133 #ifndef STAR_StQABookHist
134 #define STAR_StQABookHist
150 virtual void BookHist(Int_t hSet);
152 const char* HistType() {
return QAHistType.Data();}
155 virtual const char *GetCVS()
156 {
static const char cvs[]=
"Tag $Name: $ $Id: StQABookHist.h,v 2.40 2019/03/14 02:31:53 genevb Exp $ built " __DATE__
" " __TIME__ ;
return cvs;}
219 TH1F *mNullPrimVtxClass;
658 TH2F *m_emc_energy2D[4];
660 TH1F *m_emc_energy[4];
661 TH1F *m_emc_hits_per_module[8];
662 TH1F *m_emc_energy_per_module[8];
663 TH2F *m_emc_strip_hits_per_module[8];
664 TH2F *m_emc_strip_energy_per_module[8];
672 TH2F *m_emc_energyCl[4];
673 TH1F *m_emc_HitsInCl[4];
674 TH1F *m_emc_EnergyCl[4];
675 TH1F *m_emc_EtaInCl[4];
676 TH1F *m_emc_PhiInCl[4];
679 TH1F *m_emc_point_energy[4];
696 TH2F* m_fpd_bottom[2];
697 TH2F* m_fpd_south[2];
698 TH2F* m_fpd_north[2];
702 TH2F* m_pmd_sm_adc[12];
703 TH2F* m_pmd_sm_hit[12];
704 TH2F* m_pmd_chain_hit[24];
705 TH2F* m_pmd_chain_adc[24];
706 TH2F* m_pmd_total_hit;
707 TH2F* m_pmd_total_adc;
708 TH2F* m_cpv_total_hit;
709 TH2F* m_cpv_total_adc;
722 TH1F* m_prim_ssd_phi;
731 TH1F* m_prim_sst_phi;
737 TH2F* m_nhit_Pxl_Ist;
778 TH1F *m_MtdNMatchHits;
779 TH2F *m_MtdMatchHitMap;
786 TH2F *m_TPC_ch_nrow[24];
787 TH2F *m_TPC_ch_time_inner[24];
788 TH2F *m_TPC_ch_time_outer[24];
789 TH2F *m_TPC_adc_sec_inner;
790 TH2F *m_TPC_adc_sec_outer;
801 virtual void BookHistGlob();
802 virtual void BookHistDE();
803 virtual void BookHistPrim();
804 virtual void BookHistPID();
805 virtual void BookHistVertex();
806 virtual void BookHistPoint();
807 virtual void BookHistEMC();
808 virtual void BookHistEval();
809 virtual void BookHistBBC();
810 virtual void BookHistFPD();
811 virtual void BookHistPMD();
812 virtual void BookHistTOF();
813 virtual void BookHistMTD();
814 virtual void BookHistPXL();
815 virtual void BookHistHFT();
816 virtual void BookHistIST();
817 virtual void BookHistEPD();
818 virtual void BookHistiTPC();
TH2F * m_glb_xfF
x-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_npoint_lengthTS
tot num points vs length, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_ratioFW
ratio of n fit pnts over tot n pnts - ftpc east
TH1F * m_glb_impactrTS
log impact parameter from primary vertex, ftpc
TH1F * m_lengthFE
length of track, ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_yfFW
y-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc east
TH3F * m_pnt_svtLaserDiff
laser spots in svt
TH1F * m_ndedxFW
dE/dx [0], ftpcE
TH1F * m_plengthFE
length of track, ftpc
TH2F * m_primtrk_meanptTTS
detector id of track
TH1F * m_chisq0T
length of track, ftpc west
TH2F * m_pT_eta_recT
overlayed hist of first point - helix point
TH1F * m_primglob_good
tracks in table with iflag>0, ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_xf0TS
x-coord. of first hit - at start of helix
TH2F * m_globtrk_padtimeFE
Y vs X of first hit on trk, ftpc west.
TH1F * m_vtx_FtpcWestTpc_z
FtpcWest prim vtx - TPC prim vtx, x vs y.
