25 #ifndef STAR_StPmdSimulatorMaker
26 #define STAR_StPmdSimulatorMaker
34 #include "StPmdUtil/StPmdGeom.h"
84 Int_t
88 Float_t keV_ADC(Float_t,Float_t&);
89 Float_t ADC_Readout(Float_t,Int_t&);
90 void bookHistograms();
93 void SetResFlag(Bool_t);
100 inline void StPmdSimulatorMaker::SetResFlag(Bool_t val){mResFlag=val;}
Int_t GetPmd()
Getting GEANT tables from input file.
Int_t fillStEvent(StPmdDetector *, StPmdDetector *)
TH2F * m_cpvrow
Pmd super vs row.
Int_t Decode_VolId(Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &, Int_t &)
Making Pmd hits after slow simulation.
void FillHistograms(StPmdDetector *, StPmdDetector *, Int_t)
Booking histograms.
StPhmdCollection * mevtPmdCollection
Pmd and CPV collections.
TH1F * m_cpvsuper
total no of Supermodules for PMD
TH2F * m_pmdcol
Cpv super vs row.
TH1F * mHitPmd
total ADC on PMD
TH1F * mCpvAdc
Total edep on CPV.
StPmdSimulatorMaker(const char *name="PmdSimulator")
A constructor.
TH1F * mEdepPmd
2D-Edep Display of Cpv
TH2F * m_pmdEdep2D
Pmd and CPV collections for Stevent.
TH2F * m_cpvEdep2D
2D-Edep Display of Pmd
TH1F * m_pmdsuper
total no of hits on Cpv
void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Readout resolution is applied when Flag = 1.
virtual Int_t Init()
A destructor.
void adcconstants()
Cpv super vs col.
TH2F * m_cpvcol
Pmd super vs col.
Int_t makePmdHits()
Getting Pmdhits from geant.
TH1F * mEdepPmd_part
cell edep on Pmd
TH1F * mPmdAdc
total edep on Pmd
TH1F * mEdepCpv
total no of hits on Pmd
StPmdHit * Exist(StPmdHit *, StPmdDetector *, Int_t)
TH1F * mEdepCpv_part
cell edep on CPV
TH2F * m_pmdrow
total no of Supermodules for CPV
TH1F * mHitCpv
Total ADC on CPV.