49 #ifndef STAR_StPmdClusterMaker
50 #define STAR_StPmdClusterMaker
59 #include "tables/St_pmdSMChain_GNF_Table.h"
70 Bool_t mOptRefineCluster;
72 Float_t SM_chain_factor[24][48];
118 virtual Int_t Init();
119 virtual Int_t InitRun(Int_t runnr);
121 virtual Int_t
127 void bookHistograms();
131 void SetAdcCutOff(Double_t adccutoff);
133 Bool_t ReadCalibrationsConst();
134 void SetOptCalibrate(Bool_t a=kTRUE){mOptCalibrate = a;}
135 void SetOptSimulate(Bool_t a=kFALSE){mOptSimulate = a;}
136 void SetOptRefineCluster(Bool_t a=kTRUE){mOptRefineCluster = a;}
139 static const char cvs[]=
"Tag $Name: $ $Id: StPmdClusterMaker.h,v 1.13 2014/08/06 11:43:33 jeromel Exp $ built " __DATE__
" " __TIME__ ;
146 inline void StPmdClusterMaker::SetAdcCutOff(Double_t cutoff){
TH2F * mPhi2ModCpv
eta vs. phi in Cpv
void FillHistograms(StPmdDetector *, StPmdDetector *)
booking histograms
TH1F * mEtaCpvCluster
cluster edep in Cpv
TH1F * mCpvCluster
nclust vs. frac. edep in CpvPicoEventWrite(Bool_t flag=kFALSE);
TH1F * mNclust1
supermodule no for Pmd
TH1F * mSigmaLCpvCluster
cluster edep in Cpv
TH1F * mSmPmdCluster
supermodule no for Pmd
TH2F * mXYPmdCluster
number of Pmd clusters
TH2F * mPhi2ModPmd
eta vs. phi in Pmd
TH1F * mPhiPmdCluster
cluster eta in Pmd
StPmdClusterMaker(const char *name="pmdClust")
TH1F * mExtraclusterPmd
phi vs.mod in Pmd
TH1F * mEdepCpvCluster
supermodule no for Cpv
TH2F * mEtaPhiPmdCluster
cluster phi in Pmd
TH2F * mEtaPhiCpvCluster
cluster phi in Cpv
virtual const char * GetCVS() const
TH2F * mHitVscluster
phi vs.mod in Pmd
TH1F * mEdepPmdCluster
supermodule no for Pmd
TH1F * mNcellPmdCluster
cluster SigmaS in Pmd
TH1F * mNcellCpvCluster
cluster SigmaS in Cpv
void setPrint(Bool_t a)
filling histograms
TH1F * mSigmaSCpvCluster
cluster SigmaL in Cpv
TH1F * mNclust2
supermodule no for Pmd
TH1F * mEtaPmdCluster
cluster edep in Pmd
TH2F * mClusterEdepFracCpv
phi vs.mod in Cpv
TH2F * mClusterEdepFracPmd
phi vs.mod in Pmd
TH1F * mNclust3
supermodule no for Pmd
TH1F * mSigmaLPmdCluster
cluster edep in Pmd
TH1F * mPmdCluster
nclust vs. frac. edep in Pmd
TH2F * mXYCpvCluster
number of Cpv clusters
TH1F * mExtraclusterCpv
phi vs.mod in Cpv
TH1F * mSigmaSPmdCluster
cluster SigmaL in Pmd
TH1F * mPhiCpvCluster
cluster eta in Cpv
void FillStEvent(StPmdDetector *, StPmdDetector *)