Journal submission

 Journal submission questions
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    • Information we need you to complete: The name and affiliations of all co-authors who contributed to this research. --> leave blank
    • Information we need you to complete: The names of organizations who contributed to the funding of the research for the article. --> leave blank
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Journal asks for a author list
Dear XXX

I am including the message below from Dr. Helen Caines ( the coSpokesperson of the STAR collaboration in explanation of why I was asked to submit my article "XXX” with “The STAR Collaboration” temporarily as the author list.


To PRD Editors 

I am writing to ask that you temporarily accept submissions from the STAR collaboration without a full author list and only listing “The STAR Collaboration”. This request is being made by the STAR management and Council as a temporary measure while we consider how best to publish our articles in refereed journals while the war in the Ukraine continues. The STAR collaboration consists of scientists from around the globe including those working for Russian Institutions and those with Ukrainian heritage and working in European countries such as Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. As you are no doubt aware, the governments of these countries are currently forbidding them to collaborate with scientists from Russian Institutions. The STAR Council, as the governing body of the collaboration on matter of publication policy, are working hard to determine an author list that appropriately credits those who worked on the analyses while also abiding by the orders of the various international government and funding agencies. Rather than halt our whole publication process while these deliberation are underway, we thought it's best to follow the example of the LHC experiments and submit temporarily as “The STAR Collaboration”. Our goal is to have arrived at an author listing that is approved by the whole collaboration before any of the submitted articles are put into press. Once accepted for publication we would provide a proper author list to the journal and update the arXiv listing with the same author list. This is a very complex time and has created a unique situation for international collaborations, so we appeal to you to allow us to  take this unusual temporary step. In this way the principal authors of these papers (mostly young scientists) can still publicly release their important new results to the broader community which is critical for their careers.

Thanks in advance

Helen Caines 
(coSpokesperson of the STAR Collaboration at RHIC)

Journal asks about missing Russian authors
 Dear Urs,
   Thank you for the query. As with the CERN collaborations, STAR has engaged in a series of long discussions
on this matter with all its members. The current approach was arrived at after intense discussion of the proposal and an overwhelmingly
 positive vote by our Council;  all authors on our papers are represented by at least one member of the STAR Council.  The proposed author
 list for this paper was circulated to the entire collaboration and no objections or requests to be included were received. 
We did discuss listing our Russian colleagues either via there ORCID ID’s or via a temporary association with a 
different host institute but they did not agree to this approach.
 Our temporary approach assigns an author list specific to each paper in a way that ensures all key authors are included on articles reporting their studies. We therefore believe 
that at this time this author list is appropriate. We hope that the invasion of the Ukraine can be ended soon and STAR can revert to 
our previous  manner of determining out author listing. Until that point we propose to use the current determination which while not perfect is
 acceptable to all in the collaboration
Helen Caines and Lijuan Ruan, STAR co-spokespeople