2 #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
18 #include "TClassTable.h"
20 #include "TDataSetIter.h"
22 #include "TDataSetIter.h"
23 #include "TClassTable.h"
26 #include "TSpectrum.h"
27 #include "StBichsel/Bichsel.h"
30 #include "TObjString.h"
35 #include "TPolyMarker.h"
43 #include "TInterpreter.h"
58 static const Double_t nSigMax = 10;
61 static const Double_t WaferLength = 2.9928;
62 static const Char_t *plotName[] = {
63 "duuH",
64 "dvuP",
67 "dXvsZ",
72 "dX4da",
77 "dZ4da",
78 const Int_t noHist =
sizeof(Char_t *);
79 const Int_t firstHL = 0;
80 const Int_t firstHG = 10;
82 const Int_t firstHP = firstHG + 3;
83 Int_t firstH = firstHG;
84 Int_t lastH = noHist - 1;
88 Double_t alpha, beta, gamma;
91 static const Int_t NPOL = 8;
93 Double_t PolN(Double_t *x,Double_t *par) {
94 Double_t sum = par[NPOL-1];
95 for (Int_t i = NPOL-2; i >= 0; i--) sum = x[0]*sum + par[i];
99 Double_t Fit(TH1 *hist, Double_t xmin=-99, Double_t xmax=99,
const Char_t *opt =
"qer") {
101 if (! hist)
return prob;
102 TF1 *f = (TF1 *) gROOT->GetFunction(
104 f =
new TF1(
106 for (Int_t i = 0; i <= NPOL; i++) {
if (i <=0) f->SetParameter(i,0.0);
else f->FixParameter(i,0);}
107 hist->Fit(
108 f->ReleaseParameter(1);
109 hist->Fit(
110 f = hist->GetFunction(
111 if (! f)
return prob;
112 f->GetRange(xmin,xmax);
114 Int_t NfitP = f->GetNumberFitPoints();
116 if (prob > 0 || NfitP < 10)
return prob;
117 for (Int_t k = 2; k <= NPOL; k++) {
118 f->ReleaseParameter(k);
119 hist->Fit(
120 f = hist->GetFunction(
122 if (prob > 1e-3)
127 void FitPolN(TH1 *hist, Double_t Xmin=-99, Double_t Xmax=99,
const Char_t *opt =
"qer") {
128 Double_t xmin = Xmax;
129 Double_t xmax = Xmin;
130 const Int_t nxbin = hist->GetNbinsX();
133 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nxbin; i++) {
134 Double_t err = hist->GetBinError(i);
135 if (err <= 1e-6) {hist->SetBinError(i,0);
137 x = hist->GetBinLowEdge(i);
138 if (xmin > x) xmin = x;
139 x = hist->GetBinLowEdge(i+1);
140 if (xmax < x) xmax = x;
143 Double_t prob = Fit(hist,xmin,xmax,opt);
144 TF1 *f = hist->GetFunction(
145 Int_t NfitP = f->GetNumberFitPoints();
146 if (NfitP < 5)
147 Int_t NMaxCut = NfitP/2;
148 Int_t NfitPCut = NMaxCut;
149 if (NfitPCut < 15) NfitPCut = 15;
154 while (prob < 1e-3 || iter < 5) {
155 f = hist->GetFunction(
158 Double_t chisq = f->GetChisquare();
159 NfitP = f->GetNumberFitPoints();
160 if (prob >= 1e-3 || chisq < 0.0 || NfitP < NfitPCut || NCut > NMaxCut)
161 Double_t devCut = 3*chisq/NfitP;
164 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nxbin; i++) {
166 Double_t err = hist->GetBinError(i);
167 if (err <= 0.0)
168 Double_t val = hist->GetBinContent(i);
169 dev[i] = (val - f->Eval(hist->GetBinCenter(i)))/err;
173 TMath::Sort(nxbin, dev, indx, kTRUE);
174 Int_t npp = (Int_t) (0.1*np) + 1;
176 for (Int_t j = 0; j < npp; j++) {
178 if (dev[i] < devCut && nskipped > 0)
179 hist->SetBinError(i,0);
183 prob = Fit(hist,xmin,xmax,opt);
184 if (prob > 1e-3)
188 Double_t GetRMS(TH1 *h, Double_t x1, Double_t x2) {
190 TAxis *fXaxis = h->GetXaxis();
191 Int_t i1 = h->FindBin(x1);
if (i1 < fXaxis->GetFirst()) i1 = fXaxis->GetFirst();
192 Int_t i2 = h->FindBin(x2);
if (i2 > fXaxis->GetLast()) i2 = fXaxis->GetLast();
193 Double_t w = 0, x = 0, rms = 0;
194 Double_t sumW = 0; Double_t sumX = 0; Double_t sumX2 = 0;
195 for (Int_t binx = i1; binx <= i2; binx++) {
196 x = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(binx);
197 w = TMath::Abs(h->GetBinContent(binx));
202 if (sumW == 0.0)
return 0;
204 rms = TMath::Sqrt(sumX2/sumW - x*x);
208 Double_t g2g(Double_t *xx, Double_t *par) {
210 Double_t A = TMath::Exp(par[0]);
211 Double_t mu1 = par[1];
212 Double_t sig1 = par[2];
213 if (A < 1 && TMath::Abs(x -mu1) < 3*sig1) {TF1::RejectPoint();
return 0;}
214 Double_t B = TMath::Exp(par[3]);
215 Double_t mu2 = par[4];
216 Double_t sig2 = par[5];
217 Double_t gra = par[6];
218 Double_t dev1 = (x - mu1)/sig1;
219 Double_t dev2 = (x - mu2)/sig2;
220 Double_t value = A*TMath::Exp(-0.5*dev1*dev1) + B*TMath::Exp(-0.5*dev2*dev2) + gra;
