#include <StXiI.hh>
Public Member Functions | |
_________________FUNCTIONS_USEFUL_IN_ALL_XI_TYPES_________________ | |
virtual Int_t | charge () const =0 |
Particle charge. | |
Decay properties | |
Float_t | decayDistanceV0 () const |
3-d distance of V0 decay from primary vertex | |
virtual Float_t | decayLengthV0 () const |
3-d decay distance of V0 from Xi | |
Float_t | decayLengthXi () const |
3-d decay distance of Xi | |
virtual Float_t | decayVertexXiX () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | decayVertexXiY () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | decayVertexXiZ () const =0 |
Coordinates of decay vertex. | |
Float_t | alphaXi () |
Float_t | ptArmXi () |
Armenteros-Podolanski variables. | |
Float_t | cTauOmega () |
Lifetime (ctau) assuming (anti)Omega. | |
Float_t | cTauXi () |
Lifetime (ctau) assuming (anti)Xi. | |
Momenta | |
TVector3 | momBachelor () |
Momentum of bachelor. | |
virtual Float_t | momBachelorX () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momBachelorY () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momBachelorZ () const =0 |
Momentum components of bachelor. | |
virtual TVector3 | momXi ()=0 |
Momentum of Xi/Omega at decay vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | momXiX ()=0 |
virtual Float_t | momXiY ()=0 |
virtual Float_t | momXiZ ()=0 |
Momentum components of Xi/Omega at decay vertex. | |
virtual TVector3 | momXiAtPrimVertex ()=0 |
Momentum of Xi/Omega at primary vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | momXiAtPrimVertexX ()=0 |
virtual Float_t | momXiAtPrimVertexY ()=0 |
virtual Float_t | momXiAtPrimVertexZ ()=0 |
Momentum components of Xi/Omega at primary vertex. | |
Float_t | ptXi () |
Transverse momentum of Xi/Omega. | |
Float_t | ptBachelor () |
Transverse momentum of bachelor. | |
Float_t | ptotXi () |
Total momentum of Xi/Omega. | |
Float_t | ptotBachelor () |
Total momentum of bachelor. | |
Mass-dependent properties | |
Float_t | eOmega () |
Energy assuming Omega hypothesis. | |
Float_t | eXi () |
Energy assuming Xi hypothesis. | |
Float_t | eBachelorPion () |
Energy of bachelor assuming pion. | |
Float_t | eBachelorKaon () |
Energy of bachelor assuming kaon. | |
Float_t | massOmega () |
Mass assuming Omega hypothesis. | |
Float_t | massXi () |
Mass assuming Xi hypothesis. | |
Float_t | rapOmega () |
Rapidity assuming (anti)Omega. | |
Float_t | rapXi () |
Rapidity assuming (anti)Xi. | |
Mass-independent properties | |
Float_t | thetaXi () |
Polar angle theta of Xi/Omega. | |
Float_t | thetaBachelor () |
Polar angle theta of bachelor. | |
Float_t | pseudoRapXi () |
Pseudorapidity of Xi/Omega. | |
Float_t | pseudoRapBachelor () |
Pseudorapidity of bachelor. | |
Transverse mass formulae | |
Float_t | mtOmega () |
Transverse mass assuming (anti)Omega. | |
Float_t | mtXi () |
Transverse mass assuming (anti)Xi. | |
Float_t | mtm0Omega () |
mt-m0 assuming (anti)Omega | |
Float_t | mtm0Xi () |
mt-m0 assuming (anti)Xi | |
Energy and invariant mass formulae for hypothetical masses | |
Float_t | eBachelorHyp (Float_t mass) |
Energy of bachelor assuming its mass. | |
Float_t | massHypXi (Float_t massV0, Float_t massBachelor) |
Invariant mass assuming daughter masses. | |
Float_t | eHypXi (Float_t mass) |
Float_t | rapHypXi (Float_t mass) |
Float_t | mtHypXi (Float_t mass) |
Float_t | mtm0HypXi (Float_t mass) |
Energy, rapidity, mt, mt-m0 of Xi assuming its mass. | |
Cosines of decay and polarization angles for different particle hypotheses | |
Float_t | decayCosThetaBachelorXi () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaV0Xi () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaBachelorOmega () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaV0Omega () |
Float_t | dCTXi (Float_t m1, Float_t m2, StXiDaughter type) |
This helper function can be used for decayCosTheta of any hypothesis. More... | |
Momenta of daughters in Xi rest frame for different particle hypotheses | |
TVector3 | momBachelorXi () |
TVector3 | momV0Xi () |
TVector3 | momBachelorOmega () |
TVector3 | momV0Omega () |
TVector3 | momXiFrame (Float_t m1, Float_t m2, StXiDaughter type) |
_______________FUNCTIONS_PRESENTLY_USED_ONLY_BY_MC_______________ | |
virtual Int_t | V0Index () |
______________FUNCTIONS_PRESENTLY_USED_ONLY_BY_MuDst______________ | |
virtual Int_t | keyBachelor () const |
Bachelor track key. | |
virtual StTrackTopologyMap & | topologyMapBachelor () |
Bachelor track topology map. | |
virtual Float_t | dedxBachelor () const |
