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1 /* daqEventTag.h
2 *
3 * Table: daqEventTag
4 *
5 * description: // Daq input to TagDb
6 */
8 #ifndef __daqEventTag__H
9 #define __daqEventTag__H
11 struct daqEventTag {
13  unsigned int run; /* run number */
14  unsigned int fileSequence; /* index portion of filename */
15  unsigned short fileStream; /* new in version 10.0 stream portion of filename */
16  unsigned short isCopy; /* new in version 10.0 is this a event a copy? */
17  unsigned int eventNumber; /* monotonically increases in every file */
18  unsigned short token;
19  unsigned short physWord; /* new in version 10.0 physics word */
21  /* unsigned int offset; removed in version 10.0 */
22  unsigned int size; /* in bytes */
23  unsigned int time; /* Time built by EVB */
24  unsigned short trgWord;
25  unsigned short trg_cmd; /* From trgActionWord */
26  unsigned short daq_cmd; /* From trgActionWord */
27  unsigned short detector_bits; /* From trgActionWord */
28  unsigned int bx_hi; /* RHIC bunch crossing (hi word) */
29  unsigned int bx_lo; /* RHIC bunch crossing (lo word) */
30  /* unsigned int l3_accept_flags; removed in version 10.0 */
31  /* unsigned int l3_build_flags; removed in version 10.0 */
32  /* unsigned int l3_on_flags; removed in version 10.0 */
34  unsigned int l3_nTracks;
35  unsigned int trg_add_bits; /* was any pileup detected */
36  unsigned int lastDSM;
38  unsigned long long int l1_trg_bits; /* new in version 10.0 triggers satisfied after L1 */
39  unsigned long long int l2_trg_bits; /* new in version 10.0 triggers satisfied after L2 */
40  unsigned long long int l3_trg_bits; /* new in version 10.0 triggers satisfied after L3 */
41 };
44 #endif