227 Double_t p, pmin, pmax;
230 TF1 *gp =
new TF1(
"exp([0])*(exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2)/(2.50662827463100024*[2]) + [3])");
231 const Par_t par[4] = {
232 {
"LNorm", 5., 0., 25},
233 {
"mu", 0., -1. , 1. },
234 {
"sigma", 0.2, 0.01, 1. },
235 {
"grass", 0.0, 0.00, 1. }
237 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
238 gp->SetParName(i,par[i].Name);
239 gp->SetParameter(i,par[i].p);
240 gp->SetParLimits(i,par[i].pmin, par[i].pmax);
243 TF1 *gp =
new TF1(
244 const Par_t par[7] = {
245 {
"logN1", 5., 0., 25.},
246 {
"mu1", 0., -1., 1.},
247 {
"sigma1",0.01, 0.001, 0.10},
248 {
"logN2", 1., 0., 25.},
249 {
"mu2", 0., -1., 1.},
250 {
"sigma2", 0.10, 0.01, 1.},
251 {
"grass", 0.0, 0.00, 1.}
253 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
254 gp->SetParName(i,par[i].Name);
255 gp->SetParameter(i,par[i].p);
256 gp->SetParLimits(i,par[i].pmin, par[i].pmax);
262 Double_t fbackgr(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
264 Double_t bw = TMath::BreitWigner(x[0],par[1],par[2]);
266 if (bw > 0) bwl = TMath::Log(bw);
267 return TMath::Exp(par[0] + (1. + par[4])*bwl) + par[3];
270 Double_t fpeaks(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
272 for (Int_t p=0;p<npeaks;p++) {
273 Double_t norm = TMath::Exp(par[3*p]);
274 Double_t mean = par[3*p+1];
275 Double_t sigma = par[3*p+2];
277 result += norm*TMath::BreitWigner(x[0],mean,sigma);
279 return result + fbackgr(x,&par[3*npeaks]);
282 TF1 *Peaks(TH1 *h=0) {
284 Double_t allcha, sumx, sumx2, x, val, rms, mean, xmin, xmax;
286 const Double_t sqrtpi = 2.506628;
287 TAxis *xax = h->GetXaxis();
288 Int_t hxfirst = xax->GetFirst();
289 Int_t hxlast = xax->GetLast();
290 xmin = xax->GetXmin();
291 xmax = xax->GetXmax();
292 Double_t valmax = h->GetBinContent(hxfirst);
293 Double_t binwidx = h->GetBinWidth(hxfirst);
294 allcha = sumx = sumx2 = 0;
296 for (bin=hxfirst;bin<=hxlast;bin++) {
297 x = h->GetBinCenter(bin);
298 val = TMath::Abs(h->GetBinContent(bin));
299 if (val <= 0)
301 if (val > valmax) valmax = val;
306 if (allcha == 0 || np <= 5)
return 0;
308 rms = sumx2/allcha - mean*mean;
309 if (rms > 0) rms = TMath::Sqrt(rms);
311 if (rms == 0) rms = binwidx*(hxlast-hxfirst+1)/4;
312 Double_t constant = TMath::Log(0.5*(valmax+binwidx*allcha/(sqrtpi*rms)));
313 TF1 *fback = (TF1 *) gROOT->GetFunction(
314 if (! fback) fback =
new TF1(
315 fback->SetRange(mean-rms,mean+rms);
318 fback->SetParameter(0,constant); fback->SetParLimits(0,constant-10,constant+30);
319 fback->SetParameter(1,mean); fback->SetParLimits(1,-1,1);
320 fback->SetParameter(2,rms/2.);
321 fback->SetParLimits(2,20e-4,rms);
322 fback->FixParameter(3,0);
323 fback->FixParameter(4,0);
325 if (fback->GetProb() > 1e-3)
return fback;
326 fback->SetParameter(1,mean);
327 fback->ReleaseParameter(3);
329 if (fback->GetProb() > 1e-3)
return fback;
330 fback->ReleaseParameter(4);
331 fback->SetParLimits(4,0.,10.);
338 TSpectrum s(2*npeaks);
339 Int_t nfound = s.Search(h,2,
341 if (! nfound || nfound > 10)
return fback;
343 Float_t *xpeaks = s.GetPositionX();
344 Float_t *ypeaks = s.GetPositionY();
345 TArrayI idxT(nfound); Int_t *idx = idxT.GetArray();
346 TArrayF dT(nfound,ypeaks); Float_t *d = dT.GetArray();
347 TMath::Sort(nfound,d,idx,1);
348 TArrayD Par(3*nfound+4);
349 Double_t *par = Par.GetArray();
351 for (p=0;p<nfound;p++) {
352 Double_t xp = xpeaks[idx[p]];
353 Int_t bin = xax->FindBin(xp);
354 Double_t yp = h->GetBinContent(bin);
355 if (yp-TMath::Sqrt(yp) < fback->Eval(xp))
356 par[3*npeaks] = TMath::Log(yp);
357 par[3*npeaks+1] = xp;
358 par[3*npeaks+2] = 3*binwidx;
361 for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) {
362 par[3*npeaks+p] = fback->GetParameter(p);
364 TF1 *fit =
new TF1(
365 for (
int p = 0; p < npeaks; p++) {
366 fit->SetParName(3*p,Form(
"Norm%i",p)); fit->SetParLimits(3*p,par[3*p]-10,par[3*p]+30);
367 fit->SetParName(3*p+1,Form(
368 fit->SetParName(3*p+2,Form(
370 fit->SetParName(3*npeaks,