dE/dX of bachelor | |
virtual Float_t | errDedxBachelor () const |
Error on mean of dE/dX of bachelor. | |
virtual UShort_t | numDedxBachelor () const |
Number of dE/dX points for bachelor. | |
virtual Float_t | lenDedxBachelor () const |
Length of dE/dX track for bachelor. | |
DCAs | |
virtual Float_t | dcaXiDaughters () const |
DCA of xi daughters at decay vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | dcaBachelorToPrimVertex () const |
DCA of bachelor to primary vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | dcaXiToPrimVertex () const |
DCA of xi to primary vertex. | |
Fit/Finding properties | |
virtual Float_t | chi2Xi () const |
Chi square of Xi (used only by MuDst) | |
virtual Float_t | clXi () const |
Confidence level of Xi. | |
virtual Float_t | chi2Bachelor () const |
Chi square of bachelor. | |
virtual Float_t | clBachelor () const |
Confidence level of bachelor. | |
virtual Long_t | detectorIdXi () |
Detector ID for Xi vertex. | |
virtual Long_t | detectorIdPars () |
Detector ID for pars used in Xi finder. | |
virtual void | setBachelorBad () |
Set the bachelor as bad. | |
virtual Bool_t | bad () const |
Test whether any child is bad. | |
![]() | |
virtual void | Clear () |
StStrangeEvMuDst * | event () |
Pointer to event information. | |
virtual void | SetEvent (StStrangeEvMuDst *) |
Set pointer to event information. | |
virtual Float_t | decayVertexV0X () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | decayVertexV0Y () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | decayVertexV0Z () const =0 |
Coordinates of decay vertex. | |
Float_t | alphaV0 () |
Float_t | ptArmV0 () |
Armenteros-Podolanski variables. | |
Float_t | cTauLambda () |
Lifetime (ctau) assuming (anti)lambda. | |
Float_t | cTauK0Short () |
Lifetime (ctau) assuming k-short. | |
TVector3 | momPos () |
Momentum of pos. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | momPosX () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momPosY () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momPosZ () const =0 |
Momentum components of pos. daughter. | |
TVector3 | momNeg () |
Momentum of neg. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | momNegX () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momNegY () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momNegZ () const =0 |
Momentum components of neg. daughter. | |
TVector3 | momV0 () |
Momentum of V0. | |
virtual Float_t | momV0X () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momV0Y () const =0 |
virtual Float_t | momV0Z () const =0 |
Momentum components of V0. | |
Float_t | ptV0 () |
Transverse momentum. | |
Float_t | ptPos () |
Transverse momentum of pos. daughter. | |
Float_t | ptNeg () |
Transverse momentum of neg. daughter. | |
Float_t | ptotV0 () |
Total momentum. | |
Float_t | ptotPos () |
Total momentum of pos. daughter. | |
Float_t | ptotNeg () |
Total momentum of neg. daughter. | |
Float_t | eLambda () |
Energy assuming lambda hypothesis. | |
Float_t | eK0Short () |
Energy assuming k-short hypothesis. | |
Float_t | ePosProton () |
Energy of pos. daughter assuming proton. | |
Float_t | ePosPion () |
Energy of pos. daughter assuming pion. | |
Float_t | eNegProton () |
Energy of neg. daughter assuming antiproton. | |
Float_t | eNegPion () |
Energy of neg. daughter assuming pion. | |
Float_t | massLambda () |
Mass assuming lambda hypothesis. | |
Float_t | massAntiLambda () |
Mass assuming antilambda hypothesis. | |
Float_t | massK0Short () |
Mass assuming k-short hypothesis. | |
Float_t | rapLambda () |
Rapidity assuming (anti)lambda. | |
Float_t | rapK0Short () |
Rapidity assuming k-short. | |
Float_t | thetaV0 () |
Polar angle theta. | |
Float_t | thetaPos () |
Polar angle theta of pos. daughter. | |
Float_t | thetaNeg () |
Polar angle theta of neg. daughter. | |
Float_t | pseudoRapV0 () |
Pseudorapidity. | |
Float_t | pseudoRapPos () |
Pseudorapidity of pos. daughter. | |
Float_t | pseudoRapNeg () |
Pseudorapidity of neg. daughter. | |
Float_t | mtLambda () |
Transverse mass assuming lambda. | |
Float_t | mtK0Short () |
Transverse mass assuming k-short. | |
Float_t | mtm0Lambda () |
mt-m0 assuming lambda | |
Float_t | mtm0K0Short () |
mt-m0 assuming k-short | |
Float_t | ePosHyp (Float_t mass) |
Energy of pos. daughter assuming its mass. | |
Float_t | eNegHyp (Float_t mass) |
Energy of neg. daughter. | |
Float_t | massHypV0 (Float_t massPos, Float_t massNeg) |
Float_t | eHypV0 (Float_t mass) |
Float_t | rapHypV0 (Float_t mass) |
Float_t | mtHypV0 (Float_t mass) |
Float_t | mtm0HypV0 (Float_t mass) |
Energy, rapidity, mt, mt-m0 of V0 assuming its mass. | |
Float_t | decayCosThetaK0Short () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaLambda () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaAntiLambda () |
Float_t | polCosThetaLambda () |
Float_t | polCosThetaAntiLambda () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaPosLambda () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaNegLambda () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaPosAntiLambda () |
Float_t | decayCosThetaNegAntiLambda () |
Float_t | dCTV0 (Float_t m1, Float_t m2, StChargeSign charge) |
This helper function can be used for decayCosTheta of any hypothesis. More... | |
TVector3 | momPosK0Short () |
TVector3 | momNegK0Short () |
TVector3 | momPosLambda () |
TVector3 | momNegLambda () |
TVector3 | momPosAntiLambda () |
TVector3 | momNegAntiLambda () |
TVector3 | momV0Frame (Float_t m1, Float_t m2, StChargeSign charge) |
virtual Int_t | decayMode () const |
virtual Int_t | geantIdParent () const |
virtual Int_t | geantIdPositive () const |
virtual Int_t | geantIdNegative () const |
virtual Int_t | positiveSimTpcHits () const |
virtual Int_t | positiveCommonTpcHits () const |
virtual Int_t | negativeSimTpcHits () const |
virtual Int_t | negativeCommonTpcHits () const |
virtual Int_t | keyPos () const |
Pos. daughter track key. | |
virtual Int_t | keyNeg () const |
Neg. daughter track key. | |
virtual StTrackTopologyMap & | topologyMapPos () |
Pos. daughter track topology map. | |
virtual StTrackTopologyMap & | topologyMapNeg () |
Neg. daughter track topology map. | |
virtual Float_t | dedxPos () const |
dE/dX of pos. daughter | |
virtual Float_t | dedxNeg () const |
dE/dX of neg. daughter | |
virtual Float_t | errDedxPos () const |
Error on mean of dE/dX of pos. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | errDedxNeg () const |
Error on mean of dE/dX of neg. daughter. | |
virtual UShort_t | numDedxPos () const |
Number of dE/dX points for pos. daughter. | |
virtual UShort_t | numDedxNeg () const |
Number of dE/dX points for neg. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | lenDedxPos () const |
Length of dE/dX track of pos. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | lenDedxNeg () const |
Length of dE/dX track of neg. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | dcaV0Daughters () const |
DCA of v0 daughters at decay vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | dcaV0ToPrimVertex () const |
DCA of v0 to primary vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | dcaPosToPrimVertex () const |
DCA of pos v0 daughter to pri vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | dcaNegToPrimVertex () const |
DCA of neg v0 daughter to pri vertex. | |
virtual Float_t | chi2V0 () const |
Chi square of V0. | |
virtual Float_t | clV0 () const |
Confidence level of V0. | |
virtual Float_t | chi2Pos () const |
Chi square of pos. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | clPos () const |
Confidence level of pos. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | chi2Neg () const |
Chi square of neg. daughter. | |
virtual Float_t | clNeg () const |
Confidence level of neg. daughter. | |
virtual Long_t | detectorIdV0 () |
Detector ID for V0 Vertex. | |
virtual void | setPosBad () |
Set the pos. daughter as bad. | |
virtual void | setNegBad () |
Set the neg. daughter as bad. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
Float_t | Ptot2Bachelor () |
Float_t | Ptot2Xi () |
Float_t | Pt2Xi () |
Float_t | MomBachelorAlongXi () |
Float_t | MomV0AlongXi () |
![]() | |
Float_t | Ptot2Pos () |
Float_t | Ptot2Neg () |
Float_t | Ptot2V0 () |
Float_t | Pt2V0 () |
Float_t | MomPosAlongV0 () |
Float_t | MomNegAlongV0 () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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StStrangeEvMuDst * | mEvent |
inline |
This helper function can be used for decayCosTheta of any hypothesis.
m1,m2 = parent,daughter mass; type = bachelor/v0 daughter
Definition at line 433 of file StXiI.hh.
References momBachelorZ(), StV0I::momV0Z(), and momXiZ().
inline |
This helper function can be used for the momentum of daughters in the Xi rest frame of any hypothesis m1,m2 = parent,daughter mass; type = bachelor/v0 daughter
Definition at line 457 of file StXiI.hh.
References momBachelorZ(), StV0I::momV0Z(), and momXiZ().