TH1F * m_pv_x
row1-vertex type
TH2F * m_pmom_trklengthT
tanl(dip angle) vs zfirst-zvtx, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ndedxr
psi vs phi, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pchisq0_zfTS
chisq0 vs zfirst, tpc
TH2F * m_tof_hit_module
of hits vs tray # (int over modules)
TH1F * m_dcaToBeamZ1
xy-dca to beam axis
TH1F * m_geant_reco_pvtx_z
prim vtx y, diff geant - reco
TH1F * m_prim_zfT
y-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc west
TH1F * m_global_ist_hit
of hits in IST vs TOF track multiplicity
TH2F * m_glb_impactF
log impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc,tpc+svt
TH1F * m_vtx_FtpcEastTpc_z
FtpcEast prim vtx - TPC prim vtx, x vs y.
TH1F * m_glb_chargeFW
particle charge in units of |e| - ftpc east
TH1F * m_ppsiT
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, ftpc west
TH2F * m_prim_f0
chi square [1], ftpc west
TH2F * m_primtrk_xf_yfTW
Y vs X of first hit on trk, tpc east.
TH1F * m_glb_xf0
plane of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH1F * m_dedx0FW
number of point to find dE/dx, ftpcW
TH2F * m_pTTTS
pT, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pnt_tot_med
number of hits total
TH1F * m_petaT
theta - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pchisq0T
length of track, ftpc west
TH1F * m_pnt_tot_sm
number of hits total, med range
TH2F * m_chisq0_zfTS
chisq0 vs zfirst, tpc
TH2F * m_peta_trklengthT
mom vs. trk length, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ppointFE
number of points on the track - ftpc
TH2F * m_glb_rzf0
z-coord. of first hit - at start of helix+svt
TH2F * m_primtrk_meanetaTTS
<pT>, ftpc
TH2F * m_petaF
eta, tpc,tpc+svt
TH1F * m_prim_zfFE
z-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH2F * m_pnt_timeT
z dist. of hits, svt
TH1F * m_pTFW
pT, ftpc east
TH2F * m_ist_nhit_tpc_mult
of hits vs ladder vs sensor
TH1F * m_global_hft_hit
of hits in ITS vs hits in ITS
TH2F * m_pfpoint_lengthTS
num fit points vs length, tpc
TH1F * m_primary_hft_hit
HFT hits per global track.
TH1F * m_glb_yfT
x-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc west
TH2F * m_pnt_xyFE
barrel dist. of hits, svt
TH1F * m_prim_xfFW
x-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc east
TH2F * m_chisq0_phiT
chisq0 vs zfirst, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pmomF
momentum, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_glb_impactT
chi square [1], ftpc west
TH2F * m_chisq0_momTS
chisq0 vs momentum, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_xf0TS
x-coord. of first hit - at start of helix
TH2F * m_primtrk_xf_yfTE
pT versus eta, ftpcW
TH1F * m_prim_radfFE
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_radfT
transverse & longitudinal helix center of last hit - helix hit+svt
TH2F * m_pT_eta_recTS
pT versus eta, tpc
TH1F * m_primtrk_good_sm
tracks in table with iflag>0
TH1F * m_prim_radfFW
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, ftpc east
TH1F * m_prim_xfFE
x-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH2F * m_pT_eta_recFE
pT versus eta, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pTT
momentum, ftpc west
TH1F * m_prim_radfTS
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, tpc
TH2F * m_prim_rzf0TS
transverse & longitudinal helix center of last hit - helix hit
TH2F * m_ppTF
pT, tpc,tpc+svt
TH1F * m_global_pxl_hit
of hits in inner vs outer PIXEL layer
TH1F * m_v_z
STAR reference.
TH2F * m_glb_impactTTS
signed impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ppointFW
number of points on the track - ftpc east
TH2F * m_tof_match_module
of matched hits vs tray
TH2F * m_npoint_lengthT
num fit points vs length, tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_tof_hit_tray
of IST hits per primary track
TH1F * m_dcaToBeamZ2
z-dca to beam axis -210 to -105
TH2F * m_ppT_eta_recTS
pT versus eta, tpc
TH2F * m_chisq0_phiTS
chisq0 vs phi, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_z0T
azimuthal angle at start (deg), tpc+svt
TH1F * m_emc_point_sigeta[4]
Point Phi spectra.
TH1F * m_chisq1FE
chi square [1], ftpc
TH2F * m_ppsi_phiT
chisq0 vs zfirst, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_thetaT
tan(dip) =pz/pt at start, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_prim_ratiomF
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pchisq0FW
chi square [0], ftpc east
TH1F * m_v0
z distribution of V0s relative to primVtx
TH1F * m_pmax_pointTS
number of max possible track points - tpc
TH1F * m_v_num_sm
number of vertices
TH1F * m_prim_yf0TS
y-coord. of first hit - at start of helix
TH2F * m_pchisq0_dipTS
chisq0 vs dip angle, tpc
TH2F * m_mom_trklengthTS
mom vs. trk length, tpc
TH1F * m_chisq0FE
chi square [0], ftpc
TH2F * m_ppT_eta_recFW
pT versus eta, ftpcE
TH2F * m_chisq0F
chi square [0], tpc,svt
TH2F * m_eta_trklengthFE
trk length vs. eta, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_dedx1T
dE/dx [0], tpc
TH2F * m_pxl_nhit_Pxl1_Pxl2
of hits in outer PIXEL layer vs TOF track multiplicity
TH2F * m_globtrk_xf_yfTE
pT versus eta, ftpcW
TH2F * m_pchisq1F
chi square [0], ftpc west
TH1F * m_emc_point_delphi[4]
Point DeltaEta spectra.
TH1F * m_ist_hit_ladder
of hits vs phi vs z position
TH1F * m_psiTS
psi reconstructed, tpc
TH1F * m_pnt_tpc
detector ID of the hit
TH1F * m_vtx_phi_dist
radius to primary vertex
TH2F * m_globtrk_padtimeFW
padlength vs timelength of hits on track, ftpcE
TH2F * m_pnt_rpTE
rphi dist. of hits, tpcW
TH1F * m_primtrk_tot_sm
tracks in table
TH1F * m_v_y
vertex coordinates in
TH2F * m_pfpoint_lengthTTS
num fit points vs length, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_petaTTS
eta, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_tof_vtx_z
of tof hits vs # of vpd hits
TH2F * m_fit_pointTTS
number of track points used for fitting - tpc+svt
TH2F * m_primtrk_meanptF
<pT>, tpc, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_chisq0_dipT
chisq0 vs eta, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_xfFW
x-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc east
TH2F * m_ptanl_zfTS
tanl(dip angle) vs zfirst-zvtx, tpc
TH2F * m_geant_reco_vtx_z_z
prim vtx z, diff geant - reco
TH1F * m_pchisq0TS
chi square [0], tpc
TH1F * m_pv_y
row1-vertex coordinates in
TH2F * m_chisq0_dipTS
chisq0 vs dip angle, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_zf0
y-coord. of first hit - at start of helix+svt
TH1F * m_pfit_pointTS
number of track points used for fitting - tpc
TH1F * m_prim_radfT
transverse & longitudinal helix center of last hit - helix hit+svt
TH1F * m_glb_zfFW
z-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc east
TH2F * m_vtx_FtpcEastTpc_xy
number of kinks
TH1F * m_glb_zf0TS
z-coord. of first hit - at start of helix
TH1F * m_dcaToBeamZ3
z-dca to beam axis -105 to 0
TH2F * m_fpoint_lengthT
trk length vs. eta, ftpc west
TH1F * m_pv_pchi2
x versus y
TH1F * m_glb_phi0TS
azimuthal angle at start (deg), tpc
TH1F * m_pfit_pointT
number of max possible track points - ftpc west
TH1F * m_max_pointFW
number of max possible track points - ftpc east
TH2F * m_glb_radfF
impact parameter from primary vertex, ftpc
TH1F * m_prim_chargeFW
particle charge in units of |e| - ftpc east
TH1F * m_pointFW
number of points on the track - ftpc east
TH1F * m_pnt_zS
z dist. of hits, tpc
TH2F * m_pxl_nhit_Pxl1_tof_mult
of hits in outer PIXEL layer vs TPC track multiplicity
TH2F * m_chisq0_momT
tot num points vs length, ftpc west
TH1F * m_chisq1FW
chi square [1], ftpc east
TH1F * m_glb_ratiomT
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_p_dedx_rec
psi vs phi, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_padfT
z-coord at start (cm), tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ppTT
momentum, ftpc west
TH2F * m_tof_PID
vertex z from vpd vs verex z from TPC
TH2F * m_glb_simpactT
log impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc
TH2F * m_pchisq0_dipT
chisq0 vs eta, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_globtrk_fit_prob
TH2F * m_ppTTTS
pT, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_glb_padfTEW
padrow of first hit on trk, tpc
TH2F * m_glb_impactTS
chi square [0], tpc+svt
StQABookHist(const char *type)
TH2F * m_prim_radfF
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pnt_barrelS
padrow dist. of hits, tpc
TH1F * m_ppsiFW
psi reconstructed, ftpc east
TH2F * m_ist_hit_ladder_sensor
of hits vs x ladder (integrated over ladder, per event)
TH1F * m_prim_yfFE
y-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH2F * m_pnt_planeF
padlength vs timelength of hits, ftpcW
TH1F * m_prim_curvTS
curvature (1/cm), tpc
TH1F * m_prim_zfTS
z-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_zfFW
z-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc east
TH2F * m_glb_chargeF
particle charge in units of |e| - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ppointT
<eta>, ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_xfT
curvature (1/cm), tpc+svt
TH1F * m_prim_chargeFE
particle charge in units of |e| - ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_phifTS
phi dist. of first point on trk, tpc
TH2F * m_ppT_eta_recFE
pT versus eta, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_vtx_FtpcWestTpc_xy
FtpcEast prim vtx z - TPC prim vtx z.
TH2F * m_glb_rzf0TS
transverse & longitudinal helix center of last hit - helix hit
TH2F * m_glb_impactrTTS
impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_glb_zfF
z-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pointFE
number of points on the track - ftpc
TH2F * m_eta_trklengthTS
trk length vs. eta, tpc
TH1F * m_globtrk_goodTTS
tracks in table with iflag>0,small range
TH1F * m_psiFE
psi reconstructed, ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_phi0T
radius at start (cm), tpc+svt
TH2F * m_eta_trklengthT
mom vs. trk length, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_xfFE
x-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH2F * m_eta_trklengthFW
trk length vs. eta, ftpc east
TH2F * m_pnt_padtimeFW
padlength vs timelength of hits, ftpcE
TH1F * m_prim_ratiomT
ratio of n fit pnts over tot n pnts - ftpc west
TH1F * m_prim_xf0
z-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc west
TH1F * m_pnt_ssd
SVT drift.
TH2F * m_pchisq0F
chi square [0], tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pointF
number of points on the track - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pmax_pointFE
number of max possible track points - ftpc
TH2F * m_glb_f0
impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc
TH2F * m_globtrk_xf_yfFE
Y vs X of first hit on trk, tpc+svt.
TH1F * m_glb_xfTS
x-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_zf0TS
z-coord. of first hit - at start of helix
TH1F * m_dedx0T
number of point to find dE/dx, tpc
TH1F * m_pmomTS
momentum, tpc
TH2F * m_primtrk_goodF
tracks in table with iflag>0, tpc,svt
TH2F * m_ptanl_zfT
Y vs X of first hit on trk, ftpc west.