"NormB"); fit->SetParLimits(3*npeaks,par[3*npeaks]-10,par[3*npeaks]+30);
371 fit->SetParName(3*npeaks+1,
372 fit->SetParName(3*npeaks+2,
373 fit->SetParName(3*npeaks+3,
376 fit->SetParameters(par);
378 fit->SetParameters(par);
379 fit->SetLineColor(2);
385 void SlicesYFit(TH2* h=0, Int_t binmin=0, Int_t binmax=0, Int_t cut=10, Option_t *option=
"QNRI") {
387 Int_t nbins = h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
388 if (binmin < 1) binmin = 1;
389 if (binmax > nbins) binmax = nbins;
390 if (binmax < binmin) {binmin = 1; binmax = nbins;}
391 TString opt = option;
394 if (opt.Contains(
"g2")) {ngroup = 2; opt.ReplaceAll(
395 if (opt.Contains(
"g3")) {ngroup = 3; opt.ReplaceAll(
396 if (opt.Contains(
"g4")) {ngroup = 4; opt.ReplaceAll(
397 if (opt.Contains(
"g5")) {ngroup = 5; opt.ReplaceAll(
399 if (npar <= 0)
400 Double_t *parsave =
new Double_t[npar];
404 TH1D **hlist =
new TH1D*[npar];
405 char *name =
new char[2000];
406 char *title =
new char[2000];
407 const TArrayD *bins = h->GetXaxis()->GetXbins();
408 for (ipar=0;ipar<npar;ipar++) {
409 sprintf(name,
410 sprintf(title,
"Fitted value of par[%d]",ipar);
411 delete gDirectory->FindObject(name);
413 hlist[ipar] =
new TH1D(name,title, nbins, h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
415 hlist[ipar] =
new TH1D(name,title, nbins,bins->fArray);
417 hlist[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
419 sprintf(name,
420 delete gDirectory->FindObject(name);
421 TH1D *hchi2 =
new TH1D(name,
"chisquare", nbins, h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
422 hchi2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
427 for (bin=binmin;bin<=binmax-ngroup+1;bin++) {
428 TH1D *hpy = h->ProjectionY(Form(
429 if (hpy == 0)
430 nentries = Int_t(hpy->GetEntries());
431 if (nentries == 0 || nentries < cut) {
delete hpy;
432 TF1 *f1 = Peaks(hpy);
434 Int_t npfits = f1->GetNumberFitPoints();
436 Double_t mu = f1->GetParameter(1);
437 if (TMath::Abs(mu) < 0.5 && npfits > npar && npfits >= cut && (f1->GetProb() > 1.e-3 || f1->GetChisquare()/(npfits-npar) < 5.)) {
438 Int_t biny = bin + ngroup/2;
439 for (ipar=0;ipar<npar;ipar++) {
441 hlist[ipar]->SetBinContent(biny,f1->GetParameter(ipar));
442 hlist[ipar]->SetBinError(biny,f1->GetParError(ipar));
444 hchi2->Fill(h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(biny),f1->GetChisquare()/(npfits-npar));
449 cout <<
"type something" << endl;
462 Double_t STcheb(Int_t N, Double_t *par, Double_t x) {
463 if (N < 0 || N > 12)
return 0;
465 Double_t T1 = 2*x - 1;
467 Double_t Sum = par[0]*T0;
471 for (
int n = 2; n <= N; n++) {
472 T2 = 2*(2*x - 1)*T1 - T0;
481 Double_t STchebN(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
482 Int_t N = (Int_t) par[0];
483 return STcheb(N,par+1,-x[0]-0.1);
486 Double_t STchebP(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
487 Int_t N = (Int_t) par[0];
488 return STcheb(N,par+1,x[0]-0.1);
491 void FitG(TFile *f, Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t nx, Int_t s, Int_t &s1, Int_t &s2, TF1 *gp, ofstream &out,
492 Double_t FitR[6], Double_t dFitR[6], Double_t LSFit[6], Double_t dLSFit[6],TString &name) {
497 if (i == 6) {name +=
498 if (i == 7) {name +=
499 if (i == 8) {name +=
501 if (i < 6) h = (TH2F *) f->Get(Form(
503 TH2F *h2 = (TH2F *) f->Get(Form(
504 if (! h2) { cout <<
"Histogram " << Form(
"%s%i",plotName[s1]) <<
" is not found" << endl;
507 TString Title(h->GetTitle());
508 Int_t index = Title.Index(
509 if (index < 0) index = Title.Index(
511 TString t(Title,index);
515 for (s = s1+1; s <= s2; s++) {
516 h2 = (TH2F *) f->Get(Form(
520 if (! h) {cout <<
"Histogram for i/j = " << i <<
"/" << j << endl;
521 h->SetXTitle(f->GetName());
522 TProfile *prof = h->ProfileX();
523 prof->SetMarkerStyle(24);
524 prof->SetMarkerColor(6);
525 TH1 *sp = h->ProjectionY(
529 TString HistName(h->GetName());
530 TF1 *gaus = sp->GetFunction(
531 gp->SetParameters(TMath::Log(gaus->GetParameter(0)),gaus->GetParameter(1),TMath::Abs(gaus->GetParameter(2)),0.);
533 Mu = sp->GetFunction(
534 if (j >= firstHG && j < firstHP) dMu = sp->GetFunction(
535 Double_t *
params = gp->GetParameters();
536 params[0] -= TMath::Log(100.);
537 gp->SetParameters(params);
539 SlicesYFit(h,0,0,10,
540 TH1 *fit = (TH1 *) gDirectory->Get(Form(
545 TLegend *leg =
new TLegend(0.2,0.2,0.8,0.3,
546 leg->SetTextSize(0.033);
548 fit->SetTitle(h->GetTitle());
549 fit->SetMarkerStyle(20);
550 fit->SetMarkerColor(1);
551 fit->SetMaximum(0.2);
552 fit->SetMinimum(-.2);
555 FitPolN(fit,-zmax,zmax);
557 TF1 *pol1 = fit->GetFunction(
560 prob = pol1->GetProb();
568 slope = pol1->GetParameter(1);
569 dslope = pol1->GetParError(1);
572 static const Char_t *dXYZ[3] = {
573 static const Char_t *abc[6] = {
"=> dx",
"=> dy",
"=> dz",
"=> alpha",
"=> beta",
"=> gamma"};
574 TString Name(h->GetName());
575 TString Title(h->GetTitle());
577 if (j >= firstHG && j < firstHP) {
579 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
580 if (Name.BeginsWith(dXYZ[m])) {
581 Double_t mu = -1e4*Mu;
582 Double_t dmu = 1e4*dMu;
583 line += Form(
584 Double_t dev = mu - LSFit[m];
585 Double_t sdev = TMath::Sqrt(dmu*dmu+dLSFit[m]*dLSFit[m]);
586 if (dLSFit[m] == 0 || sdev > 0 && TMath::Abs(dev/sdev) < nSigMax) {
587 Double_t dMu2 = dMu*dMu;
592 if (m == 2) comment = Form(
"| slope = %7.2f+-%5.2f",1e3*slope, 1e3*dslope);
594 else line += Form(
"| ");
597 for (Int_t m = 3; m < 6; m++) {
598 if (dslope > 0 && Title.Contains(abc[m])) {
599 Double_t mu = 1e3*slope;
600 Double_t dmu = 1e3*dslope;
601 line += Form(
602 Double_t dev = mu - LSFit[m];
603 Double_t sdev = TMath::Sqrt(dmu*dmu+dLSFit[m]*dLSFit[m]);
604 if (dLSFit[m] == 0 || sdev > 0 && TMath::Abs(dev/sdev) < nSigMax) {
605 Double_t dslope2 = dslope*dslope;
606 FitR[m] += slope/dslope2;
607 dFitR[m] += 1./dslope2;
611 else line += Form(
"| ");
616 leg->AddEntry(pol1,Form(
"Mu = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mkm) Slope = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mrad)",
617 1e4*Mu, 1e4*dMu, 1e3*slope, 1e3*dslope));
620 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
621 if (dslope > 0 && Title.Contains(abc[m])) {
622 Double_t scale = 1e4;
623 if (m >= 3) scale = 1.e3;
624 Double_t mu = scale*slope;
625 Double_t dmu = scale*dslope;
626 line += Form(
627 Double_t dev = mu - LSFit[m];
628 Double_t sdev = TMath::Sqrt(dmu*dmu+dLSFit[m]*dLSFit[m]);
629 if (dLSFit[m] == 0 || sdev > 0 && TMath::Abs(dev/sdev) < nSigMax) {
630 Double_t dslope2 = dslope*dslope;
631 FitR[m] += slope/dslope2;
632 dFitR[m] += 1./dslope2;
636 TString legT(abc[m]);
637 legT.ReplaceAll(
"=> d",
"#Delta ");
638 legT.ReplaceAll(
"=> ",
639 legT += Form(
" = %8.2f +- %8.2f",mu,dmu);
640 if (scale < 5.e3) legT +=
641 else legT +=
642 legT += Form(
" prob = %4.3f",prob);
643 leg->AddEntry(pol1,legT);
646 else line += Form(
"| ");
650 line +=
"|"; line += fit->GetName(); line +=
"/"; line += h->GetTitle();
652 cout << line << endl;
655 Int_t ij = i + nx*(j-firstH) + 1;
656 c1->cd(ij)->SetLogz(1);
659 if (h) h->DrawCopy(
660 if (prof) prof->DrawCopy(
662 if (h) h->Draw(
663 if (prof) prof->Draw(
667 fit->DrawCopy(
671 TF1 *pol1 = fit->GetFunction(
672 if (pol1) {pol1->SetLineColor(2); pol1->Draw(
680 if (leg->GetEntry()) leg->Draw();
688 void TDrawG(Int_t sectors=8) {
690 s = s1 = s2 = sectors;
693 Int_t ny = lastH - firstH + 1;
698 c1 =
new TCanvas(
"SVT ClamShell and SSD sectors",10,10,10+scaleX*nx,10+scaleY*ny);
699 cout <<
"nx/ny = " << nx <<
"/" << ny << endl;
702 TString Out(
703 Out += gSystem->BaseName(gDirectory->GetName());
704 Out.ReplaceAll(
705 Out.ReplaceAll(
" ",
706 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(Out)) out.open(Out, ios::out);
707 else out.open(Out, ios::app);
709 TCollection *files = gROOT->GetListOfFiles();
711 TFile *f = (TFile *) next();
714 out <<
"____________________________________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
715 out <<
"|dX mkm |dY mkm |dZ mkm |alpha mrad |beta mrad |gamma mrad |Comment" << endl;
716 cout <<
"____________________________________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
