), and towers without a match are stored as 0.

Definition at line 358 of file StPicoTrack.h.

Referenced by bemcTowerIndex(), isBemcMatchedExact(), isBemcMatchedTrack(), and setBEmcMatchedTowerIndex().

Char_t StPicoTrack::mStatus

Checks if the track was fitted to any vertex

0 not fitted
1 fitted

Definition at line 368 of file StPicoTrack.h.

Referenced by setStatus(), status(), and StPicoTrack().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: