Public Types | |
enum | { kInnerGeometry, kOuterGeometry } |
![]() | |
enum | EDebugLevel { kNormal, kDebug } |
enum | EMakerStatus { kInitBeg = 1, kInitEnd = 2, kMakeBeg = 3, kCleaBeg = 4, kFiniBeg = 5, kFiniEnd = 6, kActive = 7 } |
![]() | |
enum | EDataSetPass { kContinue, kPrune, kStop, kUp, kStruct, kAll, kRefs, kMarked } |
enum | ESetBits { kMark = BIT(22), kArray = BIT(20) } |
enum | EBitOpt { kSet = kTRUE, kReset = kFALSE } |
Public Member Functions | |
int | Init () |
int | Finish () |
int | Make () |
void | Clear (const Option_t *opts="") |
void | SetConfigFile (std::string n) |
void | LoadConfiguration () |
void | SetGenerateHistograms (bool _genHisto) |
void | SetGenerateTree (bool _genTree) |
void | SetVisualize (bool _viz) |
void | setConfigForData () |
Setup the StFwdTrackMaker for running on Data Load the default configuration for Data. Note: Apply any overrides after calling this. | |
void | setConfigForIdealSim () |
Setup the StFwdTrackMaker for running on Data Load the default configuration for IDEAL simulation. This runs with MC track finding and MC-seeded track fitting. More... | |
void | setConfigForRealisticSim () |
Setup the StFwdTrackMaker for running on Data Load the default configuration for Realistic simulation. This runs tracking on simulation using the same parameters / approach as on data. Note: Apply any overrides after calling this. | |
void | setOutputFilename (std::string fn) |
Set the filename for output ROOT file. More... | |
void | setFttHitSource (std::string source) |
Set the data source for FTT hits. More... | |
void | setUseFstRasteredGeantHits (bool use=true) |
Enable or disable the Fst Rasterizer. More... | |
void | setFstRasterR (double r=3.0) |
Set the resolution in R for rasterizing FST hits (from fast sim) Only used when the Rasterizer is enabled, which results from reading FST hits from GEANT. More... | |
void | setFstRasterPhi (double phi=0.00409) |
Set the resolution in phi for rasterizing FST hits (from fast sim) Only used when the Rasterizer is enabled, which results from reading FST hits from GEANT. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingWithFtt () |
Use Ftt hits in the Seed Finding. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingWithFst () |
Use Fst hits in the Seed Finding. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingNumInterations (int n=1) |
Set the number of track finding iterations. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingNumPhiSlices (int n=8) |
Set the number of phi slices to split the track iterations into. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingConnectorDistance (int d=1) |
Set the connector distance for track finding. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingUseSubsetNN (bool use=true) |
Enable or disable the SubsetNN. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingMinHitsOnTrack (int n=3) |
Enable or disable the SubsetNN. More... | |
void | setSeedFindingUseHitRemover (bool use=true) |
Enable or disable the HitRemover. More... | |
void | setUseTruthSeedFinding (bool use=true) |
Enable or disable the Truth Seed finding. More... | |
void | setTrackFittingOff () |
Turn off track fitting Useful if you want to speed up the run but dont need fitting (testing seed finding) | |
void | setFittingMaterialEffects (bool mat=true) |
Enable / disable material effects Material effects in kalman filter. | |
void | setPrimaryVertexSigmaXY (double sXY) |
Set the resolution for the Primary Vertex in XY sXY : sigma in XY (cm) | |
void | setPrimaryVertexSigmaZ (double sZ) |
Set the resolution for the Primary Vertex in Z sZ : sigma in Z (cm) | |
void | setIncludePrimaryVertexInFit (bool pvf=true) |
Include or exclude the Primary Vertex in fit. More... | |
void | setZeroB (bool zeroB=true) |
Set B-field to zero (for zero field running) More... | |
void | setConstB (bool constB=true) |
Set B-field to constant (even outside of TPC) More... | |
void | setUseMcSeedForFit (bool mcSeed=true) |
Force the use of McSeed for fit. More... | |
void | setTrackRefit (bool refit=true) |