717 cout <<
"|dX mkm |dY mkm |dZ mkm |alpha mrad |beta mrad |gamma mrad |Comment" << endl;
718 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
720 out <<
"______________________________________________________________________________________________ " << f->GetName() << endl;
721 cout <<
"______________________________________________________________________________________________ " << f->GetName() << endl;
722 Double_t FitR[6], dFitR[6], LSFit[6], dLSFit[6];
723 memset (FitR, 0, 6*
724 memset (dFitR, 0, 6*
725 memset (LSFit, 0, 6*
726 memset (dLSFit, 0, 6*
729 TH1D *LSF = (TH1D *) f->Get(
732 if (i == 6) {s1 = 0; s2 = 1;}
733 if (i == 7) {s1 = 2; s2 = 5;}
734 if (i == 8) {s1 = 0; s2 = 5;}
736 Double_t *array = LSF->GetArray();
739 for (s = s1; s <= s2; s++) {
748 for (Int_t l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
749 Double_t scale = 1e4;
750 if (l > 2) scale = 1e3;
751 LSFit[l] = scale*X(l);
752 dLSFit[l] = scale*TMath::Sqrt(SInv(l,l));
753 line += Form(
"|%7.2f+-%5.2f ",LSFit[l],dLSFit[l]);
755 FitR[l] += X(l)/SInv(l,l);
756 dFitR[l] += 1./SInv(l,l);
759 line +=
"|"; line += LSF->GetName(); line +=
760 if (i < 6) line += LSF->GetTitle();
762 if (i == 6) line +=
"Sum Over Svt Shells";
763 if (i == 7) line +=
"Sum Over Ssd Sectors";
764 if (i == 8) line +=
"Sum Over Svt+Ssd";
766 cout << line << endl;
769 for (Int_t j = firstH; j <= lastH; j++) {
770 FitG(f,i,j,nx,s,s1,s2,gp, out, FitR, dFitR, LSFit, dLSFit, name);
772 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
774 Double_t scale = 1e4;
775 if (m > 2) scale = 1e3;
776 FitR[m] = scale*FitR[m]/dFitR[m];
777 dFitR[m] = scale/TMath::Sqrt(dFitR[m]);
778 line += Form(
"|%7.2f+-%5.2f ", FitR[m],dFitR[m]);
783 line +=
"| Average for ";
784 if (i == 8) line +=
"All Svt + Ssd";
785 else if (i == 7) line +=
"All Ssd";
786 else if (i == 6) line +=
"All Svt";
787 else if (i < 2) line += Form(
"SVT ClamShell %i",i);
788 else if (i < 6) line += Form(
"SSD Sector %i",i-1);
789 cout << line << endl;
795 void TDrawL(Int_t iHist=-1, Int_t barrel = 4, Int_t ladder = 0, Int_t wafer = 0) {
796 static const Int_t NlPerBarrel[4] = {8, 12, 16, 20};
797 if (barrel < 1 || barrel > 4) {cout <<
"Wrong barrel no. " << barrel << endl;
798 Int_t NL = NlPerBarrel[barrel-1];
801 if (ladder) {l1 = l2 = ladder;}
802 Int_t nx = l2 - l1 + 1;
803 firstH = firstHL; lastH = firstHG - 1;
804 if (iHist >= 0) {firstH = lastH = iHist;}
805 Int_t ny = lastH - firstH + 1;
809 c1 =
new TCanvas(Form(
"Barrel %i, Ladder %i, Wafer %i",barrel,ladder,wafer) ,10,10,10+scaleX*nx,10+scaleY*ny);
810 cout <<
"nx/ny = " << nx <<
"/" << ny << endl;
814 TString Out(
815 Out += Form(
816 Out += gSystem->BaseName(gDirectory->GetName());
817 Out.ReplaceAll(
820 Out.ReplaceAll(
" ",
821 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(Out)) out.open(Out, ios::out);
822 else out.open(Out, ios::app);
824 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(Out)) outC.open(Out, ios::out);
825 else outC.open(Out, ios::app);
829 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
831 out <<
"________________________________________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
832 out <<
"|du mkm |dv mkm |dw mkm |alpha mrad |beta mrad |gamma mrad |Comment" << endl;
833 cout <<
"________________________________________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
834 cout <<
"|du mkm |dv mkm |dw mkm |alpha mrad |beta mrad |gamma mrad |Comment" << endl;
835 outC <<
"struct data_t {" << endl;
836 outC <<
"\tInt_t barrel, layer, ladder, wafer, type;" << endl;
837 outC <<
"\tDouble_t u, Du, v, Dv, w, Dw, alpha, Dalpha, beta, Dbeta, gamma, Dgamma;" << endl;
838 outC <<
"\tChar_t *Comment;" << endl;
839 outC <<
"};" << endl;
840 outC <<
"data_t Data[] = {" << endl;
843 out <<
"__________________________________________________________________________________________________ " << endl;
844 cout <<
"__________________________________________________________________________________________________ " << endl;
