Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
Run 15 Spin QA Update 3
An update on run 15 spin qa after doing the pAu and pAl periods
List of fills that had runs taken out, with run numbers
Plots for the GPC - July 14, 2015
We have removed from the draft the figure showing the correction factor (former figure 1 of draft v4.3)
Jet Finding
-Jet algorithms
-Trigger Bias studies (can be links to specific analysis)
Relevant Links
Jet Trees
This page should give
-documentation of branches
-example code (MC/Data)
Notes on JETPHOX
Some notes about JETPHOX. When the questions arose during Hal's talk on direct gamma
my mike was broken.
Dave Underwood
EEMC Pi0 2006+2009 & New Reconstruction Method
Updated on Tue, 2011-11-15 16:13 by sgliske. Originally created by rfatemi on 2011-10-30 19:06.Incluses summary of efforts at ANL regarding pi0 analysis with the endcap and a descritption of the new ANL EEMC reconstruction algorithm.
Speaker : Stephen Gliske
Talk time : 13:30, Duration : 00:30
Very Forward Proposal and THICK GEM Status
Two files: Very Forward Proposal and THICK GEM Status
EEMC related MuDst/jet/skim/gamma trees location
Main directory for Ilya's private directory files at RCF IUCF disk:
2009 Endcap geometry update (ecalgeo6.g)
2009/2010 GEANT geometry file update summary (ecalgeo v6.0):
Scheduler xml template file examples
Official scheduler documentation
Schedule template file examples:
L2Egamma trigger emulator howto
Running Run 6 L2 gamma trigger emulator
TObjArray* HList=new TObjArray;
Run 6 and Run 9 bfc chain examples
Run 9 bfc options with EEMC slow and fast simulators (EEfs EEss):
Run 6 Dijet Double Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry (Tai Sakuma)
Dijet Double Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry ALL in Proton-proton collisions at √s = 200 GeV
Tai Sakuma
Run 6 Dijet Cross Section (Tai Sakuma)
Dijet Cross Sections in Proton-proton collisions at √s = 200 GeV
Tai Sakuma