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1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * $Id: StVpdSimMaker.cxx,v 1.3 2021/01/27 04:33:30 geurts Exp $
4  *
5  * Author: Nickolas Luttrell (Rice University)
6  ***************************************************************************
7  *
8  * Description: StVpdSimMaker.cxx - This simulation maker was adapted from
9  * existing code in the StBTofSimMaker circa 2016. It takes Vpd hits from
10  * geant, determines the earliest hit in each tube, then passes these hits to
11  * StEvent. For QA purposes it also calculates tStart and the Vpd Vertex.
12  *
13  ***************************************************************************
14  *
15  * $Log: StVpdSimMaker.cxx,v $
16  * Revision 1.3 2021/01/27 04:33:30 geurts
17  * move StVpdSimConfig.h to StBTofUtil area for shared used between StBTofCalibMaker and StVpdSimMaker
18  *
19  * Revision 1.2 2017/03/21 23:43:25 nluttrel
20  * Added checks for Mc vertex and tube Id
21  *
22  * Revision 1.1 2017/03/02 18:38:17 jeromel
23  * First version of Vpd simulations
24  *
25  *
26  ***************************************************************************/
28 #include <Stiostream.h>
29 #include <string> // std::string
30 #include <cstddef> // std::size_t
31 #include <math.h>
32 #include "StVpdSimMaker.h"
33 #include "StBTofUtil/StVpdSimConfig.h"
35 #include <TRandom3.h>
36 #include "SystemOfUnits.h"
37 #include "PhysicalConstants.h"
38 #include "phys_constants.h"
39 #include <vector>
40 #include "TH2.h"
41 #include "TH3.h"
42 #include "TFile.h"
44 // Tables
45 #include "tables/St_g2t_vpd_hit_Table.h"
47 #include "Random.h"
48 #include "RanluxEngine.h"
49 #include "RandGauss.h"
51 #include "StMcEvent/StMcVertex.hh"
52 #include "StEvent/StPrimaryVertex.h"
53 #include "StMcEvent/StMcBTofHit.hh"
54 #include "StEventTypes.h"
55 #include "StEvent/StBTofCollection.h"
56 #include "StChain/StChainOpt.h"
58 //static RanluxEngine engine;
59 //static RandGauss ranGauss(engine);
61 ClassImp(StVpdSimMaker)
63 //_____________________________________________________________________________
64 StVpdSimMaker::StVpdSimMaker(const char *name):StMaker(name)
65 {
67  mMcBTofHitCollection = 0;
68  mBookHisto=kFALSE;
69  mUseFileParameters=kFALSE;
70  Reset();
71 }
74 //_____________________________________________________________________________
76 {
82  delete mSimConfig;
83 }
85 //_____________________________________________________________________________
87 {
93  Reset();
94  if (mBookHisto) {
96  }
97  return StMaker::Init();
98 }
100 //_____________________________________________________________________________
102 {
105  mGeantData = 0;
106  mEvent = 0;
107  mMcEvent = 0;
108  mSimConfig = 0;
109  delete mMcBTofHitCollection;
110 }
111 //_____________________________________________________________________________
112 int StVpdSimMaker::InitRun(int runnumber)
113 {
114  LOG_DEBUG << "StVpdSimMaker::InitRun -- reading configuration file --" << endm;
117  if (mUseFileParameters) {
118  setParamsFile();
119  mSimConfig->loadVpdSimParams(getParamsFileName());
120  LOG_DEBUG << "Vpd Simulation Parameters loaded from file." << endm;
121  }
122  else {
124  LOG_DEBUG << "Vpd Simulation Parameters loaded from database." << endm;
125  }
126  mSimParams = mSimConfig->getParams();
127  return kStOK;
128 }
130 //_____________________________________________________________________________
131 int StVpdSimMaker::FinishRun(int runnumber)
132 {
134  return kStOk;
135 }
138 //_____________________________________________________________________________
140 {
141  return kStOK;
142 }
145 //_____________________________________________________________________________
147 {
150  VpdSingleHit singleHit;
151  singleHit.tof = 0;
152  int nWest = 0;
153  int nEast = 0;
154  double tubeTimeWest = 0;
155  double tubeTimeEast = 0;
156  std::vector<VpdSingleHit> hitsWest;
157  std::vector<VpdSingleHit> hitsEast;
159  std::vector<int> tubeCountsWest(19);
160  std::vector<int> tubeCountsEast(19);
163  mGeantData = GetInputDS("geant");
164  if(!mGeantData) {
165  mGeantData = GetInputDS("geantBranch");
166  }
167  if(!mGeantData) {
168  LOG_WARN << " No GEANT data loaded. Exit! " << endm;
169  return kStWarn;
170  }
171  LOG_INFO << " Found GEANT data -- loading Vpd hits... " << endm;
173  mMcEvent = (StMcEvent*)GetInputDS("StMcEvent");
174  if (!mMcEvent) {
175  LOG_ERROR << "No StMcEvent! Bailing out ..." << endm;
176  }
177  else if (mMcEvent->primaryVertex() != NULL){
178  StThreeVectorF Vtx = mMcEvent->primaryVertex()->position();
179  mVz = Vtx.z();
180  LOG_DEBUG << "The simulated vZ is: " << mVz << endm;
181  }
182  else {
183  LOG_WARN << "No primary vertex in McEvent! Bailing out ..." << endm;
184  return kStWarn;
185  }
188  St_g2t_vpd_hit* g2t_vpd_hits = 0;
189  g2t_vpd_hits = dynamic_cast<St_g2t_vpd_hit*>(mGeantData->Find("g2t_vpd_hit"));
190  if(!g2t_vpd_hits){
191  LOG_WARN << " No Vpd hits in GEANT" << endm;
192  }
193  else {
194  int nVpdHits = g2t_vpd_hits->GetNRows();
195  LOG_DEBUG << " Found Vpd hits: " << nVpdHits << endm;
196  g2t_vpd_hit_st* vpd_hit = g2t_vpd_hits->begin();
199  if(!vpd_hit) {
200  LOG_WARN << " No Vpd hit!" << endm;
201  return kStWarn;
202  }
203  else {
204  for(int i=0; i<nVpdHits; i++, vpd_hit++) {
205  int vId = vpd_hit->volume_id;
206  int iTray = vId/1000 + 120;
207  int tubeIndex = (vId % 100)-1;
209  if ( (tubeIndex<0) || (tubeIndex>18) ) {
210  LOG_WARN << "Invalid Vpd Tube Id!" << endm;
211  continue;
212  }
219  if ((iTray == 121) && (mSimParams[tubeIndex].tubeStatusFlag == 1)) {
220  singleHit.tof = mSimConfig->getVpdDistance()*1e9/C_C_LIGHT - mVz*1e9/C_C_LIGHT;
221  vpdResponse(singleHit, vpd_hit, vId);
222  tubeCountsWest[singleHit.tubeId - 1] += 1;
223  hitsWest.push_back(singleHit);
224  if (mBookHisto) { mLeTimeWest->Fill(singleHit.tof); }
225  }
227  else if ((iTray == 122) && (mSimParams[tubeIndex+19].tubeStatusFlag) == 1) {
228  singleHit.tof = mSimConfig->getVpdDistance()*1e9/C_C_LIGHT + mVz*1e9/C_C_LIGHT;
229  vpdResponse(singleHit, vpd_hit, vId);
230  tubeCountsEast[singleHit.tubeId - 1] += 1;
231  hitsEast.push_back(singleHit);
232  if (mBookHisto) { mLeTimeEast->Fill(singleHit.tof); }
233  }
234  }
235  }
236  }
238  if (mBookHisto) {
239  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tubeCountsWest.size(); i++ ){
240  mNRawHitsWest->Fill( i + 1, tubeCountsWest[i] );
241  mLeTubeHitsWest->Fill(tubeCountsWest[i], singleHit.tof);
242  }
243  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tubeCountsEast.size(); i++ ){
244  mNRawHitsEast->Fill( i + 1, tubeCountsEast[i] );
245  mLeTubeHitsEast->Fill(tubeCountsEast[i], singleHit.tof);
246  }
247  }
249  if(hitsWest.size() > 0) {
250  mTubeTAvgWest = thresholdCut(hitsWest, tubeCountsWest, mTubeHitsWest, mNHitsWest);
251  tubeTimeWest = mSumTubeTime;
252  nWest = mNHits;
253  }
254  else mTubeTAvgWest = -9999;