Sets the tracking to refit This adds compatible hits from whichever detector was NOT used in seed finding if FTT seeding -> project to and add FST hits if FST seeding -> project to and add FTT hits. More... | |
void | setMaxFailedHitsInFit (int n=-1) |
Sets the maximum number of hits that can be considered failed before the entire track fit fails. More... | |
void | setFitDebugLvl (int level=0) |
Sets Fitter debug level. More... | |
void | setFitMaxIterations (int n=4) |
Sets Max fit iterations before failing. More... | |
void | setFitMinIterations (int n=1) |
Sets Min fit iterations before converging. More... | |
void | setSmearMcPrimaryVertex (bool pvs=true) |
Enables smearing of the MC Primary Vertex according to sigmaXY,Z. More... | |
![]() | |
StMaker (const char *name="", const char *dummy=0) | |
Constructor & Destructor. | |
virtual Int_t | IsChain () const |
virtual void | Clear (Option_t *option="") |
User defined functions. | |
virtual Int_t | InitRun (Int_t runumber) |
virtual void | StartMaker () |
virtual Int_t | IMake (Int_t number) |
virtual void | EndMaker (Int_t ierr) |
virtual Int_t | FinishRun (Int_t oldrunumber) |
virtual void | FatalErr (Int_t Ierr, const char *Com) |
virtual void | PrintInfo () |
virtual void | NotifyMe (const char *, const void *) |
virtual void | AddMaker (StMaker *mk) |
virtual void | MakeDoc (const TString &, const TString &, Bool_t) |
virtual void | AddData (TDataSet *data, const char *dir=".data") |
User methods. | |
virtual TDataSet * | AddObj (TObject *obj, const char *dir, int owner=1) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *dat) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteBoard (const char *name, void *dat, void *del) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteBoard (const char *name, TObject *dat, Int_t owner) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteConst (const char *name, TObject *dat) |
virtual TDataSet * | ToWhiteConst (const char *name, void *dat) |
virtual TDataSet * | WhiteBoard (const char *name, void *v=0) const |
virtual Int_t | Skip (Int_t nskip) |
virtual void | AddConst (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual void | AddHist (TH1 *h, const char *dir=0) |
virtual void | AddGarb (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual void | AddRunco (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual void | AddRunco (Double_t par, const char *name, const char *comment) |
void | AddRunCont (TDataSet *data=0) |
virtual TList * | GetHistList () const |
virtual TH1 * | GetHist (const char *histName) const |
virtual StMaker * | cd () |
virtual StMaker * | Cd () |
virtual Int_t | GetNumber () const |
STAR methods. | |
virtual void | SetNumber (Int_t number) |
virtual StMaker * | GetParentChain () const |
virtual Int_t | GetIventNumber () const |
Returns the current event number. | |
virtual void | SetIventNumber (Int_t iv) |
virtual Int_t | GetEventNumber () const |
virtual Int_t | GetRunNumber () const |
Returns the current RunNumber. | |
virtual const TDatime & | GetDateTime () const |
virtual const TDatime & | GetDBTime () const |
virtual void | SetDateTime (Int_t idat, Int_t itim) |
virtual StEvtHddr * | GetEvtHddr () const |
virtual Int_t | GetDate () const |
virtual Int_t | GetTime () const |
virtual const char * | GetEventType () const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetData (const char *name, const char *dir=".data") const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetData () const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetConst () const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetDataSet (const char *logInput) const |
virtual TDataSet * | DataSet (const char *logInput) const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetInputDS (const char *logInput) const |
virtual TDataSet * | GetDataBase (const char *logInput, const TDatime *td=0) |
virtual TDataSet * | GetInputDB (const char *logInput) |
virtual Int_t | GetDebug () const |
virtual Int_t | Debug () const |
virtual Int_t | GetMakeReturn () const |
virtual TList * | Histograms () const |