846 Int_t layer = 2*barrel - 1;
847 if (ladder%2 && barrel < 4) layer++;
849 Double_t FitR[6], dFitR[6], LSFit[6], dLSFit[6];
850 memset (FitR, 0, 6*
851 memset (dFitR, 0, 6*
852 memset (LSFit, 0, 6*
853 memset (dLSFit, 0, 6*
857 TH1D *LSFB = (TH1D *) gDirectory->Get(Form(
859 Double_t *array = LSFB->GetArray();
860 Int_t im = 1 + 28*(ladder-1);
867 for (Int_t l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
869 Double_t scale = 1e4;
870 if (l > 2) scale = 1e3;
871 LSFit[l] = scale*X(l);
872 dLSFit[l] = scale*TMath::Sqrt(SInv(l,l));
873 line += Form(
"|%7.2f+-%5.2f ",LSFit[l],dLSFit[l]);
875 FitR[l] += X(l)/SInv(l,l);
876 dFitR[l] += 1./SInv(l,l);
879 line +=
"|"; line += LSFB->GetName(); line +=
"/"; line += LSFB->GetTitle();
880 cout << line << endl;
883 for (Int_t j = firstH; j <= lastH; j++) {
884 Int_t Id = ladder + 100*(wafer + 10*layer);
885 h = (TH2 *) gDirectory->Get(Form(
888 h->SetXTitle(gDirectory->GetName());
889 Int_t ij = i + nx*(j-firstH) + 1;
890 c1->cd(ij)->SetLogz(1);
892 TProfile *prof = h->ProfileX();
893 prof->SetMarkerStyle(24);
894 prof->SetMarkerColor(6);
895 TH1 *sp = h->ProjectionY(
899 TF1 *gaus = sp->GetFunction(
900 gp->SetParameters(TMath::Log(gaus->GetParameter(0)),gaus->GetParameter(1),TMath::Abs(gaus->GetParameter(2)),0.);
902 Mu = sp->GetFunction(
903 dMu = sp->GetFunction(
905 Double_t *params = gp->GetParameters();
906 params[0] -= TMath::Log(100.);
907 gp->SetParameters(params);
909 SlicesYFit(h,0,0,10,
910 fit = (TH1 *) gDirectory->Get(Form(
915 TLegend *leg =
new TLegend(0.1,0.2,0.9,0.3,
916 leg->SetTextSize(0.025);
918 fit->SetTitle(h->GetTitle());
919 fit->SetMarkerStyle(20);
920 fit->SetMarkerColor(1);
921 fit->SetMaximum(0.2);
922 fit->SetMinimum(-.2);
925 FitPolN(fit,-zmax,zmax);
927 TF1 *pol1 = fit->GetFunction(
928 if (! pol1 )
goto endhLoop;
929 Double_t prob = pol1->GetProb();
937 Mu = pol1->GetParameter(0);
938 dMu = pol1->GetParError(0);
939 if (dMu > 99.99e-4) dMu= 99.99e-4;
940 slope = pol1->GetParameter(1);
941 dslope = pol1->GetParError(1);
942 if (dslope > 99.99e-3) dslope = 99.99e-3;
947 static const Char_t *duv[2] = {
948 TString Name(h->GetName());
949 TString Title(h->GetTitle());
952 lineC = Form(
"\t{%1i,%1i,%2i,%2i,%2i",barrel, layer, ladder, wafer, j);
953 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2; m++) {
954 if (Name.BeginsWith(duv[m]) && ! Name.Contains(
"Over") && dMu > 0) {
955 Double_t mu = -1e4*Mu;
956 Double_t dmu = 1e4*dMu;
957 line += Form(
958 lineC += Form(
959 lTitle += Form(
"%s = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mkm)", duv[m], -mu,dmu);
960 Double_t dev = mu - LSFit[m];
961 Double_t sdev = TMath::Sqrt(dmu*dmu+dLSFit[m]*dLSFit[m]);
962 if (dLSFit[m] == 0 || sdev > 0 && TMath::Abs(dev/sdev) < nSigMax) {
963 Double_t dMu2 = dMu*dMu;
971 lineC +=
", 0,-9.99";
974 Int_t index = Title.Index(
978 static TString separator(
"[^ ;,]+");
979 TString t(Title.Data()+index);
980 TObjArray *array = t.Tokenize(separator);
981 tag = ((TObjString *) array->At(0))->GetString();
984 for (Int_t m = 2; m < 6; m++) {
985 Double_t dslope2, scale;
987 if (dslope <= 0)
goto Empty;
991 if (! tag.Contains(
goto Empty;
995 line += Form(
996 lineC += Form(
997 lTitle += Form(
" dw = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mkm)", mu, dmu);
1000 if (! tag.Contains(
goto Empty;
1004 line += Form(
1005 lineC += Form(
1006 lTitle += Form(
" alpha = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mrad)", mu, dmu);
1009 if (! tag.Contains(
goto Empty;
1013 line += Form(
"|%7.2f+-%5.2f", mu,dmu);
1014 lineC += Form(
",%7.2f,%5.2f", mu,dmu);
1015 lTitle += Form(
" beta = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mrad)", mu, dmu);
1018 if (! tag.Contains(
goto Empty;
1022 line += Form(
"|%7.2f+-%5.2f", mu,dmu);
1023 lineC += Form(
",%7.2f,%5.2f", mu,dmu);
1024 lTitle += Form(
" gamma = %7.2f +- %5.2f (mrad)", mu, dmu);
1029 if (! Name.Contains(
"duOvertuP") && dslope > 0) {
1030 Double_t dev = mu - LSFit[m];
1031 Double_t sdev = TMath::Sqrt(dmu*dmu+dLSFit[m]*dLSFit[m]);
