fisyak's blog - Missing resistor for West OFC short - December 5., 2013
- dE/dx problem for V0 sample in run 12, bug #2465 - August 9., 2013
- TPC Drift velocity using Membrane clusters - May 28., 2013
- Tpc drift velocity versus electric field - May 10., 2013
- "Properties of some gas mixtures used in tracking detectors" by Archana Sharma - April 11., 2013
- dE/dx resolution versus anode Voltage (Run IX TPC Voltage scan). - April 10., 2013
- KF Vertex Finder (present status) - February 22., 2013
- 2013 TPC survey analysis - February 22., 2013
- Next Update on neutron fluxes @STAR - November 29., 2012
- Update of neutron fluxes @ STAR - November 13., 2012
- An estimation of neutron flux in STAR WAH (second round) - October 24., 2012
- An estimation of neutron flux in STAR WAH (first round) - October 15., 2012
- (Re) analysis of 2004 (2003) STAR survey data - July 26., 2012
- STAR beam line parameters evolution versus time - July 22., 2012
- Compare directions of Inner and Outer sector tracks from Central Membrane - July 16., 2012
- Study of effect Tpc hit errors obtained from TpcRS on quality Cosmic track reconstruction (2010 data) - July 13., 2012
- Large eta tracking and dE/dx resolution - February 1., 2012
- TpcRS updates, improvements on dE/dx - October 5., 2011
- "Bad Runs" in pp500 RunXI - August 12., 2011
- The first shot for Super Sector alignment with Cosmic data, Run XI - August 11., 2011
- Outer to Inner sector alignment using Y2011 Cosmic data - August 2., 2011
- Follow up on Yan Yang's bad run list - June 2., 2011
- Status of dE/dx calibration for pp 500 (transverse) and 19.6 GeV BES, Run XI - May 31., 2011
- dE/dx check for Run XI AuAu 19 - May 23., 2011
- dE/dx for Run XI pp 500 check - May 18., 2011