Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
StEemcGammaFilter (Pythia level EEMC gamma filter)
StEemcGammaFilter is the Pythia level EEMC gamma filter.
StGammaJetMaker (read jet, skim, and EemcDst trees and generate gamma-jet tree)
StGammaJetMaker read jet, skim, and EemcDst trees and select/write gamma-jet tree.<
StGammaJetEvent (simple container for the gamma-jet events)
StGammaJetEvent - container for the gamma-jet candidate events
StGammaJetDraw (applying analsyis cutsand generate histograms)
StGammaJetDraw - applying analsyis cuts
StGammaJetAnaEvent (event container which stores the gamma-jet sided residual info)
StGammaJetAnaEvent is an event container which stores the information
StGammaJetAna (maker which does the shower shape analysis)
StGammaJetAna is the main maker which actually do the shower shape analysis.
StEemcGammaFilterMaker (BFC level Endcap gamma filter)
StEemcGammaFilterMaker big full chain (BFC) Endcap gamma filter
StEemcDstMaker (Emc dst event container - similar to the gamma maker code structure)
StEemcDstMaker is Eemc dst event container (similar to the gamma maker code structur
Documentation for the photon-jet reconstruction code
Documentation for the photon-jet reconstruction code (Ilya Selyuzhenkov)
StEemcGammaFilter maker is the Pythia level EEMC gamma filter
2010.09.10 Data to MC comparison with official EEMC gamma filtered production
Related posts
Event selection
- Official EEMC gamma
2010.09.08 First look at the official EEMC gamma filtered production
Related posts
- Tune comparison with private Monte-Carlo (Tune A vs. Perugia0 vs.
09 Sep
September 2010 posts
2010.08.10 Timestamps study for the simulation request
Summary for the gamma filtered simulation request
Generate Monte-Carlo events for