fisyak's blog - dN/dx, S&C meeting - October 19., 2016
- TPC response on 55Fe gamma source as seen via StTpcRSMaker - October 12., 2016
- List of modications due to dN/dx method - October 8., 2016
- dN/dX, new approach for particle identification in TPC. - September 30., 2016
- Proposal to use dN/dx for coming 2016 AuAu200 production - September 22., 2016
- Compare cpu per event for varios version of gcc compiler for 2013 pp510 W sample - September 5., 2016
- dE/dx calibration 2016 AuAu200 Progress report - August 31., 2016
- Comparison cpu usage for dEdx calibration jobs using rcas and xeon-phi-dev - July 31., 2016
- Accumulated Charge in TPC (Run XVI) - June 20., 2016
- Comparison cpu usage for reconstruction jobs (2013-2016) with -m32 and -m64 options - May 19., 2016
- Optimization compiler options for STAR offline software - March 30., 2016
- dE/dx calibration 2015 pAl200 - March 18., 2016
- dN/dx fit (progress report). - November 18., 2015
- dE/dx calibration 2015 pp200 (T0 update) - October 21., 2015
- 2015 Fixed Target T0 check - October 1., 2015
- dE/dx calibration 2015 pp200 - September 30., 2015
- Data production for Sti versus Sti+CA evaluation. Progress Report. - September 26., 2015
- Run XV T0 issues - September 14., 2015
- GMT alignment (2014,2015) - September 2., 2015
- Estimation of
Aging Based
Measurements in Run IX - August 26., 2015
- The TPC Ion Feed Back estimations with garfield++ - July 1., 2015
- Integrated fluxes and radiation doses in Run XV: pp 200, pAu 200, and pAl200. - June 23., 2015
- Grid Leak between Inner and Outer TPC sectors estimations based on garfield++ - June 9., 2015
- Run XV laser drift velocities - May 22., 2015
- eSTAR with Thin Solenoid - May 18., 2015