1032 if (dLSFit[m] == 0 || sdev > 0 && TMath::Abs(dev/sdev) < nSigMax) {
1033 dslope2 = dslope*dslope;
1034 FitR[m] += slope/dslope2;
1035 dFitR[m] += 1./dslope2;
1042 lineC +=
", 0,-9.99";
1044 lTitle += Form(
" prob = %5.3f",prob);
1045 leg->AddEntry(pol1,lTitle);
1046 line +=
"|"; line += fit->GetName(); line +=
"/"; line += h->GetTitle();
1047 lineC +=
",\""; lineC += fit->GetName(); lineC +=
1048 cout << line << endl;
1049 out << line << endl;
1050 outC << lineC << endl;
1054 if (h) h->DrawCopy(
1055 if (prof) prof->DrawCopy(
1057 if (h) h->Draw(
1058 if (prof) prof->Draw(
1062 fit->DrawCopy(
1066 TF1 *pol1 = fit->GetFunction(
1067 if (pol1) {pol1->SetLineColor(2); pol1->Draw(
1071 line =
""; lineC =
1072 lineC = Form(
"\t{%1i,%1i,%2i,%2i,%2i",barrel, layer, ladder, wafer, -1);
1073 for (Int_t m = 0; m < 6; m++) {
1075 Double_t scale = 1e4;
1076 if (m > 2) scale = 1e3;
1077 FitR[m] = scale*FitR[m]/dFitR[m];
1078 dFitR[m] = scale/TMath::Sqrt(dFitR[m]);
1079 line += Form(
"|%7.2f+-%5.2f ", FitR[m],dFitR[m]);
1080 lineC += Form(
",%7.2f,%5.2f", FitR[m],dFitR[m]);
1083 lineC +=
", 0,-9.99";
1086 line +=
"| Average for "; line += Form(
"barrel %1i,layer %1i,ladder %2i,wafer %2i",barrel, layer, ladder, wafer);
1087 lineC +=
1088 cout << line << endl;
1089 out << line << endl;
1090 outC << lineC << endl;
1097 void TDrawD(
const Char_t *tag=
"duuH", Int_t barrel = 1, Int_t ladder = 0, Int_t wafer = 0) {
1098 static const Int_t NlPerBarrel[3] = {8, 12, 16};
1099 static const Int_t NwPerBarrel[3] = {4, 6, 7};
1100 if (barrel < 1 || barrel > 3) {cout <<
"Wrong barrel no. " << barrel << endl;
1101 Int_t NL = NlPerBarrel[barrel-1];
1104 if (ladder) {l1 = l2 = ladder;}
1105 Int_t nx = l2 - l1 + 1;
1106 Int_t NW = NwPerBarrel[barrel-1];
1109 if (wafer) {w1 = w2 = wafer;}
1110 Int_t ny = w2 - w1 + 1;
1119 c1 =
new TCanvas(Form(
"Barrel %i, Ladder %i, Wafer %i",barrel,ladder,wafer) ,10,10,10+scaleX*nx,10+scaleY*ny);
1120 cout <<
"nx/ny = " << nx <<
"/" << ny << endl;
1121 if (nx > 1 || ny > 1) c1->Divide(nx,ny);
1124 TString Out(
1125 Out += Form(
1126 Out += gSystem->BaseName(gDirectory->GetName());
1127 Out.ReplaceAll(
1130 Out.ReplaceAll(
" ",
1132 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(Out)) outC.open(Out, ios::out);
1133 else outC.open(Out, ios::app);
1137 if (TString(tag) ==
"duvH") {NPol1 = 12 - NPOL;}
1138 const Int_t NPMax = NPol1;
1139 Double_t params[NPol1];
1140 Double_t dparams[NPol1];
1142 Double_t Ymnx[2], Y;
1144 Double_t xFmin[2] = {-1.08, 0.12};
1145 Double_t xFmax[2] = {-0.12, 1.08};
1146 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
1148 outC <<
"struct data_t {" << endl;
1149 outC <<
"\tInt_t type, idx, nrows, barrel, layer, ladder, wafer, hybrid, Npar;" << endl;
1150 outC <<
"\tDouble_t ";
1151 for (Int_t i = 0; i < NPol1-1; i++) {
1153 if (i < NPol1 - 2) {outC <<
", ";}
1159 outC <<
"\tChar_t Comment[10];" << endl;
1160 outC <<
"};" << endl;
1161 outC <<
"data_t Data[] = {" << endl;
1165 Int_t layer = 2*barrel - 1;
1166 if (ladder%2) layer++;
1170 static const Char_t *funName[2] = {
1171 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
1172 f[k] = (TF1 *) gROOT->GetFunction(funName[k]);
1174 if (k == 0) f[k] =
new TF1(funName[k],STchebN, xFmin[k], xFmax[k],NPol1);
1175 else f[k] =
new TF1(funName[k],STchebP, xFmin[k], xFmax[k],NPol1);
1177 f[k]->FixParameter(0,1);
1178 f[k]->SetParameter(1,0);
1179 f[k]->SetParameter(2,0);
1180 for (Int_t i = 3; i <= NPol1; i++) f[k]->FixParameter(i,0);
1181 f[k]->SetLineColor(2*k+1);
1186 for (Int_t j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
1187 Int_t ij = i + nx*j + 1;
1188 c1->cd(ij)->SetLogz(1);
1190 Int_t Id = ladder + 100*(wafer + 10*layer);
1191 h = (TH2 *) gDirectory->Get(Form(
1198 TAxis *yax = h->GetYaxis();
1199 Double_t ymin = yax->GetXmin();
1200 Double_t ymax = yax->GetXmax();
1201 Int_t nybins = yax->GetNbins();
1202 if (h->GetEntries() < 100)
1203 h->SetXTitle(gDirectory->GetName());
1204 if ( h->GetRMS(2) > 0.9*(ymax-ymin)/TMath::Sqrt(12.))