TH2F * m_prim_ratioF
number of track points used for fitting - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pnt_phiS
phi dist. of hits, tpc
TH1F * m_glb_radfFW
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, ftpc east
TH1F * m_prim_xfTS
x-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc
TH1F * m_glb_yf0
x-coord. of first hit - at start of helix+svt
TH1F * m_glb_impactrT
signed impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc
TH1F * m_ndedxFE
dE/dx [0], ftpc
TH2F * m_prim_f0TS
overlayed hist of first point - helix point
TH1F * m_momT
eta, ftpc west
TH1F * m_glb_chargeTS
particle charge in units of |e| - tpc
TH1F * m_ev0_k0ma_hist
Lambda mass.
TH2F * m_glb_rzl0
transverse & longitudinal helix center of first hit - helix hit
TH2F * m_peta_trklengthTS
trk length vs. eta, tpc
TH2F * m_pxl_nhit_Pxl2_tof_mult
of hits in inner PIXEL layer vs TOF track multiplicity
TH1F * m_chisq0TS
length of track, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_primtrk_xf_yfFW
Y vs X of first hit on trk, ftpc east.
TH1F * m_globtrk_iflag
tracks in table with iflag>0, ftpc
TH1F * m_pmomT
eta, ftpc west
TH2F * m_zDcaZf
z-dca vs tanl
TH1F * m_petaFW
eta, ftpc east
TH1F * m_glb_radfTS
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, tpc
TH1F * m_emc_points[4]
Point TrMom spectra.
TH2F * m_ppsiTTS
psi reconstructed, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_primtrk_goodTTS
tracks in table with iflag>0, small range
TH1F * m_vtx_z_dist
radial distribution of V0s relative to primVtx
TH1F * m_pmax_pointT
number of points on the track - ftpc west
TH2F * m_tof_match_tray
of hits vs module # (int over trays, east side use -32 - -1)
TH1F * m_tanlTS
tan(dip) =pz/pt at start, tpc
TH2F * m_chisq0_etaTS
chisq0 vs eta, tpc
TH2F * m_fpoint_lengthTS
num fit points vs length, tpc
TH2F * m_prim_yfF
y-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pnt_ftpc
number of hits tpc
TH1F * m_prim_thetaT
tan(dip) =pz/pt at start, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_max_pointFE
number of max possible track points - ftpc
TH2F * m_glb_f0TS
overlayed hist of first point - helix point
TH1F * m_glb_zf0
y-coord. of first hit - at start of helix+svt
TH2F * m_glb_impactrF
impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc,tpc+svt
TH1F * m_det_id
iflag value
TH1F * m_pnt_phiSSD
number of hits ssd
TH2F * m_pnt_xyFW
xy dist. of hits, ftpcE
TH1F * m_pv_z
STAR reference.
TH2F * m_prim_rzl0TS
transverse & longitudinal helix center of first hit - helix hit+svt
TH2F * m_dcaToBeamXY
detector id of track
TH1F * m_pv_vtxid
radius to vertex
TH1F * m_pointTS
number of points on the track - tpc
TH2F * m_psiTTS
psi reconstructed, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_yfTS
y-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc
TH2F * m_prim_chargeF
particle charge in units of |e| - tpc+svt
TH2F * m_zDcaTanl
z-dca to beam axis 0 to 105
TH1F * m_etaFW
eta, ftpc east
TH2F * m_glb_phifT
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_chisq0_zfT
chisq0 vs dip angle, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pT_eta_recFW
pT versus eta, ftpcE
TH1F * m_pmomFE
momentum, ftpc
TH2F * m_prim_rzl0
transverse & longitudinal helix center of first hit - helix hit
TH1F * m_momTS
momentum, tpc
TH1F * m_pchisq1FE
chi square [1], ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_ratiomFE
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - ftpc
TH1F * m_glb_curvTS
curvature (1/cm), tpc
TH1F * m_plengthFW
length of track, ftpc east
TH1F * m_momFW
momentum, ftpc east
TH1F * m_ev0_lama_hist
v0 vertices
TH2F * m_pchisq0_etaTS
chisq0 vs eta, tpc
TH2F * m_primtrk_xf_yfTS
Y vs X of first hit on trk, tpc west.
