15 #include "StMtdUtil/StMtdConstants.h"
27 Int_t InitRun(
const Int_t runNumber);
30 void setPosCorrToQTtac(Bool_t corr) { mPosCorrToQTtac = corr; }
31 Int_t getVpdTacSum() {
return mVpdTacSum; }
32 Int_t getTHUBtime(
const Int_t thub) {
return mTHUBtime[thub-1]; }
33 Int_t getQt(
const int backleg,
const int module) {
return mModuleToQT[backleg-1][module-1]; }
34 Int_t getQtPos(
const int backleg,
const int module) {
return mModuleToQTPos[backleg-1][module-1]; }
35 Int_t getQtTacSum(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t pos) {
return mQtTacSum[qt-1][pos-1]; }
36 Int_t getQtTacSumHighestTwo(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t index) {
return mQtTacSumHighestTwo[qt-1][index]; }
37 Int_t getQtPosHighestTwo(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t index) {
return mQtPosHighestTwo[qt-1][index]; }
38 Int_t getQtPosTrig(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t index){
return mQtPosTrig[qt-1][index]; }
39 Int_t getMT101Tac(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t index) {
return mMT101Tac[qt-1][index]; }
40 Int_t getMT101Id(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t index) {
return mMT101Id[qt-1][index]; }
41 Int_t getTF201TriggerBit() {
return mTF201TriggerBit; }
43 Bool_t isQtFireTrigger(
const Int_t qt,
const Int_t pos);
44 Bool_t isQtHighestTwo(
const int qt,
const int pos);
46 Int_t getHitTimeInQT(
const int backleg,
const int module);
47 Int_t getHitTimeDiffToVPDInQT(
const int backleg,
const int module);
48 Int_t getHitTimeDiffToVPDInMT101(
const int backleg,
const int module);
49 Bool_t isHitFireTrigger(
const Int_t backleg,
const Int_t module);
50 Bool_t isHitHighestTwo(
const Int_t backleg,
const Int_t module);
59 Int_t mModuleToQT[gMtdNBacklegs][gMtdNModules];
60 Int_t mModuleToQTPos[gMtdNBacklegs][gMtdNModules];
61 Int_t mQTtoModule[kNQTboard][8];
62 Int_t mQTSlewBinEdge[kNQTboard][16][8];
63 Int_t mQTSlewCorr[kNQTboard][16][8];
70 Bool_t mPosCorrToQTtac;
74 Int_t mQtTacSum[kNQTboard][8];
75 Int_t mMT101Tac[kNQTboard][2];
76 Int_t mMT101Id[kNQTboard][2];
77 Int_t mTF201TriggerBit;
78 Int_t mQtPosTrig[kNQTboard][2];
79 Int_t mQtTacSumHighestTwo[kNQTboard][2];
80 Int_t mQtPosHighestTwo[kNQTboard][2];
82 virtual const char *GetCVS()
const {
83 static const char cvs[]=
"Tag $Name: $Id: built " __DATE__
" " __TIME__ ;
return cvs;
Main class that keeps TClonesArrays with main classes.