Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
E_T Thresholds for Run 12 and 13
pT threshold during runs 12 and 13 was increasing as a function of time, because of radiation damage. For example, see
Run 12 and 13 Integrated Luminosity Totals
see attached files below for runs 12 and 13 pp500
data from Jamie's luminosity tracker:
Run 12 Transverse pp200 Relative Luminosity Ideas
These are notes from my log book:
bit mapping
Run-11 Transverse Jets: Digging Deeper into TOF-dE/dx Comparisons (Part II)
Carl points out one potential issue with the TOF fits. In regions where the kaon and proton peaks are best constrained, the statistics are low enough that the Gaussian assumption is invalid.
A_LL Systematics from Transverse Component of Polarization
The transverse component of the polarization during a longitudinal data-taking period can bias the measured double-spin asymmetry by a transverse double-spin asymmetry, weighted by the transverse comp
A_LL Background Asymmetry
General idea: fit side-band regions to gain an idea of the shape of the background under the pion signal.
A_LL Polarimetry LUT
PART TWO IS LINKED HERE -- Includes error propagation and luminosity-weighted averaging
Run-11 Transverse Jets: Digging Deeper into TOF-dE/dx Comparisons
There is a striking discrepancy between the signal fractions derived from TOF and those derived from dE/dx. Here, I investigate a bit deeper, targeting the first z-bin.
FMS+RP analysis update
We now have a way of producing "OFiles" from MuDSTs, which contain a tree of FMS clusters, hits, and photons, compatible with the PSU root12fms framework, just before the stage where pi
Run-11 Transverse Jets: Updated TOF PID Proposal
The last remaining obstacle for the low-pT results is to fold in TOF information to the PID estimates.
A_LL PAPER STATUS LOG--------------------------------------------------------------
23 September 2016 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------