TH2F * m_pxl_hit_phi_z_Pxl1
HFT hits per primary track.
TH1F * m_plengthTS
length of track, tpc
TH2F * m_pxl_hit_sector_sensor_Pxl1
of hits vs x ladder (integrated over ladder, per event)
TH1F * m_lengthFW
length of track, ftpc east
TH1F * m_primary_pxl_hit
of PIXEL hits per global track
TH1F * m_glb_curvT
padrow of first hit on trk, tpc east and west
TH1F * m_pnt_tot
plane dist. of hits, ftpc
TH1F * m_prim_chargeT
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - ftpc west
TH2F * m_globtrk_goodF
tracks in table with iflag>0, tpc, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_primtrk_good
tracks in table, small range
TH2F * m_pnpoint_lengthTS
tot num points vs length, tpc
TH2F * m_nhit_Pxl_Sst
of hits in PIXEL vs hits in IST
TH1F * m_glb_ratiomFW
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - ftpc east
TH1F * m_prim_yfTS
y-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc
TH2F * m_glb_yfF
y-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pnpoint_lengthT
num fit points vs length, tpc
TH2F * m_svt_loc
diff of laser spots in svt
TH2F * m_pnpoint_lengthFE
tot num points vs length, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_pdet_id
iflag value
TH2F * m_glb_rzl0TS
transverse & longitudinal helix center of first hit - helix hit+svt
TH1F * m_ppointTS
number of points on the track - tpc
TH1F * m_glb_r0TS
radius at start (cm), tpc
TH1F * m_pchisq1FW
chi square [1], ftpc east
TH1F * m_primtrk_tot
dE/dx [0], ftpcW
TH2F * m_nhit_Ist_Sst
of hits in PIXEL vs hits in SST
TH1F * m_prim_r0TS
radius at start (cm), tpc
TH2F * m_pchisq0_etaT
chisq0 vs momentum, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_yfFE
y-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH2F * m_ppsi_phiTS
psi vs phi, tpc
TH1F * m_emc_point_trmom[4]
Point DeltaPhi spectra.
TH1F * m_pmomFW
momentum, ftpc east
TH1F * m_pointT
z-dca vs phi0
TH1F * m_ptanlTS
tan(dip) =pz/pt at start, tpc
TH1F * m_glb_zfT
y-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc west
TH2F * m_prim_zfF
z-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pnt_xyS
time dist. of hits, tpc
TH2F * m_glb_planefF
z-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc west
TH2F * m_pxl_nhit_Pxl2_tpc_mult
of hits in inner PIXEL layer vs TPC track multiplicity
TH2F * m_lengthF
length of track, tpc
TH2F * m_ppsiF
psi reconstructed, tpc,tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_thetaTS
theta - tpc
TH2F * m_ppT_eta_recT
overlayed hist of first point - helix point
TH2F * m_chisq0_etaT
chisq0 vs momentum, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_etaF
eta, tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_etaTTS
eta, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_chisq0TTS
chi square [0], tpc
TH1F * m_xi_ma_hist
number of xi vertices
TH1F * m_prim_yfFW
y-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc east
TH1F * m_ppTFW
pT, ftpc east
TH2F * m_plengthF
length of track, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pmax_pointF
number of max possible track points - tpc+svt
TH2F * m_tanl_zfTS
tanl(dip angle) vs zfirst-zvtx, tpc
TH2F * m_pchisq0_momT
tot num points vs length, ftpc west
TH2F * m_pmom_trklengthTS
mom vs. trk length, tpc
TH1F * m_ptanlT
psi reconstructed, ftpc west
TH2F * m_psi_phiT
chisq0 vs phi, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_emc_point_sigphi[4]
Point SigmaEta spectra.