256  if(hitsEast.size() > 0) {
257  mTubeTAvgEast = thresholdCut(hitsEast, tubeCountsEast, mTubeHitsEast, mNHitsEast);
258  tubeTimeEast = mSumTubeTime;
259  nEast = mNHits;
260  }
261  else mTubeTAvgEast = -9999;
263  if ((mTubeTAvgEast == -9999) or (mTubeTAvgWest == -9999)) {
264  mVpdVertex = -9999;
265  }
266  else {
267  mVpdVertex = C_C_LIGHT*1.e-9*(mTubeTAvgEast - mTubeTAvgWest)/2;
268  mTStart = ((tubeTimeEast+tubeTimeWest)-(nEast-nWest)*(mVz)/(C_C_LIGHT*1.e9))/(nEast+nWest) - mSimConfig->getVpdDistance()/(C_C_LIGHT*1.e-9);
269  LOG_DEBUG << "The vpdVz is: " << mVpdVertex << " cm" << endm;
270  LOG_DEBUG << "The tStart is " << mTStart << " ns" << endm;
271  }
273  fillEvent();
275  if (mBookHisto) {
276  mTStartHist->Fill(mTStart);
277  mVpdVertexHist->Fill(mVpdVertex);
278  mVpdResHist->Fill(mVz-mVpdVertex);
279  mResVsNumHits->Fill(nWest, nEast, mVz-mVpdVertex);
280  }
282  return kStOK;
283 }
287 //_____________________________________________________________________________
288 // vpdResponse takes a single Vpd hit in a PMT and stores the relevant information
289 // for that hit, including tray, tubeId, and tof
290 //
291 int StVpdSimMaker::vpdResponse(VpdSingleHit &singleHit, g2t_vpd_hit_st* vpd_hit, int vId)
292 {
293  double randNum;
294  TRandom3& randengine = *((TRandom3 *)gRandom);
296  singleHit.tray = vId/1000 + 120;
297  singleHit.tubeId = vId%100;
299  if (singleHit.tray == 122) {
300  randNum = randengine.Gaus(0, mSimParams[singleHit.tubeId-1+19].singleTubeRes);
301  }
302  else {
303  randNum = randengine.Gaus(0, mSimParams[singleHit.tubeId-1].singleTubeRes);
304  }
306  singleHit.tof += randNum/1000; // Applies single-tube resolution smearing
307  singleHit.t0 = vpd_hit->tof*1./nanosecond; // Stores value in nanoseconds.
309 = vpd_hit->de;
310  singleHit.pathL = -9999;
311  singleHit.q = 0.;
313  return kStOK;
314 }
318 //_____________________________________________________________________________
319 // thresholdCut applies cuts on the raw Hits(West/East) based on an assigned threshold value, then finds the earliest time in each tube and returns average time information from a given Vpd.
321 double StVpdSimMaker::thresholdCut(std::vector<VpdSingleHit> singleHitsVec, std::vector<int> tubeCounts, TH1F* TubeHits, TH1F* NHits) {
323  std::vector<double> timesVec;
324  mSumTubeTime = 0;
325  mTubeTAvg = 0;
327  int mCounter = 0;
329  for(int i = 0; i < (int)tubeCounts.size(); i++) {
330  int dex = -1;
331  double lowTime = 1.e+9;
333  if (tubeCounts[i] >= mSimConfig->getThreshold()) {
334  if (mBookHisto) { TubeHits->Fill( i + 1, 1 ); }
335  for(int j = 0; j < (int)singleHitsVec.size(); j++) {
336  if ((i == singleHitsVec[j].tubeId-1) and (singleHitsVec[j].tof > 1.e-4)) {
337  if (singleHitsVec[j].tof < lowTime) {
338  lowTime = singleHitsVec[j].tof;
339  dex = j;
340  }
341  }
342  }
343  }
344  else if (mBookHisto) { NHits->Fill(0); }
346  if (dex >= 0) {
347  StMcBTofHit *mcHit = new StMcBTofHit(singleHitsVec[dex].tray,0,singleHitsVec[dex].tubeId,singleHitsVec[dex].de,singleHitsVec[dex].pathL,singleHitsVec[dex].t0,singleHitsVec[dex].tof,singleHitsVec[dex].q);
348  storeMcVpdHit(mcHit);
350  mCounter += 1;
351  mSumTubeTime += singleHitsVec[dex].tof;
352  timesVec.push_back(singleHitsVec[dex].tof);
353  }
354  }
357  if (timesVec.size() != 0) {
358  mNHits = timesVec.size();
359  mTubeTAvg = mSumTubeTime/mNHits;
360  }
361  else { mTubeTAvg = -9999; }
363  if (mBookHisto) { NHits->Fill(mCounter); }
365  return mTubeTAvg;
366 }
370 //_____________________________________________________________________________
371 // storeMcVpdHit replaces duplicate hits (hits that match the same cell location),
372 // or it stores the new hit (the last part below)
374 {
376  for(size_t j=0;j<mMcBTofHitCollection->hits().size();j++) {
377  StMcBTofHit *tempHit = mMcBTofHitCollection->hits()[j];
378  if(!tempHit) {
379  LOG_DEBUG << " No hit stored in mMcBTofHitCollection." << endm;
380  }
381  if(mcVpdHit->sameCell(*tempHit)) {
382  LOG_WARN << " Multiple hits passed to same cell. Exit! " << endm;
383  return kStWarn;
384  }
385  }
387  LOG_DEBUG << " Storing mcVpdHit to Collection." << endm;
388  mMcBTofHitCollection->addHit(mcVpdHit);
390  return kStOk;
391 }
394 //___________________________________________________________________________
395 // fillEvent stores the btofCollection from McEvent into StEvent
396 //
398 {
399  LOG_DEBUG << "Filling McEvent and Event"<<endm;
401  // send off to StMcEvent
402  mMcEvent = (StMcEvent*)GetInputDS("StMcEvent");
403  if (!mMcEvent) {
404  LOG_ERROR << "No StMcEvent! Bailing out ..." << endm;
405  }
406  else {
407  mMcEvent->setBTofHitCollection(mMcBTofHitCollection); // Replaces existing collection with the passed argument
408  LOG_INFO << " ... StMcVpdHitCollection stored in StMcEvent" << endm;
409  }
411  mEvent = (StEvent*)GetInputDS("StEvent");
412  if (!mEvent) {
413  LOG_ERROR << "No StEvent! Bailing out ..." << endm;
414  }
415  else { // mEvent non-zero
416  LOG_DEBUG << "mEvent = " << mEvent << endm;
419  if (mMcEvent->primaryVertex() != NULL){
420  StThreeVectorF Vtx = mMcEvent->primaryVertex()->position();
421  mVx = Vtx.x();
422  mVy = Vtx.y();
423  mVz = Vtx.z();
424  LOG_DEBUG << " mVx, mVy, vZ: "
425  << mVx << " "
426  << mVy << " "
427  << mVz << " " << endm;
428  if (mBookHisto) { mZVertexHist->Fill(mVz); }
429  }
432  mVpdCollection = mEvent->btofCollection();
433  if(!mVpdCollection) {
434  LOG_INFO << "Creating new StBTofCollection" << endm;
436  mEvent->setBTofCollection(mVpdCollection);
437  }
439  for(int jj = 0; jj < (int)mMcBTofHitCollection->hits().size(); jj++) {
440  StMcBTofHit *aMcVpdHit = mMcBTofHitCollection->hits()[jj];
442  if(!aMcVpdHit) continue;
445  StBTofHit aVpdHit;
446  aVpdHit.Clear();
448  float mcTof = aMcVpdHit->tof();
450  aVpdHit.setHardwarePosition(kBTofId);
451  aVpdHit.setTray((int)aMcVpdHit->tray());
452  aVpdHit.setModule((unsigned char)aMcVpdHit->module());
453  aVpdHit.setCell((int)aMcVpdHit->cell());
454  aVpdHit.setLeadingEdgeTime((double)mcTof);
455  aVpdHit.setTrailingEdgeTime((double)mcTof);
456  aVpdHit.setAssociatedTrack(NULL);
457  aVpdHit.setIdTruth(aMcVpdHit->parentTrackId(), 1);
458  mVpdCollection->addHit(new StBTofHit(aVpdHit));
461  StBTofRawHit aVpdRawHit;
462  aVpdRawHit.Clear();
463  aVpdRawHit.setTray((int)aMcVpdHit->tray());
464  aVpdRawHit.setChannel(6*(aMcVpdHit->module() - 1) + (int)aMcVpdHit->cell());
465  aVpdRawHit.setFlag(1);
466  mVpdCollection->addRawHit(new StBTofRawHit(aVpdRawHit));
467  }
470  StBTofHeader aHead;
471  mVpdCollection->setHeader(new StBTofHeader(aHead));
473  LOG_INFO << "... StBTofCollection Stored in StEvent! " << endm;
475  }
477  return kStOK;
478 }
481 //_____________________________________________________________________________
482 // pullHistFileName uses the string argument from the chain being run to set
483 // the name of the output histogram file.
484 //
485 string StVpdSimMaker::pullHistFileName() {
487  string extension = ".VpdSim.root";
489  if (GetChainOpt()->GetFileOut() != NULL) {
490  TString outFile = GetChainOpt()->GetFileOut();
491  mHistoFileName = (string)outFile;
492  size_t lastindex = mHistoFileName.find_last_of(".");
493  mHistoFileName = mHistoFileName.substr(0, lastindex);
494  lastindex = mHistoFileName.find_last_of("/");
495  mHistoFileName = mHistoFileName.substr(lastindex+1, mHistoFileName.length());
496  mHistoFileName = mHistoFileName + extension;
497  }
499  return mHistoFileName;
500 }
504 //_____________________________________________________________________________
506 {
507  // Create new histograms
509  AddHist( mNRawHitsWest = new TH1F("mNRawHitsWest_tubeId","mNRawHitsWest vs. tubeId; Tube Number; # of Hits", 21, 0, 21) );
510  AddHist( mNRawHitsEast = new TH1F("mNRawHitsEast_tubeId","mNRawHitsEast vs. tubeId; Tube Number; # of Hits",21, 0, 21) );
512  AddHist( mTubeHitsWest = new TH1F("mTubeHitsWest_tubeId","mTubeHitsWest vs. tubeId (Threshold Cut); Tube Number; # of Hits", 21, 0, 21) );
513  AddHist( mTubeHitsEast = new TH1F("mTubeHitsEast_tubeId","mTubeHitsEast vs. tubeId (Threshold Cut); Tube Number; # of Hits",21, 0, 21) );
515  AddHist( mNHitsWest = new TH1F("mNHitsWest","# Tubes Hit per Event West; # Tubes; Counts", 21, 0, 21) );
516  AddHist( mNHitsEast = new TH1F("mNHitsEast","# Tubes Hit per Event East; # Tubes; Counts",21, 0, 21) );
518  AddHist( mLeTimeWest = new TH1F("mLeTimeWest","Leading Edge Times West (No Cuts); LE (ns); Counts", 300, 0, 30) );
519  AddHist( mLeTimeEast = new TH1F("mLeTimeEast","Leading Edge Times East (No Cuts); LE (ns); Counts", 300, 0, 30) );
520  AddHist( mTStartHist = new TH1F("mTStart","mTStart; Time (ns); Counts", 300, -30, 30) );
522  AddHist( mLeTubeHitsWest = new TH2F("mLeTubeHitsWest"," mTubeHitsWest & LE Times (No Cuts); LE (ns); # of Hits; Counts", 300, 0, 30, 25, 0, 25) );
523  AddHist( mLeTubeHitsEast = new TH2F("mLeTubeHitsEast","mTubeHitsEast & LE Times (No Cuts); LE (ns); # of Hits; Counts", 300, 0, 30, 25, 0, 25) );
525  AddHist( mZVertexHist = new TH1F("mZVertexHist","True Vertices; Position (cm); Counts", 300, -50, 50) );
526  AddHist( mVpdVertexHist = new TH1F("mVpdVertexHist","Calculated Vpd Vertices; Position (cm); Counts", 300, -50, 50) );
527  AddHist( mVpdResHist = new TH1F("mVpdResHist","True - Vpd Vertex Position; TruePos - CalcPos (cm); Counts", 300, -15, 15) );
529  AddHist( mResVsNumHits = new TH3F("mResVsNumHits","mResVsNumHits; numTubesWest; numTubesEast; vZ-vpdVz", 21, 0, 21, 21, 0, 21, 300, -10, 10) );
531  return kStOK;
532 }
535 // End StVpdSimMaker.cpp
StMcBTofHitCollection * mMcBTofHitCollection
The Mc hit collection.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:78
string mHistoFileName
histogram file name
int tubeId
The tube id of a given Vpd, with values [1,19].
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:88
double mTStart
Start time for an event.
TH1F * mZVertexHist
Histogram of the provided Mc Vertices for all events.
StBTofCollection * mVpdCollection
The StBTofCollection of StBTofHit&#39;s (in this case, vpd hits)
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:82
std::map< int, StVpdSimConfig::SingleTubeParams > mSimParams
Map of the calibration parameters to be applied.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:83
bool mUseFileParameters
Default is kFALSE.
double t0
Time offset (currently unused)
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:90
TH1F * mVpdResHist
Histogram of the difference between Mc and calculated vertices.
StVpdSimConfig * mSimConfig
The calibration parameters for Vpd.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:98
VpdSingleHit contains the parameters that describe a vpd hit.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:86
int vpdResponse(VpdSingleHit &Hit, g2t_vpd_hit_st *vpd_hit, int vId)
Extracts relevant parameters from a Vpd hit.
TH3F * mResVsNumHits
Histogram fo the difference between Mc and calculated vertices vs. number of hits.
int tray
The vpd tray (121==West, 122==East)
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:87
Definition: tof.h:15
virtual int Make()
int fillEvent()
Fill StEvent from the McBTofCollection.
StMcEvent * mMcEvent
The McEvent info.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:81
float mVpdVertex
The calculated vertex as seen by the Vpd.
TH1F * mNRawHitsWest
Number of hits on each west Vpd tube before threshold cuts.
TH1F * mLeTimeEast
Leading edge times (currently equal to Time of Flight) for east Vpd.
TH1F * mTubeHitsWest
Number of hits on each west Vpd tube after threshold cuts.
TH1F * mTStartHist
mTStart times (in ns)
bool mBookHisto
Default is kFALSE.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:99
double q
Charge (currently set to 0 for Vpd hits)
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:93
double mTubeTAvgWest
Corrected event time for the west Vpd.
int storeMcVpdHit(StMcBTofHit *mcVpdHit)
Builds the McBTofCollection, insures no duplicate hits.
TH2F * mLeTubeHitsEast
Leading edge times and Number of tubes hit across events for East Vpd.
double mSumTubeTime
Tracks the time measured by each Vpd tube and sums them.
TH2F * mLeTubeHitsWest
Leading edge times and Number of tubes hit across events for West Vpd.
double mTubeTAvgEast
Corrected event time for the east Vpd.
int bookHistograms()
Creat the QA histograms.
double thresholdCut(std::vector< VpdSingleHit > Hits, std::vector< int > Tube_Counts, TH1F *TubeHits, TH1F *NHits)
Determines average time information from East and West Vpd, cuts zero-velocity particles.
double mTubeTAvg
Average time lapse seen by the east or west Vpd.
Definition: Stypes.h:42
Definition: Stypes.h:40
TH1F * mNHitsEast
Number of tubes hit across events for east Vpd.
virtual ~StVpdSimMaker()
StEvent * mEvent
The StEvent info.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:80
TH1F * mNRawHitsEast
Number of hits on each east Vpd tube before threshold cuts.
TH1F * mTubeHitsEast
Number of hits on each east Vpd tube after threshold cuts.
virtual int Init()
TH1F * mLeTimeWest
Leading edge times (currently equal to Time of Flight) for west Vpd.
St_DataSet * mGeantData
Geant data passed into the StVpdSimMaker.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:79
TH1F * mNHitsWest
Number of tubes hit across events for west Vpd.
double de
Energy deposition in GeV.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:91
virtual float tof() const
time of flight geant
Definition: StMcBTofHit.hh:82
Event data structure to hold all information from a Monte Carlo simulation. This class is the interfa...
Definition: StMcEvent.hh:169
virtual int Finish()
void loadVpdSimParams(const int date=20160913, const int time=175725, const char *Default_time="2016-09-13 17:57:25")
Loads Vpd Sim Params from database.
TH1F * mVpdVertexHist
Histogram of the calculated Vpd vertices for all events.
double tof
Time of flight given in ns.
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:89
Definition: Stypes.h:41
virtual TDataSet * Find(const char *path) const
Definition: TDataSet.cxx:362
double pathL
Path length in cm (currently set to -9999)
Definition: StVpdSimMaker.h:92