phi-meson and kaon daughter spectra (Data and Embedding comparisons)

This blog will contain various results for comparisons of the phi-meson and kaon daughter spectra between Data and Embedding.
The motivation for this study is the mismatch of the rapidity spectra between Data and the original Pythia simulation correction procedure for the phi-meson global spin alignment analysis. 

TPC + TOF PID Required

We have various sets of folders containing many plots plots, here I will describe the labeling:
  • File: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/ptyspectra_allThetaYieldsPhi_19GeV_Order2_cent9_eta1_eta1_pTdependence_Norm0_Poly1.pdf
    • Description: Yield extraction fits to SE-ME invariant mass distribution for every pT and rapidity bin.
  • FIle: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/PhiMeson_DataRCAndRatio(2).pdf
    • Description: This file contains the 1D pt and y distributions of phi-mesons for Data and RC, in addition to their ratio. The 2D plots are also included. 
  • Folder: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/
    • Description: This folder contain pdfs with a grid plots for the pT, y, eta, phi distributions in 1D and all 2D combinations of these variables.
    • File: K{plus,minus}_{SE,ME,SEminusME,RC,MC}.pdf
      • SE is from same event kaon pairs
      • ME is from mixed event kaon pairs (already normalized based on phi-meson extraction weights)
      • SEminusME are the plots for SE-ME
      • RC shows the embedding results after all cuts
      • MC shows the embedding results for phi-meson before any cuts
  • Folder: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/
    • Description: This folder contain pdfs with a grid of plots for (SE-ME)/RC for the pT, y, eta, phi distributions in 1D and all 2D combinations of these variables.
    • Files: K{plus,minus}_DataRCRatio_{n1p5yn0p5, n0p5y0p5, 0p5y1p5, 0pt0p7, 0p44pt1p5, 1p0pt2p0, pt2p0, IgnoreEtaPhiDef}.pdf
      • (no label):     there is no selection applied.
      • n1p5yn0p5: rapidity selection of -1.5 < y < -0.5.
      • n0p5y0p5:   rapidity selection of -0.5 < y< 0.5.
      • 0p5y1p5:     rapidity selection of 0.5 < y < 1.5.
      • 0pt0p7:        pT selection of 0 < pT < 0.7 GeV/c
      • 0p44pt1p5:  pT selection of 0.44 < pT < 1.5 GeV/c
      • 1p0pt2p0:    pT selection of 1.0 < pT < 2.0 GeV/c
      • pt2p0:          pT selection of pT > 2.0 GeV/c
      • IgnoreEtaPhiDef :     I ignore several eta, phi regions that have some more noticeable discrepancies between Data and RC (I believe this is due to coarse phi binning in ToF Matching efficiency).
  • Folder: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/
    • Description: This folder contain pdfs with a grid of plots for RC/(SE-ME) for the pT, y, eta, phi distributions in 1D and all 2D combinations of these variables.
    • Files: K{plus,minus}_RCDataRatio_{n1p5yn0p5, n0p5y0p5, 0p5y1p5, 0pt0p7, 0p44pt1p5, 1p0pt2p0, pt2p0, IgnoreEtaPhiDef}.pdf
  • Folder: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/
    • Description: This folder contain pdfs with a grid of plots for SE-ME and RC (on the same plot), (SE-ME)/RC,and RC/(SE-ME) for the pT, y, eta, phi distributions in 1D.
    • Files: K{plus,minus}_1DRatio_{n1p5yn0p5, n0p5y0p5, 0p5y1p5, 0pt0p7, 0p44pt1p5, 1p0pt2p0, pt2p0, IgnoreEtaPhiDef}.pdf

Here we have the same exact results, but now there we weight RC by (SE-ME)/RC.
TPC Only

Here we have similar results for the TPC only spectra, but without eta information for now. We focus on pT, y, and phi. 
These results were generated to see if we see a similar rapidity dependent Data/RC ratio for the TPC only analysis. If we do not see the same shape, this may be indicative of a problem with the m^2 PID efficiency of ToF matching efficiency derivations. 

Here we have the same exact results, but now there we weight RC by (SE-ME)/RC.

Here we have the same exact results, but now there we implement a gaussian rapidity distribution with sigma_y = 1.5 for RC.