TH2F * m_dedx0F
number of point to find dE/dx, ftpc
TH2F * m_pchisq0_zfT
chisq0 vs dip angle, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_lengthTS
phi dist. of first point on trk, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_prim_phi0TS
azimuthal angle at start (deg), tpc
TH1F * m_pnt_ftpcE
number of hits ftpc
TH1F * m_psiT
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, ftpc west
TH1F * m_primtrk_iflag
fit points ratio prim/glob, all detectors
TH2F * m_max_pointF
number of max possible track points - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_prim_yf0
x-coord. of first hit - at start of helix+svt
TH1F * m_prim_curvT
z-coord at start (cm), tpc+svt
TH2F * m_glb_ratiomF
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ndedxT
number of tracks with dedx info
TH2F * m_primtrk_meanetaF
<eta>, tpc, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_globtrk_good_sm
tracks in table with iflag>0
TH2F * m_prim_rzf0
z-coord. of first hit - at start of helix+svt
TH2F * m_pnt_svtLaser
number of hits svt
TH2F * m_tof_vpd_hit
of matched hits vs module
TH1F * m_lengthT
pT, ftpc west
TH1F * m_dedxTTS
dE/dx [1], tpc
TH2F * m_fpoint_lengthTTS
num fit points vs length, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_glb_chargeT
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - ftpc west
TH1F * m_plengthT
pT, ftpc west
TH1F * m_prim_ratiomTS
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - tpc
TH1F * m_prim_ratiomFE
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - ftpc
TH1F * m_dedx0FE
number of point to find dE/dx, ftpcE
TH2F * m_tanl_zfT
padlength vs timelength of hits on track, ftpcW
TH2F * m_ist_hit_phi_z
of PIXEL hits per primary track
TH2F * m_emc_nhit
prim vtx z, diff geant - reco vs reco z
TH1F * m_glb_zfFE
z-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc
TH2F * m_bbc_adc[4]
Point Flag spectra.
TH1F * m_emc_point_deleta[4]
Point SigmaPhi spectra.
TH1F * m_pmax_pointFW
number of max possible track points - ftpc east
TH1F * m_glb_z0T
azimuthal angle at start (deg), tpc+svt
TH2F * m_glb_ratiomTTS
number of track pnts on svt - tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pxl_hit_sector_sensor_Pxl2
of hits vs sector vs sensor, inner PIXEL layer
TH1F * m_glb_zfTS
z-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc
TH1F * m_glb_r0T
particle charge in units of |e| - ftpc west
TH1F * m_z_hits
FtpcWest prim vtx z - TPC prim vtx z.
TH1F * m_primglob_fit
trks w/ iflag>0, ratio prim/glob, all detectors
TH2F * m_globtrk_xf_yfTW
Y vs X of first hit on trk, tpc east.
TH1F * m_prim_r0T
particle charge in units of |e| - ftpc west
TH1F * m_glb_chargeFE
particle charge in units of |e| - ftpc
TH2F * m_pnt_phiT
rphi dist. of hits, tpcE
TH1F * m_emc_point_phi[4]
Point Eta spectra.
TH1F * m_pnt_id
number of hits total, small range
TH1F * m_max_pointT
number of points on the track - ftpc west
TH1F * m_MtdNHits
TOF PID: 1/beta vs p.
TH1F * m_tanlT
psi reconstructed, ftpc west
TH2F * m_mom_trklengthT
tanl(dip angle) vs zfirst-zvtx, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_npoint_lengthFE
tot num points vs length, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pnt_padrowT
phi dist. of hits, svt
TH1F * m_geant_reco_pvtx_y
prim vtx x, diff geant - reco
TH1F * m_prim_ratioFE
ratio of n fit pnts over tot n pnts - ftpc
TH1F * m_pchisq0FE
chi square [0], ftpc
TH1F * m_momFE
momentum, ftpc
TH1F * m_fit_pointTS
number of track points used for fitting - tpc
TH2F * m_peta_trklengthFE
trk length vs. eta, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_v_vtxid
number of vertices,small range
TH1F * m_glb_radfFE
radial (xy) coordinate of first hit, ftpc
TH2F * m_npoint_lengthFW
tot num points vs length, ftpc east
TH1F * m_fit_pointT
number of max possible track points - ftpc west
TH1F * m_pnt_phiSST
number of hits sst
TH2F * m_globtrk_xf_yfTS
Y vs X of first hit on trk, tpc west.