virtual TString | GetAlias (const char *log, const char *dir=".aliases") const |
virtual TString | GetInput (const char *log) const |
virtual TString | GetOutput (const char *log) const |
virtual TList * | GetMakeList () const |
virtual StMaker * | GetParentMaker () const |
virtual StMaker * | GetMaker (const char *mkname) |
virtual StMaker * | GetMakerInheritsFrom (const char *mktype) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsActive () |
virtual StMaker * | Maker (const char *mkname) |
virtual void | SetBIT (EMakerStatus k) |
Maker Status Bits. | |
virtual void | ResetBIT (EMakerStatus k) |
virtual Bool_t | TestBIT (EMakerStatus k) |
virtual void | SetActive (Bool_t k=kTRUE) |
Setters for flags and switches. | |
virtual void | SetDebug (Int_t l=1) |
virtual void | SetDEBUG (Int_t l=1) |
virtual void | SetFlavor (const char *flav, const char *tabname) |
virtual void | SetMakeReturn (Int_t ret) |
virtual void | SetAlias (const char *log, const char *act, const char *dir=".aliases") |
virtual void | AddAlias (const char *log, const char *act, const char *dir=".aliases") |
virtual void | SetInput (const char *log, const char *act) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const char *log, const char *act) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const char *log, TDataSet *ds) |
virtual void | SetOutput (TDataSet *ds) |
virtual void | SetOutputAll (TDataSet *ds, Int_t level=1) |
virtual void | SetMode (Int_t mode=0) |
virtual void | SetNotify (const char *about, StMaker *mk) |
virtual Int_t | GetMode () |
virtual Int_t | GetDebug () |
virtual const StChainOpt * | GetChainOpt () const |
virtual TFile * | GetTFile () const |
virtual void | NotifyEm (const char *about, const void *ptr) |
virtual Double_t | RealTime () |
virtual Double_t | CpuTime () |
virtual void | StartTimer (Bool_t reset=kFALSE) |
virtual void | StopTimer () |
virtual void | PrintTimer (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | PrintTotalTime () |
virtual const char * | GetName () const |
special overload | |
TObject * | GetDirObj (const char *dir) const |
void | SetDirObj (TObject *obj, const char *dir) |
virtual const char * | GetCVS () const |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, const char *val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, Int_t val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, UInt_t val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const char *key, Double_t val, const char *to=".") |
Int_t | SetAttr (const StMaker *mk) |
Int_t | RemAttr (const char *key, const char *to=".") |
const TAttr * | GetAttr () const |
Int_t | IAttr (const char *key) const |
UInt_t | UAttr (const char *key) const |
Double_t | DAttr (const char *key) const |
const char * | SAttr (const char *key) const |
void | PrintAttr () const |
![]() | |
TDataSet (const char *name="", TDataSet *parent=0, Bool_t arrayFlag=kFALSE) | |
TDataSet (const TDataSet &src, EDataSetPass iopt=kAll) | |
TDataSet (TNode &src) | |
This copy ctor has been depricated (left for thwe sake of the backweard compatibility) | |
virtual | ~TDataSet () |
std::cout << "Default destructor for " << GetName() << " - " << GetTitle() << std::endl; | |
virtual void | Add (TDataSet *dataset) |
virtual void | AddAt (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0) |
virtual void | AddAtAndExpand (TDataSet *dataset, Int_t idx=0) |
virtual void | AddFirst (TDataSet *dataset) |
Add TDataSet object at the beginning of the dataset list of this dataset. | |
virtual void | AddLast (TDataSet *dataset) |
Add TDataSet object at the end of the dataset list of this dataset. | |
TDataSet * | At (Int_t idx) const |
virtual void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
Browse this dataset (called by TBrowser). | |
virtual TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const |
the custom implementation fo the TObject::Clone | |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *opt="") |
virtual TDataSet * | Find (const char *path) const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByName (const char *name, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByPath (const char *path) const |