goto ENDL;
1205 prof = h->ProfileX();
1206 prof->SetMarkerStyle(24);
1207 prof->SetMarkerColor(6);
1209 SlicesYFit(h,0,0,10,
1210 fit = (TH1D *) gDirectory->Get(Form(
1211 if (! fit)
goto ENDL;
1212 Ymnx[0] = fit->GetMinimum();
1213 Ymnx[1] = fit->GetMaximum();
1214 for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
1216 if (TMath::Abs(Ymnx[l]) > 0) p10 = (Int_t) TMath::Log10(TMath::Abs(Ymnx[l]));
1217 Y = TMath::Power(10.,p10);
1218 p10 = (Int_t) (TMath::Abs(Ymnx[l]/Y)) + 1;
1219 Ymnx[l] = TMath::Sign(p10*Y,Ymnx[l]);
1222 yax->SetRange(yax->FindBin(-.25),yax->FindBin(0.25));
1223 fit->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1224 fit->SetMarkerColor(1);
1225 fitPN[0] =
new TH1D(*fit);
1226 fitPN[1] =
new TH1D(*fit);
1227 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2 ; k++) {
1228 if (k == 0) {py = h->ProjectionY(
1229 else {py = h->ProjectionY(
1230 if (py->GetEntries() > 100 || py->GetRMS() < 0.9*(ymax-ymin)/TMath::Sqrt(12.)) {
1231 #ifdef __PROB_SELECTION__
1232 Double_t oldProb = 0;
1234 Double_t chi2Old = 1e20;
1238 for (Int_t n = 0; n < NPMax-1; n++) {
1239 f[k]->FixParameter(0,n);
1240 f[k]->ReleaseParameter(n+1);
1241 fitPN[k]->Fit(f[k],
1242 if (f[k]->GetNumberFitPoints() < 10)
1243 #ifdef __PROB_SELECTION__
1244 Double_t prob = f[k]->GetProb();
1246 if (oldProb < 1e-3) {oldProb = prob;}
1248 if (prob < 2*oldProb) {
1249 f[k]->FixParameter(0,n-1);
1250 f[k]->FixParameter(n+1,0);
1252 }
else oldProb = prob;
1256 Double_t chi2 = f[k]->GetChisquare();
1257 Double_t dChi2 = chi2Old - chi2;
1258 Double_t par = f[k]->GetParameter(n+1);
1259 Double_t dpar = f[k]->GetParError(n+1);
1260 if (n == 0 || TMath::Abs(par) > 2*dpar && dChi2 > chi2Old/(NPMax - 1 - na)) {chi2Old = chi2; na++; np = n;}
1261 else f[k]->FixParameter(n+1,0);
1264 f[k]->FixParameter(0,np);
1265 fitPN[k]->Fit(f[k],
1268 if (f[k]->GetNumberFitPoints() >= 10) {
1269 Int_t NPar = (Int_t) f[k]->GetParameter(0);
1270 memset (params, 0, NPol1*
1271 memset (dparams, 0, NPol1*
1272 for (Int_t l = 1; l <= NPar+1; l++) {
1273 params[l] = f[k]->GetParameter(l);
1274 dparams[l] = f[k]->GetParError(l);
1277 lTitle = Form(
"Shift = %8.2f +- %4.2f (mkm) Slope = %8.2f +- %4.2f (mrad) ",1e4*params[1],1e4*dparams[1],1e3*params[2],1e3*dparams[3]);
1278 lTitle += Form(
" N = %i prob = %4.3f", NPar, f[k]->GetProb());
1281 leg =
new TLegend(0.1,0.2,0.9,0.3,
1282 leg->SetTextSize(0.020);
1284 leg->AddEntry(f[k],lTitle);
1285 static const Int_t type = 2, idx = 0, nrows = 0;
1287 lineC = Form(
"\t{%1i,%1i,%1i,%1i,%1i,%2i,%2i,%2i,%2i,",type,idx,nrows,barrel, layer, ladder, wafer, k+1, NPar);
1289 for (Int_t l = 1; l < NPol1; l++) {lineC += Form(
if (l != NPol1 - 1) lineC +=
",";} lineC +=
1291 lineC +=
",\""; lineC += h->GetName(); lineC +=
1292 outC << lineC << endl;
1298 h->DrawCopy(
1299 if (prof) prof->DrawCopy(
1302 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {fitPN[k]->DrawCopy(
"same"); f[k]->DrawCopy(
1306 if (prof) prof->Draw(
1308 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {fitPN[k]->Draw(
1312 if (leg) leg->Draw();
1318 void TDraw(Int_t k = 0) {
1319 if (k == 0) {TDrawG();
1321 for (Int_t i = 3; i >= 1; i--) TDrawL(-1,i);
1324 if (k < 5) {TDrawL(-1,k);
1326 for (Int_t i = 4; i >= 1; i--) TDrawL(-1,i);
1330 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= 3; i++) TDrawD(
1334 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= 3; i++) TDrawD(
1338 TInterpreter::EErrorCode error = TInterpreter::kNoError;
1339 TDrawL(-1,4); gInterpreter->ProcessLine(Form(
"TQtCanvas2Html d1((TPad *) %p,900,650);",c1), &error);
1340 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
1341 TDrawD(
"duuP",i); gInterpreter->ProcessLine(Form(
"TQtCanvas2Html d((TPad *) %p,900,650);",c1), &error);