CD0 preview

This page will contain the talks given at the meeting the program was.

HFT cd0- dry run and vetting review


8:30-9:00    Committee closed session
 09:00          Introduction T. Hallman 20+10
 09:40          Physics motivation N.Xu 40+10
 10:50          Break
 11:15          Software overview S. Margetis 20+10 (by Phone from Kent)
 11:45          Performance simulations J. Thomas 30+10
 12:30          Lunch - committee closed session
 14:00          Monte Carlo results X. Dong 20+10
 14:40          IST B. Surrow 20+10
 15:30          PIXEL H. Wieman 30+10
 17:00 -18:00 Committee closed session (home work questions)

Tuesday, Dec 18

 09:00          HFT Mechanics E. Anderssen 30+10 (presentation by Phone from CERN)
 09:40          Project overview HG. Ritter 30+10
 10:20          Cost & Schedule S. Morgan 20+10

  10:40          Summary F. Videbaek 10+10
  11:30         Presentation on Home work
 12:00          Committee Lunch
 14:00-         Closeout

Panel Members:

Carl Gagliardi (Chair)
Carlos Lourenco
Tom LeCompte
Dick Majka
Lanny Ray

Steve Vigdor, ex-officio