Aliase for TDataSet::Find(const Char_t *path) method. | |
virtual TDataSet * | FindByTitle (const char *title, const char *path="", Option_t *opt="") const |
TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *o) const |
virtual TDataSet * | First () const |
Return the first object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty. | |
TObjArray * | GetObjArray () const |
virtual TSeqCollection * | GetCollection () const |
TList * | GetList () const |
virtual Int_t | GetListSize () const |
TObject * | GetMother () const |
virtual TObject * | GetObject () const |
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility) | |
virtual TDataSet * | GetParent () const |
virtual Long_t | HasData () const |
virtual TDataSet * | Instance () const |
virtual TString | Path () const |
return the full path of this data set | |
virtual EDataSetPass | Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *), Int_t depth=0) |
virtual EDataSetPass | Pass (EDataSetPass(*callback)(TDataSet *, void *), void *user, Int_t depth=0) |
virtual void | PrintContents (Option_t *opt="") const |
virtual Int_t | Purge (Option_t *opt="") |
virtual void | Remove (TDataSet *set) |
Remiove the "set" from this TDataSet. | |
virtual TDataSet * | RemoveAt (Int_t idx) |
virtual void | SetMother (TDataSet *parent=0) |
virtual void | SetObject (TObject *obj) |
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility) | |
virtual void | SetParent (TDataSet *parent=0) |
virtual void | SetWrite () |
virtual void | Shunt (TDataSet *newParent=0) |
virtual void | Sort () |
Sort recursively all members of the TDataSet with TList::Sort method. | |
virtual Bool_t | IsEmpty () const |
return kTRUE if the "internal" collection has no member | |
virtual Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsMarked () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsThisDir (const char *dirname, int len=-1, int ignorecase=0) const |
virtual TDataSet * | Last () const |
Return the last object in the list. Returns 0 when list is empty. | |
virtual void | ls (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | ls (Int_t depth) const |
void | Mark () |
void | UnMark () |
void | MarkAll () |
Mark all members of this dataset. | |
void | UnMarkAll () |
UnMark all members of this dataset. | |
void | InvertAllMarks () |
Invert mark bit for all members of this dataset. | |
void | Mark (UInt_t flag, EBitOpt reset=kSet) |
virtual TDataSet * | Next () const |
virtual TDataSet * | Prev () const |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | Update (TDataSet *set, UInt_t opt=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
Public Attributes | |
vector< StFwdTrack * > | mFwdTracks |
![]() | |
enum StMaker:: { ... } | EModule_return_Status |
Protected Types | |
typedef std::vector < KiTrack::IHit * > | Seed_t |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | ProcessFwdTracks () |
void | FillEvent () |
void | FillTrackDeltas () |
StFwdTrack * | makeStFwdTrack (GenfitTrackResult >r, size_t indexTrack) |
size_t | loadMcTracks (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap) |
void | loadFcs () |
void | loadFttHits (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap, std::map< int, std::vector< KiTrack::IHit * >> &hitMap, int count=0) |
void | loadFttHitsFromStEvent (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap, std::map< int, std::vector< KiTrack::IHit * >> &hitMap, int count=0) |
void | loadFttHitsFromGEANT (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap, std::map< int, std::vector< KiTrack::IHit * >> &hitMap, int count=0) |
void | loadFstHits (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap, std::map< int, std::vector< KiTrack::IHit * >> &hitMap, int count=0) |
void | loadFstHitsFromGEANT (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap, std::map< int, std::vector< KiTrack::IHit * >> &hitMap, int count=0) |
void | loadFstHitsFromStEvent (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< McTrack >> &mcTrackMap, std::map< int, std::vector< KiTrack::IHit * >> &hitMap, int count=0) |
