2008 PPV performance Revision 1.29


PPV performance Revision 1.29

Updated 9/7/2008

Table 1 : # of Events processed as of Sept 7.
Trigger Name Trigger ID # # Events Expected # Events Run
zerobias 9300 525 525
toftpx 220710 90000 28720
fms-slow 220981 20000 14299
bbc 220000 2646 938
bh1-mb 220510 8612 7507
etot-mb-l2 7 2853 2506
jpt-mb-l2 8 5676 4983
bh2-mb-slow 220520 14236 12507


Table 2: Summary of Vertex finding efficiency and vertex matching with events processed by Sept 2.  For the vpd, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 8 cm of the vpd vertex.  For the bbc, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 32 cm of the bbc vertex.

Table 3: Summary of Vertex finding efficiency and vertex matching with events processed by Sept 7.  For the vpd, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 20 cm of the vpd vertex.  For the bbc, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 60 cm of the bbc vertex.



zero bias

525 Events
# vertices,#events

5 Events with vpd + PPV vertex
15 Events with bbc + PPV vertex

Figure 2: Z postition of rank 0 vertex for zero bias trigger.  Rank 1 and above excluded due to low statistics.


Figure 3: Rank 0 PPV vertex Vz - vpd Vz for zero bias trigger.


28720 Events
# Vertices, # Events

559 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
393 Events match (within 8 cm)
41 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
7 Events match (within 8 cm)
558 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
428 Events match (within 32 cm)
44 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
20 Events match (within 32 cm)
509 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
296 Events match both vpd and bbc


Figure 5: Z position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for tof trigger.

Figure 6: Rank 0 PPV Vz - vpd Vz for tof trigger

Figure 7: Rank 0 PPV Vz - bbc Vz for the tof trigger

Figure 8: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the tof trigger.



2162 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
1435 Events match (within 8 cm)
389 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
98 Events match (within 8 cm)
6679 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
4617 Events match (within 32 cm)
1026 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
453 Events match (within 32 cm)
1954 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
992 Events match both vpd and bbc

Figures to be added later.


2646 Events

# Vertices, # Events
500 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
392 Events match (within 20 cm)
71 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
27 Events match (within 20 cm)
1409 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
1232 Events match (within 60 cm)
185 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
114 Events match (within 60 cm)
484 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
360 Events match both vpd and bbc


Figure 10: Vz position of PPV rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for the bbc trigger.


Figure 11: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for both rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for the bbc trigger.


Figure 12: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for both rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for bbc trigger



Figure 13: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the bbc trigger.


7507 Events

# Vertices, # Events

1761 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
1452 Events match (within 20 cm)
356 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
120 Events match (within 20 cm)
6275 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
5729 Events match (within 60 cm)
1082 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
676 Events match (within 60 cm)
1699 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
1309 Events match both vpd and bbc


Figure 15: Vz position of PPV rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for bh1 trigger


Figure 16: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for Rank 0 and Rank 1 vertices for bh1 trigger.


Figure 17: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for bh1 trigger



Figure 18: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the bh1 trigger.



2506 Events

# Vertices, # Events
549 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
380 Events match (within 20 cm)
204 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
61 Events match (within 20 cm)
2252 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
2013 Events match (within 60 cm)
599 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
367 Events match (within 60 cm)
530 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
339 Events match both vpd and bbc



Figure 20: Vz position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger



Figure 21: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger


Figure 22: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger


Figure 23: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the etot trigger.



4983 Events

# Vertices, # Events
1114 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
869 Events match (within 20 cm)
292 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
84 Events match (within 20 cm)
4419 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
4040 Events match (within 60 cm)
927 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
553 Events match (within 60 cm)
1072 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
777 Events match both vpd and bbc





Figure 25: Vz position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for jp1 trigger.





Figure 26: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for jp1 trigger


Figure 27: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for jp1 trigger


Figure 28: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the jp1 trigger.



12507 Events

# Vertices, # Events
2970 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
2402 Events match (within 20 cm)
649 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
216 Events match (within 20 cm)
10555 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
9625 Events match (within 60 cm)
1929 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
1200 Events match (within 60 cm)
2861 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
2164 Events match both vpd and bbc

Figure 20: Vz position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger



 Figure 26: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for jp1 trigger



Figure 23: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the etot trigger.


Figure 27: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for jp1 trigger