Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
2010.01.12 W test sample QA
All plost from second (with vertex distribution) test W-sample from Lidia/Jason.
generated files are from /star/rcf/test/Wprod_test2/
2010.01.04 y2006 vs y2009 EEMC pre-shower migration
Monte-Carlo setup:
- Throwing one photon per event
- Full STAR y2006h/y2009a
01 Jan
January 2010 posts
Year 2010 posts
2009.12.20 Ecalgeo-v6.2: embedded LOW_EM cuts after TPC/EEMC overlap fix
Monte-Carlo setup:
- Throwing one photon per event
- Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC-v6.2 and BEMC with LOW_EM cuts, rest of geometry from CVS)
- Throw part
2009.12.17 Ecalgeo-v6.2: embedded LOW_EM cuts in the calorimeter geometry
Monte-Carlo setup:
- Throwing one photon per event
- Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC-v6.2 and BEMC with LOW_EM cuts, rest of geometry from CVS)
Photon-jet simulation request
Simulation needs with y2006/y2009 geometry
specific to the photon-jet analysis
* Update version of the previous simulation
request from December 18, 2008 (see Ref. [1])
12 Dec
December 2009 posts
2009.10.13 Jason EEMC geometry: position correlations
Effect of added layers in Jason geometry file (ecalgeo.g23)
Monte-Carlo setup:
2009.10.12 Jason EEMC geometry: effects of adding layers
Effect of added layers in Jason geometry file (ecalgeo.g23)
Monte-Carlo setup:
2009.10.05 Fix to the Jason geometry file
Why volume numbers has changed in Jason geometry file?
The number of nested volumes (nv),
2009.10.02 Jason vs. CVS EEMC geometry: sampling fraction and shower shapes
Tests with Jason geometry file (ecalgeo.g23)
Monte-Carlo setup:
10 Oct
October 2009 posts
Concerning the High Mass Tail on the Pion Peak
At the PWG meeting a few weeks ago, people expressed concerns about the high-mass tail from the pion peak that, for higher PT bins, is underestimated by the pion peak simulation.