genevb's blog - RT Ticket 2437 - November 8., 2012
- SpaceCharge decay rate - November 5., 2012
- Current status of StSpaceChargeDistMaker - October 24., 2012
- Distortions in pp510 present and future - October 5., 2012
- TPC charge distribution fit to power law - September 20., 2012
- First attempt at using BBC for UU SC&GL - September 6., 2012
- Diffraction 2012 Workshop STAR Overview Talk - September 4., 2012
- Run 12 issue with ZDC scalers during UU193 - August 28., 2012
- Run 11 AuAu200 BeamLine vs. luminosity - August 28., 2012
- Concerns for Run 12 pp510 SpaceCharge & GridLeak - August 21., 2012
- A look at residuals in Run 12 pp510 - August 21., 2012
- A look at recent sDCA vs. phi - August 16., 2012
- Run 12 pp510 Beamline 3D vs. 2x2D - August 13., 2012
- Run 12 pp510 SpaceCharge & GridLeak status - August 1., 2012
- New DB table for TPC GridLeak variation by sector - July 23., 2012
- Run 12 UU BeamLine vs. luminosity - July 19., 2012
- Effects of TPC SC & GL distortions on vertexing - June 8., 2012
- Calibrating SC & GL with updated Calib_SC_GL.C - May 31., 2012
- Alternative SpaceCharge calibration - May 25., 2012
- Alternative GridLeak calibration - May 18., 2012
- A more realistic geometry for PredictSpaceChargeDistortion - April 26., 2012
- HLT Beamline convergence study - March 13., 2012
- Sti Track Permutations - March 2., 2012
- BeamLine for Run 12 pp200 from TPC Twist - February 17., 2012
- Present dE/dx calib in DEV vs. SL11d - November 14., 2011