void | FillTTree () |
void | FitVertex () |
![]() | |
StMessMgr * | GetLogger () const |
virtual TDataSet * | FindDataSet (const char *logInput, const StMaker *uppMk=0, const StMaker *dowMk=0) const |
![]() | |
virtual void | SetMother (TObject *mother) |
TDataSet (const char *name, const char *title) | |
void | AddMain (TDataSet *set) |
add data set to main data set | |
TDataSet * | GetRealParent () |
return real parent | |
void | MakeCollection () |
Create the internal container at once if any. | |
Protected Attributes | |
size_t | eventIndex = 0 |
bool | mGenHistograms = false |
bool | mGenTree = false |
std::string | mConfigFile |
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > | mHistograms |
TFile * | mTreeFile = nullptr |
TTree * | mTree = nullptr |
FwdTreeData | mTreeData |
bool | mVisualize = false |
vector< TVector3 > | mFttHits |
vector< TVector3 > | mFstHits |
vector< TVector3 > | mFcsClusters |
vector< float > | mFcsClusterEnergy |
vector< TVector3 > | mFcsPreHits |
std::vector < genfit::GFRaveVertex * > | mRaveVertices |
std::shared_ptr< SiRasterizer > | mSiRasterizer |
FwdTrackerConfig | mFwdConfig |
std::shared_ptr< ForwardTracker > | mForwardTracker |
std::shared_ptr< FwdDataSource > | mForwardData |
std::string | defaultConfig |
bool | configLoaded = false |
![]() | |
TDataSet * | m_DataSet |
TDataSet * | m_ConstSet |
TDataSet * | m_GarbSet |
TDataSet * | m_Inputs |
TDataSet * | m_Ouputs |
list of logInput:ActualInput | |
TDataSet * | m_Runco |
list of logOuput:ActualOuput | |
TList * | m_Histograms |
Run Control parameters. | |
Int_t | fTallyMaker [kStFatal+1] |
counters | |
Int_t | m_Mode |
counters | |
Int_t | m_Number |
Integer mode of maker. | |
Int_t | m_LastRun |
Serial event number. | |
Int_t | m_DebugLevel |
Last Run number. | |
Int_t | m_MakeReturn |
Debug level. | |
TStopwatch | m_Timer |
Make() return flag. | |
StMemStat * | fMemStatMake |
Timer object. | |
StMemStat * | fMemStatClear |
StMemStat for Make. | |
Int_t | fStatus |
StMemStat for Clear. | |
StMessMgr * | fLogger |
Maker status. | |
StTurnLogger * | fLoggerHold |
![]() | |
TDataSet * | fParent |
TSeqCollection * | fList |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static std::string | defaultConfigIdealSim |
static std::string | defaultConfigData |
![]() | |
static StMaker * | fgTopChain = 0 |
list of Histograms | |
static StMaker * | fgStChain = 0 |
pointer to top StChain | |
static StMaker * | fgFailedMaker = 0 |
current pointer to StChain | |
static StTestMaker * | fgTestMaker = 0 |
current pointer to failed maker | |
static Int_t | fgTallyMaker [kStFatal+1] = {0,0,0,0,0} |
![]() | |
static TDataSet * | fgMainSet = &mainSet |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static StMaker * | New (const char *classname, const char *name="", void *title=0) |
static StMaker * | GetTopChain () |
static StMaker * | GetChain () |
static StMaker * | GetFailedMaker () |
static StMaker * | GetMaker (const TDataSet *ds) |
Static functions. | |
static EDataSetPass | ClearDS (TDataSet *ds, void *user) |
static const char * | RetCodeAsString (Int_t kode) |
static Int_t | AliasDate (const char *alias) |
static Int_t | AliasTime (const char *alias) |
static const char * | AliasGeometry (const char *alias) |
static const DbAlias_t * | GetDbAliases () |
static void | SetTestMaker (StTestMaker *mk) |
static Int_t | Cleanup (TDataSet *&ds) |
static void | lsMakers (const StMaker *top) |
![]() | |
static TDataSet * | GetMainSet () |
return pointer to the main dataset | |
static TDataSet * | instance () |
![]() | |
static EDataSetPass | SortIt (TDataSet *ds) |
static EDataSetPass | SortIt (TDataSet *ds, void *user) |
Definition at line 102 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
virtual |
Terminate a run. Place to make operations on histograms, normalization,etc.
Reimplemented from StMaker.
Definition at line 237 of file StFwdTrackMaker.cxx.
References FwdTrackerConfig::get(), and kStOk.
virtual |
Instantiate and cache the geometry
Reimplemented from StMaker.
Definition at line 286 of file StFwdTrackMaker.cxx.