TH2F * m_pTF
pT, tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_prim_xfF
x-coord. of first hit on trk, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_ppointF
number of points on the track - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_ppsiFE
psi reconstructed, ftpc
TH2F * m_ist_nhit_tof_mult
of hits in IST vs TPC track multiplicity
TH1F * m_ppsiTS
psi reconstructed, tpc
TH1F * m_max_pointTS
number of max possible track points - tpc
TH1F * m_prim_chargeTS
particle charge in units of |e| - tpc
TH2F * m_zDcaPhi0
z-dca vs psi
TH2F * m_pchisq0_momTS
chisq0 vs momentum, tpc
TH1F * m_prim_thetaTS
theta - tpc
TH2F * m_psiF
psi reconstructed, tpc,tpc+svt
TH1F * m_etaT
theta - tpc+svt
TH1F * m_prim_yfT
x-coord. of first hit on trk, ftpc west
TH2F * m_glb_simpactTS
log impact parameter from primary vertex, tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pfpoint_lengthT
trk length vs. eta, ftpc west
TH1F * m_pnt_ftpcW
number of hits ftpcE
TH2F * m_psi_phiTS
psi vs phi, tpc
TH2F * m_zDcaPsi
z-dca vs z-first
TH2F * m_pnt_padtimeFE
xy dist. of hits, ftpcW
TH1F * m_glb_z0TS
z-coord at start (cm), tpc
TH1F * m_emc_point_eta[4]
Point Energy spectra.
TH2F * m_peta_trklengthFW
trk length vs. eta, ftpc east
TH1F * m_vtx_r_dist
azimuthal distribution of V0s relative to primVtx
TH1F * m_pv_r
row1-chisq per dof of vertex fit
TH1F * m_prim_z0TS
z-coord at start (cm), tpc
TH2F * m_pnpoint_lengthFW
tot num points vs length, ftpc east
TH2F * m_globtrk_xf_yfFW
Y vs X of first hit on trk, ftpc east.
TH1F * m_prim_ratiomFW
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - ftpc east
TH2F * m_pchisq0TTS
chi square [0], tpc+svt
TH1F * m_chisq0FW
chi square [0], ftpc east
TH1F * m_primary_ist_hit
of IST hits per global track
TH1F * m_globtrk_good
tracks in table
TH1F * m_pxl_hit_ladder
of hits vs phi vs z position, outer PIXEL layer
TH1F * m_psiFW
psi reconstructed, ftpc east
TH2F * m_pxl_hit_phi_z_Pxl2
of hits vs phi vs z position, inner PIXEL layer
TH2F * m_ndedxF
<dE/dx>/(Bichsel <dE/dx>), tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pnt_rpTW
xy dist. of hits, svt
TH1F * m_emc_point_flag
Emc Point multiplicity.
TH1F * m_glb_ratiomTS
ratio of n fit pnts over max n pnts - tpc
TH2F * m_momF
momentum, tpc+svt
TH1F * m_geant_reco_pvtx_x
number of hits ftpcW
TH1F * m_glb_yf0TS
y-coord. of first hit - at start of helix
TH1F * m_glb_sptsTS
number of track points used for fitting - tpc,tpc+svt
TH2F * m_pxl_nhit_Pxl1_tpc_mult
of hits vs sector vs sensor, outer PIXEL layer
TH1F * m_prim_phi0T
radius at start (cm), tpc+svt
TH1F * m_prim_xfT
curvature (1/cm), tpc+svt
TH2F * m_chisq1F
chi square [0], ftpc west
TH2F * m_primtrk_xf_yfFE
Y vs X of first hit on trk, tpc+svt.
TH1F * m_v_r
chisq per dof of vertex fit