132 #ifndef STAR_StSsdPointMaker
133 #define STAR_StSsdPointMaker
134 #include "Riostream.h"
138 #include "StSsdUtil/StSsdDynamicControl.h"
139 #include "StSsdUtil/StSsdClusterControl.h"
148 class St_ssdDimensions;
149 class St_ssdConfiguration;
150 class St_ssdWafersPosition;
151 class St_ssdStripCalib;
152 class St_ssdGainCalibWafer;
154 class St_ssdWaferConfiguration;
170 class ssdWafersPosition_st;
171 class ssdDimensions_st;
172 class ssdConfiguration_st;
180 #ifdef config_position_dimensions
181 ,position(0), dimensions(0), config(0),
182 m_dimensions(0), m_configuration(0), m_wafpos(0)
184 ,mHitNtuple(0), nHitNtuple(0), qHitNtuple(0), pHitNtuple(0), rHitNtuple(0) {}
186 virtual Int_t Init();
187 virtual Int_t InitRun(Int_t runumber);
188 virtual Int_t
190 virtual void PrintInfo();
193 St_ssdStripCalib *m_noise2;
194 St_ssdNoise *m_noise3;
195 St_ssdGainCalibWafer *mGain;
196 St_ssdWaferConfiguration *mWafConfig;
197 #ifdef config_position_dimensions
198 St_ssdWafersPosition *position;
199 ssdDimensions_st *dimensions;
200 ssdConfiguration_st *config;
201 St_ssdDimensions *m_dimensions;
202 St_ssdConfiguration *m_configuration;
203 St_ssdWafersPosition *m_wafpos;
205 Float_t Strips_hits[15];
206 Float_t ClusterNtuple[15];
207 Float_t ClustupleIn[15];
208 Float_t hitNtuple[15];
209 Float_t StripsIn[15];
217 void DeclareNtuple();
225 void PrintStripDetails(
StSsdBarrel *mySsd, Int_t mywafer);
226 void PrintClusterDetails(
StSsdBarrel *mySsd, Int_t mywafer);
227 void PrintPointDetails(
StSsdBarrel *mySsd, Int_t mywafer);
228 void PrintPackageDetails(
StSsdBarrel *mySsd, Int_t mywafer);
229 void Read_Strip(St_ssdStripCalib *strip_calib);
230 void Read_Strip(St_ssdNoise *strip);
234 void NormalizeEfficiency();
235 void FillCalibTable();
236 void FillWaferTable();
237 void FillDefaultCalibTable();
238 void FillDefaultWaferTable();
239 Int_t ReadNoiseTable(
StSsdBarrel *mySsd,Int_t year);
265 TH2F *MatchedClusterP;
266 TH2F *MatchedClusterN;
267 Int_t UseCalibration ;
268 Int_t UseWaferConfig ;
272 Int_t noiseTableSize;
273 Float_t CalibArray[320];
274 Int_t WafStatus[20][16];
275 Float_t ratioP[20][16];
276 Float_t ratioN[20][16];
277 virtual const char *GetCVS()
278 {
static const char cvs[]=
"Tag $Name: $ $Id: StSsdPointMaker.h,v 1.37 2014/08/06 11:43:43 jeromel Exp $ built " __DATE__
" " __TIME__ ;
return cvs;}
TH2S * ClustMapN
Map of number of clusters on the p-side ladders.
TH1S * orthoproj
(1p-1n) packages control matching.
TH1F * noisDisN
p-side distribution of cluster total charge.
TH1F * snRatioN
n-side distribution of noise.
TH1F * stpClusP
p-side distribution of signal to noise ratio.
TH1F * totChrgN
n-side distribution of strips per cluster.
TH1S * kind
orthonormal projection and perfect matching deviation.
TH2S * ClustMapP
p-side clusters entries vs n-side clusters entries
TFile * ScmCtrlFile
Map of number of clusters on the n-side ladders.
TH1F * totChrgP
p-side distribution of strips per cluster.
StMaker(const char *name="", const char *dummy=0)
Constructor & Destructor.
TH1F * snRatioP
p-side distribution of noise.
TH2S * ClusNvsClusP
n-side distribution of cluster total charge.
TH2S * matchisto_[20]
kind of hits –>see StSsdWafer for definition
TH1F * stpClusN
n-side distribution of signal to noise ratio.