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Compare conversion and chi^2 methods for extracting yields

Abstract:  We compare yields extracted using the EEmc Gammas via conversion method, systematics II with estimates based on a chi^2/ndf analysis of the SMD response. 

Gamma tree production

Reproduce gamma trees for comparison between gamma yields from data and from pythia.

0.0 Code tree and output location

Codes reside at
Trees reside at

Weight of SSD componants (from survey)

From measurement made by Stephane Bouvier :

Measurement of componants (independantly)

Revised pythia estimates

Abstract: I have Comparison with Cross Sections (Pythia estimates, prompt photon yields) shown projections for single photon yields in the pp2006 data which were flawed.  They overestimated the luminosity for a fixed sample size by a factor of ~3.  The problem was due to misinterpreting the definition of "tried" and "accepted" events in pythia 8.1.  New projections are presented for a cross check with yields extracted from data.

Yield estimates based on single-particle MC sample, and comparison w/ pythia.

Abstract:  Based on EEmc Gammas via conversion method, retool from previous attempt at extracting yields, we generate a new MC sample.
Event sample:

SMD Band Structure - Tower Energy Correlation

To examine whether or not the appearance of band structure in the SMD response was correlated to the response of the towers overlapping with a given SMD strip, I filled a histogram of BSMDE strip i

EEmc Gammas via conversion method, retool

A few notes on previous studies.

1.0 Definition of D=log(Epost/Esmd) leads to "underflow" events when Epost=0.


High pT phi meson reconstruction

List of systematic studies for gammas

This blog entry will be used to collect ideas which I happen to think of for systematic studies for gammas.

Weight of SSD componants

for each element :

description  NAME

/path    [Weight]