References FwdTrackerConfig::childrenOf(), FwdTrackerConfig::get(), and kStOK.
virtual |
The Make() method is the one responsible for calling the maker's InitRun(). Note that that InitRun() is called for real data and if both of the following are true
This is the ONLY place calling the InitRun() routine.
check privilege to skip event
Reimplemented from StMaker.
Definition at line 1089 of file StFwdTrackMaker.cxx.
References FwdTrackerConfig::get(), StMaker::GetIventNumber(), kStOK, kStOk, and kStWarn.
inline |
Setup the StFwdTrackMaker for running on Data Load the default configuration for IDEAL simulation. This runs with MC track finding and MC-seeded track fitting.
Definition at line 208 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
inline |
Set B-field to constant (even outside of TPC)
constB | : if true, use const 0.5T B field |
Definition at line 320 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Sets Fitter debug level.
level | : 0 = no output, higher numbers are more verbose |
Definition at line 341 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Sets Max fit iterations before failing.
n | : num iterations |
Definition at line 345 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Sets Min fit iterations before converging.
n | : num iterations |
Definition at line 349 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the resolution in phi for rasterizing FST hits (from fast sim) Only used when the Rasterizer is enabled, which results from reading FST hits from GEANT.
phi | : resolution in phi (rad) |
Definition at line 247 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the resolution in R for rasterizing FST hits (from fast sim) Only used when the Rasterizer is enabled, which results from reading FST hits from GEANT.
r | : resolution in r (cm) |
Definition at line 242 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the data source for FTT hits.
source | : {DATA, GEANT}, DATA means read from StEvent, GEANT means read directly from the GEANT hits |
Definition at line 232 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
Referenced by setConfigForRealisticSim().
inline |
Include or exclude the Primary Vertex in fit.
pvf | : if true, use PRimary Vertex in fit |
Definition at line 312 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Sets the maximum number of hits that can be considered failed before the entire track fit fails.
n | : number of failed hits allowed, -1 = no limit |
Definition at line 337 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the filename for output ROOT file.
fn | : filename of output ROOT file |
Definition at line 227 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the connector distance for track finding.
d | : distance between planes (1 = adjacent) |
Definition at line 269 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Enable or disable the SubsetNN.
n | : minimum number of hits on a track seed. Seeds with fewer hits are discarded |
Definition at line 278 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the number of track finding iterations.
n | : number of iterations to run |
Definition at line 261 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set the number of phi slices to split the track iterations into.
n | : number of slices of equal size (2pi)/n |
Definition at line 265 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Enable or disable the HitRemover.
use | : if true, enables the hit remover which removes any hits from the hitmap that were used in a track if false, hits are not removed after each iteration |
Definition at line 283 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Enable or disable the SubsetNN.
use | : if true, enables the subsetNN which find the most compatible set of tracks without shared hits if false, all tracks are reported regardless of shared hits |
Definition at line 274 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Use Fst hits in the Seed Finding.
Definition at line 257 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Use Ftt hits in the Seed Finding.
Definition at line 253 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Enables smearing of the MC Primary Vertex according to sigmaXY,Z.
pvs | : if true, smear vertex |
Definition at line 354 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Sets the tracking to refit This adds compatible hits from whichever detector was NOT used in seed finding if FTT seeding -> project to and add FST hits if FST seeding -> project to and add FTT hits.
refit | : true, perform refit, false do not |
Definition at line 332 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Enable or disable the Fst Rasterizer.
use | : if true, load FST hits from GEANT and raster them according to r, phi resolutions. |
Definition at line 237 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Force the use of McSeed for fit.
mcSeed | : if true, use mc momentum as the seed for the track fitter |
Definition at line 324 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Enable or disable the Truth Seed finding.
use | : if true, use Mc info to group hits into track seeds if false, seed finding uses options as in the case for data |
Definition at line 288 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
inline |
Set B-field to zero (for zero field running)
zeroB | : if true, use Zero B field |
Definition at line 316 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.
References FwdTrackerConfig::set().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 187 of file StFwdTrackMaker.h.